
Chapter – 4 Fighting Bandits

With blindfolds securely covering his eyes, Ryuma effortlessly evaded the relentless rain of stones thrown by the monkeys, his body moving with unbelievable speed through the dense forest. A full year had passed since he embarked on his rigorous training in Observation Haki, and he had made remarkable progress, successfully mastering several aspects of Observation Haki which includes: presence sensing, strength sensing, intent sensing, and emotion sensing.

Throughout his journey, Ryuma deepened his understanding of Observation Haki. Presence sensing, he discovered, entailed the ability to listen keenly and discern the distinct "voice" or aura emitted by every living creature. Each being possessed a unique signature, akin to an individual "voice," which could be perceived through the power of Observation Haki.

Strength sensing operated in a similar fashion, wherein the intensity of a presence's "voice" correlated with its power. A stronger presence resonated with a more intense "voice," while a weaker presence emanated a lighter or less intense "voice." However, it was important to note that the intensity of the "voice" did not render the presence of a weak person difficult to sense. Rather, it solely conveyed the strength of their presence.

Emotion sensing and intent sensing diverged from the previous abilities, yet still relied on perceiving the unique "voice." With these advanced techniques, Ryuma not only listened to the "voice" of a presence but also acquired the capacity to comprehend and interpret that "voice." It was crucial not to confuse this "voice" with thoughts; Observation Haki did not grant the ability to read minds. Instead, it enabled individuals to "interpret" the "voice" and understand the emotions and intentions of others.

Having attained mastery of the fundamental level of Observation Haki, Ryuma shifted his focus to training his reaction speed to align with his heightened perception. For this purpose, he enlisted the assistance of numerous monkeys inhabiting the lush forests of the Dawn Islands. Convincing the monkeys to aid him was not overly challenging; a simple act of provocation followed by a display of controlled force without causing harm was sufficient to earn their cooperation in his training.

After an arduous half-hour of relentless dodging, the onslaught of stones from the monkeys finally ceased, their energy was depleted. Observing this respite, Ryuma came to a halt and, with a triumphant smile, removed the blindfold. In a jubilant murmur, he declared, "With this, the mastery over Basic Observation Haki has been achieved!"

Now that Ryuma has mastered the Observation Haki, it was time to fight some bandits and gain some real combat experience.

In the heart of a secluded forest, nestled deep within the rugged terrain of the mountains of Dawn Island, a dimly lit cave served as the hideout for a notorious bandit gang known as The Shadow Fangs. Led by the formidable figure of Malachi the Ruthless, their reign of terror was unmatched. Having successfully executed yet another audacious heist, the bandits reveled in their ill-gotten gains. The air was thick with jubilation as laughter and raucous merriment echoed through the cavernous space.

The hideout flickered with the glow of torches, casting dancing shadows upon the rugged stone walls. A long, rough-hewn wooden table groaned under the weight of stolen treasures, glittering jewels, and piles of gleaming gold. Bottles of pilfered wine were uncorked, their sweet aroma mingling with the scent of leather and sweat.

The Shadow Fangs, clad in a motley assortment of tattered garments and mismatched armor, celebrated their successful raid. Their faces, hardened by a life of crime, now wore broad grins and carefree expressions. Bawdy jokes and tales of daring escapades filled the air as tankards were raised high in cheerful toasts.

A boisterous troubadour, knowing better than to refuse an audience like this, strummed a lute in one corner, his melodic tunes punctuated by the clinking of tankards and the rhythmic stamping of feet. A couple of Shadow Fangs took to the center of the cavern, engaging in a lively dance, their steps agile and fluid despite the weight of their loot. Others cheered and clapped in rhythm, creating an impromptu chorus of revelry.

The cavern's walls seemed to absorb the energy and exuberance of The Shadow Fangs, the flickering torchlight casting an ethereal glow upon their faces. Stories of past heists and near escapes were shared, embellished with each telling, as the bandits reveled in their newfound camaraderie and the spoils of their endeavors.

Amidst the revelry, Malachi the Ruthless, a figure both feared and respected, rose to his feet atop a makeshift stage. The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards him; their attention commanded by his mere presence. With a voice that carried authority, he raised a chalice high above his head, a symbol of their shared triumphs.

"Tonight," he boomed, his voice echoing through the cavern, "we revel in the fruits of our labor! Let the spoils of our endeavors be a testament to the might of The Shadow Fangs and the reign of Malachi the Ruthless!" A thunderous cheer erupted, shaking the very foundation of the hideout.

The night wore on, filled with laughter, music, and the clinking of stolen treasures. The Shadow Fangs, under the watchful gaze of their indomitable leader, reveled in their temporary sanctuary, their hideout becoming a haven where they could momentarily escape the harsh realities of their chosen path.

Unbeknownst to the Shadow Fangs and Malachi the Ruthless, Ryuma lurked just beyond their sight, his presence masked by the shadows. Ryuma has set his sights on them for a very long time, and tonight he strikes. The flickering torchlight danced upon his determined face as he observed the bandits, his eyes gleaming with a thirst for combat and the desire for their ill-gotten treasure. Having sensed the strength of all the bandits using Observation Haki, Ryuma knew that he possessed the strength to fight them.

Ryuma, gripping his wooden spear tightly, watched as the bandits laughed and toasted to their ill-gotten gains. He smirked; his voice filled with anticipation, "Time for some real action. These bandits will make the perfect training ground, and their treasure will be a nice bonus."

The bandits caught up in their revelry, remained oblivious to Ryuma's presence. After noting the exact presence of all the bandits, he silently maneuvered through the shadows, taking out the bandits who were keeping watch, one by one. With each takedown, Ryuma's confidence grew, his movements becoming more fluid and precise.

As the bandits' laughter echoed through the hideout, Ryuma decided it was time to reveal himself. He stepped into the flickering torchlight, his eyes locking onto the bandit leader, "So, you call yourselves The Shadow Fangs?"

The bandits, caught off guard by the sudden intrusion, turned their attention toward the young boy standing defiantly before them.

Malachi the Ruthless narrowed his eyes, grinned with a mixture of arrogance and amusement, and questioned, "And who might you be little rat? Come to join our revelry, have you?"

Ryuma shook his head, as he spoke with a grin, "I've come to test my skills against worthy opponents and claim your treasure."

Malachi the Ruthless blinked for a moment, then laughed out loud, "Hra hra hra hra… You've got guts, kid. But you'll soon learn that The Shadow Fangs don't go down easily. Donovon, teach this boy a lesson."

One of the bandits, a burly brute with a sneer on his face, stepped forward, cracking his knuckles against the pair of sturdy metal guards he wore, Donovon, "Consider it done, boss. I'll teach that runt a lesson he won't forget."

The bandits around them chuckled, their confidence bolstered by the anticipated humiliation of their target. Meanwhile, Ryuma stood before them, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. He was eager to face this arrogant adversary and prove his worth.

Donovon, "Look at you, boy! Thinking you can challenge The Shadow Fangs? You're nothing but a weakling!"

Ryuma's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening around his wooden spear. He met the bandit's mocking gaze with a smirk of his own, "Let's see if you can hit as strong as you try to be,"

With that, the clash began. The bandit lunged forward, his metal-clad fists swinging at Ryuma with unbridled aggression. However, using his keen Observation of Haki Ryuma anticipated each blow, effortlessly dodging and countering with precise strikes of his own.

Donovon "What's the matter, kid? Can't keep up? Maybe you should just give up now!"

Ryuma's smirk widened as he deftly evaded another attack, swiftly maneuvering behind the bandit. With a swift sweep of his leg, he knocked his opponent off balance, causing the bandit to stumble and crash to the ground.

Ryuma, "Who said anything about giving up? I'm just getting started."

Donovon's face twisted with fury as he rose to his feet, a mix of embarrassment and anger burning in his eyes. He charged at Ryuma once again, this time with renewed vigor and a determination to salvage his wounded pride.

However, Ryuma's skill and precision proved too much for the bandit to handle. With each clash, he effortlessly dodged the bandit's wild swings, his wooden spear finding its mark with calculated accuracy. The laughter of the other bandits morphed into stunned silence as they witnessed their comrade being systematically humiliated.

Donovon, "Stop running around kid…!"

"Meh… you are too slow! Consider this a lesson in humility. Perhaps next time you won't underestimate your opponents," spoke Ryuma, and with one final strike, Ryuma disarmed the bandit, leaving him defenseless and sprawled on the ground.

Donovon's face reddened with humiliation, and his pride shattered, as he struggled to rise, Ryuma turned his attention to the other bandits, his gaze piercing through their arrogance, "So who's next?"

With Donovon defeated, the bandits were stunned to silence. Malachi understood that the runt cannot be underestimated. At the same time, he had another thought, 'If I can make this body submit, then my Shadow Fangs will become the strongest Bandit group on Dawn Island!'

With such a thought in his mind, Malachi ordered his other men, "Break his legs."

A few more men came out and started to attack Ryuma with their swords or spears or guns.

One of the bandits spoke, "Ha! Look at the kid, thinking he can take us on. You're in over your head, boy!"

Ryuma chuckled, "I may be young and inexperienced in this kind of fight, but I've faced beasts and honed my skills. You guys are just stepping stones for me!"

His speed became a blur as he skillfully dodged the bandits' sword slashes and bullets, using his Observation Haki at every turn. As the bandits tried to land a blow, their frustration grew evident, their attacks effortlessly evaded by the young boy who fought with the heart of a lion. Yet, amidst the chaos of battle, Ryuma's inexperience in combat against humans became apparent. A cut grazed his arm, a testament to the danger he faced.

Seeing the blood drip from his hand, Ryuma knew he has to get serious, and used the power of Moa Moa no Mi to further increase his speed and strength, at the same time, he increased the weight and mass of his wooden spear by fifteen times, its sharpness and hardness was increased by a factor of ten.

Now Ryuma was like a force of nature, with each strike, bandits fell, their bodies hitting the ground in defeat.

Amidst the chaos, Ryuma reveled in the thrill of combat. The clash of steel, the adrenaline pumping through his veins, and the satisfaction of overcoming each opponent fueled his desire for more, "Is that all you've got? I expected a greater challenge!"

The bandit leader Malachi, witnessing the carnage surrounding him, grew enraged. He lunged at Ryuma, his massive sword swinging through the air with bone-crushing force.

Ryuma's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and caution as he faced the enraged bandit leader. His grip tightened around his wooden spear, and his senses sharpened with the aid of Observation Haki, allowing him to predict the bandit leader's every move.

Malachi, "You dare to challenge me, you little brat? I'll make sure you pay for every life you've taken!"

The bandit leader lunged forward, his sword slashing through the air with lethal precision. Ryuma's reflexes kicked in, his body moving with the grace of a seasoned warrior, narrowly evading the deadly arc of the blade.

Ryuma, "I didn't come here to play games. I came for a fight, and you're the perfect opponent."

With a swift twirl of his wooden spear, Ryuma countered with a series of quick strikes, aiming to disarm Malachi. But the bandit leader, fueled by rage, parried each blow with a furious determination, his sword clashing with Ryuma's spear in a flurry of steel.

Malachi, "You'll regret ever setting foot in this hideout! I'll make sure you suffer for what you've done!"

The fight intensified as the combatants traded blows, their weapons creating a symphony of clashes that echoed through the hideout. Ryuma's senses were on high alert, his Observation Haki enabling him to dodge the bandit leader's strikes with calculated precision.

However, the bandit leader's sheer strength and skill put Ryuma's defenses to the test. A powerful strike landed against Ryuma's side, causing pain to shoot through his body. Undeterred, Ryuma gritted his teeth, fueled by the adrenaline rushing through his veins.

Ryuma, bloodied and bruised, smirked defiantly, "You'll have to do better than that!"

Using the enhanced strength granted by the Moa Moa no Mi, Ryuma launched a fierce counterattack, his wooden spear moving with lightning speed. The bandit leader fought back with equal ferocity, sparks flying as their weapons clashed.

The bandit leader, his face etched with frustration, bellowed in anger, "You're just a nuisance! I'll end you right here!" With a sudden burst of energy, the bandit leader unleashed a flurry of strikes, pushing Ryuma to the brink. Each swing of his sword came perilously close, forcing Ryuma to dance on the edge of danger.

Ryuma's breathing grew heavy, his body covered in cuts and bruises, but his determination burned brighter than ever. Summoning his remaining strength, he mustered a final assault, his wooden spear slicing through the air with deadly precision.

Ryuma, "It ends here!"

The bandit leader's eyes widened in disbelief as Ryuma's attack found its mark, piercing through his defenses. The bandit leader staggered backward, his grip on the sword loosening. He looked into Ryuma's eyes, a mix of anger and resignation, gasping for breath, and spoke through clenched teeth, "Impossible... How could a mere boy... defeat me?"

With one final strike, Ryuma delivered the decisive blow, ending the bandit leader's life. The hideout fell into an eerie silence as the bandit leader's lifeless body crumpled to the ground.

Ryuma, breathing heavily and clutching his wounds, stood over the fallen leader, a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction washing over him. He had overcome the odds, honing his skills and proving his mettle in the heat of battle.

Ryuma, "Treasure and combat experience acquired. This was just the beginning of my journey to become the strongest."

As silence fell upon the hideout, Ryuma claimed the bandits' treasure, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. He knew that his first taste of fighting against humans had only whetted his appetite for more thrilling battles to come.

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