
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
145 Chs

The Emperor's Fall

[Future Island, Egghead – New World]

Inside the control room…

"Shaka! There is a big problem, the guy from Ashen's crew that was targeting the Straw Hat ship defeat the crewmember that was guarding it!!" Pythagoras stated in urgency.

"What?!!" Everyone looked in complete shock specially the Straw Hat.

"Zoro lost?!...Don't be ridiculous he's not that weak!!" Sanji's cigar fell from his mouth when he heard that, he couldn't believe that Zoro was defeated.

"What kind of monsters he fought to get defeated like that?!" Usopp exclaimed in disbelief.


"We should hurry up! That guy is in the ship, we don't know what he might try to do!"

At the same time, Vegapunk was abducted and imprisoned deep within the Labophase along with the other Cipher Pol agents who had disappeared after their visits to Egghead.

Sanji, Robin, Nami and Usopp immediately left after that followed by Shaka, Pythagoras also went looking for the missing Stella by Shaka's orders before he was approached by S-Shark from behind and an explosion went off in the laboratory, detaching his head from his body.

It was York who gave him new orders to kill everyone else except her, Stella, and the captured Cipher Pol agents.

After Yamato, Enel and Ian defeated the Seraphim they joined hands with Urouge and Yamamoto and knocked out Jinbe and Chopper, taking Booney from them. Diana also defeated Sentomaru ending the conflict with a bullet in his head while Moria and Amber took down Kaku and Stussy after a hard-fought battle.

All those who were defeated were ended up being beaten to death by Ian, except for chopper when Yamato stopped him from killing him for being too cute and innocent. Ian was known amongst the crew for being the most brutal and bloodthirsty, and also as someone who thinks with his mind and not his emotions, Ian he didn't want to take the chances for the enemy regaining consciousness later on, Enel and Moria also agreed with him on that.

An inevitable clash between them and Sanji and the rest of the Straw Hats was going to happen later on…a battle between the emperors left hands.

"Ashen said we should find someone by the name of York" Moria informed everyone while they were walking inside a Lab building.

"…and we should also steal any research documents or anything valuable we find in this place, but before we do that there are still some troublesome individuals that we need to take care of" Enel responded while using his Observation Haki to locate the position of the rest of the Straw Hats, before they finally found them.

The Straw Hats who were escorted by Lilith immediately noticed their presence.

"That's!!..." Nami was shocked at Urouge carrying the unconscious body of Booney "Don't tell me…Jinbe and Chopper…"

"Don't be ridiculous Nami, there is no way Jinbe would lose as well! Don't you know how strong he is?!" Usopp said, cold sweat was dripping from Robin's forehead, she was already grasping how dangerous the situation they were in.

"Hoi, hoi, who the hell are these guys?!...What happened to Jimbe and Chopper?!" Sanji asked in anger as his forehead veins bulged.

"The fish-man is dead, you can still see pieces of his brain stuck in my bat" Ian responded with a smirk as he showed the Straw Hats his metal bat. Their reactions were that of horror, they couldn't believe what they just heard.

"…And you guys have two choices, you either surrender and be good…or I'll blow your brains away" Diana declared with a menacing tone of voice.

"I won't forgive you!!--" Sanji shouted in anger as he jumped at them, but before he could clash with anyone, Diana suddenly disappeared using Soru and reappeared besides Nami with her rifle aimed at her head.

When Robin and Usopp saw that they reacted by trying to attack Diana but Enel who was using future vision, saw that 10 seconds ago and he quickly stopped them.

"I told you, you be good, or I'll blow your brain away…" Diana said as she pulled the trigger.

*CLICK*-*GUN-SHOT* Blood splashed everywhere as Nami's lifeless body collapsed on the floor.

At the same time, once Calvin found the Straw Hats Road Poneglyphs, he immediately left the ship and went to the unconscious Zoro and tried end his life, but no before Brook showed up again and attacked him.

"I won't let you hurt Zoro-san or take our Poneglyphs!!" Brook said to Calvin while pointing his sword at him.

"The skeleton guy again…I don't have time to waste with weaklings" Calvin said as he lunged at Brook and punched him down after infusing his fist with Advanced Armament and Conqueror's Haki, smashing his bones and knocking him out immediately before he dragged him and threw him into the sea "I don't know if you can breathe underwater, but doubt you could swim with that kind of body…"

Calvin turned back and went to Zoro, and using a clean Haki-Coated Shigan bullet, he put a hole on Zoro's head, ending his life on the spot.

"You guys might have had a bright future if you didn't run into us…blame your luck for this…Puff…" Calvin said, blowing smoke from his mouth before he leaped in the air and sent a massive Haki-Coated wind slash using Rankyaku, effectively cutting 'The Thousand Sunny' in half and causing it to drown after that.



The battle between two Emperors of the Sea was still going on, while it seemed that the two of them were close in power at first, but as the fight continued the huge gap between Ashen and Luffy was very clear.

While it certainly wasn't one sided, but the newly crowned emperor wasn't an equal match for Ashen who reigned supreme in the New World for decades, overpowering the likes of Shanks and Mihawk.

Ashen was better than Luffy in everything except Devil Fruit Powers. Ashen's mastery over Conqueror's Haki is leagues above Luffy's, he can use advanced techniques like <Observation Killing> to hide his presence and preventing Luffy from seeing the future, he can combine Observation Haki and Conqueror's Haki to send attacks from a long range to a specific position as well.

His Observation Haki is also way above him, being able to see 20 seconds in the future combined with his high speed he can dodge almost all of Luffy's attacks.

The only person who can truly match Ashen in terms of Haki is none other than Red-Haired Shanks.

"Huff…Huff…damn it! He's so fast and keeps dodging my attacks easily!" Luffy exclaimed while panting heavily, he still hasn't mastered his awakened form, so it was taking a toll on his stamina and the injuries he suffered from the battle didn't make it much better.

But his attitude didn't change, his smile didn't fade, and he was still having so much fun fighting.

Ashen was also a little injured but nothing serious, he himself didn't not expect to come out unscathed from a battle against an emperor and not anyone, the Joy Boy himself.

"Gomu Gomu no…Giant!!" Luffy was flying and bouncing against the ground in a comedic way before he expanded himself to the size of a literal giant.

"A-hahaha!!" Luffy came slamming down his giant-sized feet at Ashen while using Ryou and Conqueror's Coating.

"Celestial Flames…Celestial Punch!!" Ashen responded by turning his left fist into a giant size flame fist, infusing it with Ryou and Conqueror's Haki and then punched back Luffy's leg.

*Lighting*-*Lighting* Lighting bolts of the Conqueror's Haki surged from between them as the two kept pushing each other back until their clash ended in stalemate before Luffy while mid-air punched his fist into the floor near Ashen, and a nearby section of the floor stretched into a tendril and struck him.

"Gomu Gomu no…Mole Pistol!!"

Ashen was using his future vision, so that attack wasn't even threat to him. He easily dodged it before he dashed at Luffy while using Observation Killing, taking him by surprised and then slashing him at the chest.

"Celestial Cleave!!"

"COUGH!!-ARGHHH!!..." Luffy coughed blood while taking that attack, as Ashen used Ryou Haki to cause internal damaged. Luffy was sent flying towards a while but instead of crashing into it, he turned it into rubber and then propelled himself Ashen using it.

"It's useless…you're not strong enough to defeat me, I'm not Kaido to play around with you!..." Ashen said to Luffy as he dodged his punch before he kicked him away, and then he absorbed the solar energy, storing it inside his body before shooting it as a beam of searing heat.

"You might be the Joy Boy, your fate might have been for you to become something great in the future, even greater than mere Pirate King, but…that all changed the moment I stepped foot in this world, you and your god like power…I will send to meet your beloved brother!"

"I don't know what you're talking about Flamey!" Luffy exclaimed as he slowly got on his feet, but Ashen surprised him again with another sword slash.

Luffy crossed his arms defending against it and then counter attacked, but Ashen already foresaw that using future vision and knew exactly how and when Luffy would block the attack and where he would land after that.

And with that, he immediately used Inferno Jet Steps and appeared behind Luffy, slashing his back with his swords and leaving a huge cut across his back.

Luffy collapsed on the ground after that, bleeding heavily. Ashen seized the chance to deal fatal blow, and thrusting his Haki-Coated sword at him.

"Sayanora!!" Ashen said to Luffy before his sword made its way into his heart.

[At Egghead in the New World…]

[The Three-Billion Berries Emperor, Straw Hat Luffy…]

[…And his Straw Hat Pirates…]

[…Were destroyed.]