
73. Pirate King's Crew? Zoro's Bounty

Byrnndi World doesn't trust anyone anymore.

Decades ago, he was betrayed by those he trusted most. Since then, he's lost faith in friendship.

The betrayal he experienced was as crushing as Bullet in his youth.

That betrayal shattered his trust in almost everything in life.

Escaping Impel Prison, his sole focus is revenge. Revenge is all that stirs him now.

Without the drive for revenge, at his age, he wouldn't have such a fierce fighting spirit.

A man consumed by vengeful flames is terrifying.

"Cooperate?" Bullet eyed Byrnndi World closely.

The eyes of this ancient monster mirrored his own madness and deep distrust of the world.

They share similar experiences but trust only in their strength, not in others.

But there's a difference.

Byrnndi World, being older, no longer seeks power or status, only revenge.

Dreams and pursuits vanished with age and betrayal.

"Sure, we can cooperate," Bullet laughed crazily. "But if you're useless, I won't hesitate to ditch you, old-timer."

After Roger's death, Bullet has abandoned the idea of partners, believing they only hold one back.

Partners breed hesitation, weaken resolve, and slow down punches.

He trusts only in his own strength, aiming for the top spot in the world.

Revenge against the Marines and Byrnndi World Government is just a means to strengthen himself.

But Bullet knows he can't do it alone. He needs help against their combined might.

However, these helpers are not equals; they are merely tools.

Just like his days as a soldier, disposable pawns.

Of course, Bullet won't resort to deceit. He's made that clear.

"Me too, kid,"Byrnndi World's eyes glinted coldly. "Don't expect me to save you out of friendship."

"That's fine by me," Bullet remained unfazed.

"Count me in," Crocodile interjected, puffing on his cigar.

He sat nonchalantly on a pile of unconscious Marines, eyeing Bullet and World.

"BOSS," MR1's face twitched, but he remained silent.

Crocodile knows the risks of teaming up with such dangerous individuals.

But he's determined, and MR1 has no choice but to follow.

"You're not bad yourself, Crocodile," World acknowledged. "I heard you're a Shichibukai. Fine, you're in, brat."

"Awake at last, Crocodile," Bullet smirked.

Crocodile, once a formidable pirate, may have rivalled Bullet in his youth. But time changes everything.

Not only did his strength fail to grow, but it also weakened.

His resolve waned, that unsettling, dark spirit.

But now, his courage underwent a transformation.

"It's been too long. Pursuing the wrong path is truly a dreadful thing," Crocodile remarked casually.

Once, he vied for power in the New World, but after clashing with Whitebeard, his will crumbled.

Faced with the might of the world's strongest man, he abandoned self-improvement for the elusive Ancient Weapon Pluton.

"For so many years, it's been like a bad dream," Crocodile sighed, a flicker of lost light in his eyes.

This collaboration presents an opportunity despite the dangers posed by Bullet and Byrnndi World.

But their strength is undeniable.

And if he lacks the capacity to stand alongside these lunatics, it only proves his own limitations.

Crocodile contemplated much during his time in Eternal Hell on the sixth floor, reflecting on his defeat by Luffy.

He pondered his failures, realizing he'd grown complacent in the comfort of being a Shichibukai, like a blade left to rust.

Now, he must push himself relentlessly to reclaim his former peak or surpass it.

"The long-absent sense of urgency is rather addictive," Crocodile observed sharply, eyeing Bullet and Byrnndi World.

Madmen, they may be, but who isn't a bit mad?

"It's only fitting," Bullet smirked arrogantly.

"Hey, Buggy, care to join us?" Bullet called out to Buggy nearby.

The bullet didn't hold much regard for the weak fellow, but neither did he harbour disdain for someone who once shared the same boat.

"Of course, count me in," Buggy fluttered in the air, wearing a sycophantic smile.

As Bullet turned away, Buggy's grin twisted sinisterly, shadows obscuring his face.

"After this war, chaos will reign. Even returning to East Blue won't guarantee comfort without manpower. Better to align with these fools of history," Buggy reasoned.

"The most perilous place is also the safest. That's the wisdom of Buggy," he declared proudly, tapping his chin.

He foresaw the shifting world order.

News of Whitebeard's demise won't stay hidden for long. With the Marines and World Government defeated, pirates from all corners will rise.

Alone, he'd be vulnerable to newcomers or increased Marine scrutiny.

Joining Bullet's crew offered security. Despite their insanity, their power was undeniable. Together, they rivalled even the Four Emperors. And maybe, just maybe, he could profit from their ventures.

Planning to start his own pirate enterprise, he needed capital desperately.

"Hey, loudmouth, keep it down," World's voice cut through Buggy's thoughts, sending shivers down his spine.

But World paid him no mind.

All he cared about was revenge, regardless of Buggy's thoughts, as long as he survived the next move.

"What's next?" Buggy rubbed his hands eagerly, eager to please.

"We'll wreak havoc, provoke the Marines to summon Buster Call. I've been itching for a taste of it," Bullet declared.

Bullet pressed his hand against the gruesome wound on his chest, a crazed look in his eyes.

"Why don't you find a shipbuilder? I need the biggest cannon. With my Moa Moa No Mi fruit, I could blast Mariejois into the sky with one shot," he exclaimed madly.

Byrnndi World is crazier than Bullet.

Buggy watched them both, wondering if it was too late to return to Captain Rayleigh.

They're both too insane for him to handle.

"Since we're fighting the World Government, I have a suggestion," Crocodile interjected, cigar in hand.

"Sabaody Archipelago. Mangrove No. 42, Sabaody Playground," he declared.

Suddenly, a flock of newspaper birds flew overhead, scattering newspapers like snowflakes.

Another free newspaper rain.

Such events only occurred when a major event shook the world, spreading the news far and wide.

"Is it news from the last war?" Nami pondered, catching a falling newspaper as she sat on a merry-go-round.

This paper was thicker than usual and packed with more content.

She opened it to a headline that caught her eye.

"The rise of the worst pirate crew, surpassing even the Four Emperors. Twenty years after the death of Gol D Roger, another crew of kings emerges," she read aloud.

"Exaggerated much?" she chuckled, continuing to read.

"Marine and the World Government's failed execution of Ace sparked the largest war in history, known as the Summit War."

"And now, analysis on why Marine lost," she continued, eyebrows raised.

"Because of the Straw Hat Pirates, the worst crew surpassing even the Four Emperors, carrying on Whitebeard's will."

"What? Us? The worst pirates? The kings? What's going on?" Nami exclaimed in disbelief.

At Shakky's Ripped Off Bar,

Rayleigh burst into laughter, holding the newspaper as if it were the funniest thing he'd ever seen.

"What's this? Marine and government reporters are too much. Are the Straw Hats surpassing the Four Emperors? Inheriting Whitebeard's legacy?" he chuckled.

"If that's the case, Monkey and his crew will be targeted by every pirate in the New World. Those big shots are obsessed with such things," Shakky remarked, exhaling smoke.

The Four Emperors are a bunch of lunatics, especially Kaido and Big Mom, she noted, looking down on newcomers with cruelty.

This report will surely grab their attention.

Besides those two lunatics among the Four Emperors, there are plenty of other big-name pirates in the New World eager for fame.

Luffy and his crew are now in the crosshairs of the World Government.

"It doesn't matter," Rayleigh reassured, his eyes sparkling with interest. "Luffy and his crew are formidable. These petty tricks won't stop them. If anything, it only adds to their legend."

"And those guys in the New World should've made a move by now. What's the use of stagnant waters? Let Luffy stir things up," he added confidently.

"Are you that confident, Rayleigh? Facing those monsters of the New World," Shakky asked a hint of surprise in her tone.

"Old era monsters or new era monsters, which is stronger? I'd bet on the latter," Rayleigh replied calmly and confidently.

At Shimotsuki Village, Isshin Dojo,

"Master Koshiro, look! Brother Zoro was locked in a fierce battle against the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye, in the Summit War," a group of young apprentices burst into the dojo, excitement written all over their faces.

Shimotsuki Koshiro, a gentle-looking middle-aged man in priestly robes, listened attentively. Since Zoro joined the Straw Hat Pirates, their dojo gained more apprentices, pirates or not.

In the East Blue, where islands are governed nominally by kingdoms with weak control, strength matters more than allegiance to kingdoms.

Zoro's high bounty attracted teenagers eager to grow stronger.

The apprentices handed Koshiro the newspaper, showing Zoro facing off against Hawkeye.

Although the picture depicted Zoro seemingly overpowering Hawkeye, Koshiro knew it was just a spar, not a real battle.

Still, it showed Zoro's remarkable progress, nearing Hawkeye's level.

"Is that Brother Zoro from our dojo?" the apprentices asked eagerly.

"Yes, it's Zoro," Koshiro confirmed with a smile.

After the apprentices left, Koshiro gently touched Zoro's photo, reminiscing.

"You're getting closer to your goal, Zoro. You must've faced many challenges," he murmured, genuinely proud.

He then entered another room in the dojo, where a photo of a smiling girl holding a simple white sword rested on a table.

"You'd be proud to see this, Kuina. Zoro carries your dream on his shoulders and rises as a top swordsman," Koshiro whispered, wiping a tear from his eye.

The newspaper printed a picture of Zoro falling from the sky, his blade slashing at Hawkeye, and it was placed in front of Kuina's photo.

In the most prominent section, Zoro's latest bounty was displayed.

In the image, Zoro's head was wrapped in a turban, his eyes glowed red, and his shirt was torn, revealing his muscular physique. He gripped a knife with a white handle between his teeth, known as the Wado Ichimonji while holding the Third Generation Onigiri and the Black Sword Shusui in his hands. Behind him, a terrifying aura formed into the shape of Ashura, hinting at his overwhelming power.

Beneath the image, the caption read:

Straw Hat Pirates, Vice Captain.

Roronoa Zoro.

Dead or Alive.

Bounty: 2 billion Berries.


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