
2. Point of divergence

In the room.

"Lost 100,000 Belli...".

Nami sat with her head on the table, cards scattered on it. The entire person exuded an incomparable aura of negativity, like a victim of Perona's ghosts.

Nearby. Ron leaned back on the damp sofa, loudly eating a piece of bread and drinking a glass of water. The tired and exhausted body finally revived a little.


Ron sighed as he felt his body slowly come to life. Collecting his thoughts, Ron shook his head and looked in the direction of Nami.

In the world of Van Pease, he loved Nami very much, especially the way she defended the village, silently carrying a huge weight on her shoulders. It can touch anyone. Besides, she had saved his life, and he might have been dead by now.

"this is..."

Ron tried to talk to Us, although many times he dreamed of getting into the world of Pirates and meeting Us, but when he actually met us, it's hard to talk normally, only some awkward phrases: "... thank you very much, without you I could have been killed by these fish."

Nami, lying on the table, turned her eyes in Ron's direction, looked at him, and continued to mutter, " 100,000 Belli.....thousands of Belli...Belly...lost it."


Ron is well aware of how important 100,000 Belli is to Nami at this time, it's hard to imagine Nami's mood at this moment.

"I'm sorry, you paid 100,000 Belli, but I can pay back the debt, how about double repayment?".

Ron tempts Nami to cheer her up.

Ron knows the plot, even if he's an ordinary person, Ron still has sneaky means. 100,000 Belli naturally cannot be placed in Ron's eyes, but in order for Nami not to consider him a liar, he only offered a double repayment.


Hearing Ron's words, Nami finally had a glint in her eyes. It's like an instant return to life, she jumped up and looked at Ron exclaiming: "It won't do! The minimum is double...there's no better five times! You know I was going to use 100,000 Belli to run a business, of course they would easily double!?"

"Is it that simple..."

Ron heard Nami's words and wanted to roll his eyes, but at the moment the main task is to return her mood, to remove the negative, how to do it?: "Okay, no problem, it will be 500,000 Belli, but it will take time."

"Okay, deal!".

Nami smiled and snapped her fingers.

That 100,000 Belli, she had no idea of getting it back, that's why she got depressed. Now with Ron's words, even though it was a simple promise, it didn't sound like empty chatter.

Even if you don't get half a million, restoring the original amount should be fine.

"500,000 Belli, this is only a monetary debt. As for the debt for saving a life....how about we help you kill Arlong?" Ron looked at Nami and smiled.


The smile on the face of Us froze.

She silently took a piece of paper and put it on the table, picked up a pen and began to write quickly.

She handed Ron the paper and said sternly: "Sign it!"

It might take a long time to get the 100,000 Belli back but Nami believed Ron, now Ron suddenly promised to kill Arlong and instantly his image in Nami's eyes fell to a liar.

Ron looked at the sheet, it was written on it that he owed Us 500,000 Belli, turned his gaze to us and realized that perhaps his image had fallen to Usopp, the corner of his mouth began to twitch.

Nami's reaction is understandable.

Beaten half-dead man suddenly says will help killed by Arlong, this will inevitably lead to distrust.

"yes, it's really hard to believe..."

Ron rubbed his temples helplessly.

He is not only serious but also confident.

Ask him where his confidence comes from. It wasn't just because of his knowledge of the world, while eating bread, a translucent screen appeared in front of his eyes.


He hasn't had time to analyze it in detail yet, but it's definitely a system or something.

Of course, at this time, Ron's confidence skyrocketed. Ignoring the fact that he had almost been killed by an ordinary fishman recently, the image of Arlong in his heart turned into a dead man.


Nami is not responding. She swung her fist at Ron's head, shouting furiously, " Shut up! Do you want to die? Do you have any idea what a cruel death awaits you if someone hears this!?"

"Now! Right now! Sign it! The door is there, don't forget to return the favor!"

Looking at Nami spewing demonic power with a black face, Ron couldn't help but cry if it was an adult Nami...but a 14-year-old Nami spewing out this momentum makes it feel weird.

He even had a huge bump on his head.

How painful!

Although it is just a loli Nami, but the strength of this fist seems to be stronger than that of an ordinary adult.

Rubbing his head, Ron, not daring to argue with Loli, picked up a pen and signed the contract.

Watching Nami restore his mood, Ron felt a strange feeling as if he had sold his soul, selling it to loli..... impossible, but selling Nami's soul doesn't seem to be unacceptable.

"done, the door is there.".

Nami grabbed the paper and pointed to the door.

Ron looked at Nami in confusion, " Can I stay with you? If you kick me out, I'll starve on the street and this debt will never be settled."

It's too shameless to ask a 14-year-old girl to move in with her, but at the moment, Ron is covered in wounds. As a wounded man, this may be justified.

Nami wasn't going to send Ron away, he's covered in wounds at the end, but she was annoyed by what Ron had said earlier.

To speak about the murder of Arlong?

We had such thoughts two years ago, when Rear Admiral East Blue commanded a Fleet ship against Arlong, but after the Rear Admiral's ship was easily destroyed and sunk from the bottom by Arlong, these thoughts were deeply buried.

It's impossible for a human to defeat the Fishmen, let alone Ron, who was almost killed by the Fishman...weak and wounded. The Fishman is a monster completely superior to humans.

Only the effort to earn 100,000,000 Belli and buy back the village of Kokoyashi from Arlong is the only way to save people.

At that moment, hearing Ron's words, Nami snorted and looked at Ron: "You can live here, but it will cost 1,000 Belli a day!"


Ron agreed. But knowing Nami, I thought, you can probably live on this amount for much longer than a day.

Hearing Ron agree without any problems, Nami frowned menacingly at Ron: "Agreed so easily, if you dare not pay..."

Nami flexed her fist as a threat.

Little Loli makes such a move, in fact there is no threat, it only makes you feel that the value of moe's power has skyrocketed, Ron laughed in his heart, but on the surface calmly replied: "Don't worry, absolutely not, I can sign another contract."

Nami slowly let go of her hand, looking at Ron suspiciously, though still not sure, Ron's words are completely inappropriate but there is no other way.


With a light snort, Nami turned and went into the bedroom.

Watching leaving Us, the expression of Ron's face gradually changed, in the end, there was only a slight smile.

Like a meteor flying across the sky, at some point it cracks and a meteor shower appears in the sky.

This is the current divergence in the world.

In the world of Van Pees, a point of divergence appeared in the direction of a completely different future.

Just recently. The moment he was saved by Nami, that was the point of divergence...

With that smile, Ron thought about it and called up what only he could see, a translucent glowing interface screen.

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