
One piece -The New King

When the King speaks the world trembles , time stops , space cracks , waves rose just to follow the decree of the King. Follow Luca to know his journey and his ambition to be the King of the world .

Rakasa_dark · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter -11 The Bounty Poster

The first half of the Grand Line is where the Marineford is situated, the home of the Navy Headquarters.

Recently, a powerful new pirate group popped up on the sea, making the navy quite wary.

At the office of Admiral Sengoku, things looked Tensed as he received the report about this particular group of pirates,

recalling them from the previous encounters. The situation became a lot hectic lately, with the Shichibukai not contributing much.

The New World has been buzzing with one major event after another, giving Sengoku quite the headache.

And now, there's a rookie pirate making waves, and this one's no ordinary Menace.

From the intel so far, it's clear that this newcomer has awakened his conqueror's haki, and knows how to use it atleast with instincts.

Sengoku knew this demanded extra attention. He called for navy soldiers on duty and instructed them to notify Vice Admiral Crane immediately.

When Crane arrived, he was curious about the urgency and asked Sengoku if something crucial was going on.

Sengoku leaned in and shared the news: "A promising rookie pirate crew has surfaced.

The Captain of the king's pirates, that captain Luca has conquerer'e haki and is likely to already have observation and armament haki as well—his possible strength might nearly or equal to the rank of vice admiral."

" And the blasphemous name as the King's pirate he also donates and helps the poor and needy, while badmouthing about navy making a positive image of himself akin to a king and slinging mud on ours."

That was a bold assertion about Luca. Such individuals, with conqueror's haki , needed close monitoring by the Navy.

Once these people grew stronger, they will Rule the seas, posing a significant threat.

The Navy's goal?is to Hinder their growth, capture them and throw them in the impel down or maybe covertly recruit them, or, if need be, to kill them.

Crane, having grasped the basics from Sengoku, proposed a strategic plan:

"Firstly, if we gave them the status of the Shichibukai. Can we sway them to our side?.

Secondly, judging by Luca's actions, this crew might be following an elite path, similar to the white beard Pirates but more towards a kingdom then a family.

Thirdly, we need to dispatch atleast two vice admirals to intercept them on the Grand Line. We'll offer them a chance to join the Shichibukai.

If they refuse, then we take them out."

Vice admiral Crane's plan was approved by Sengoku. He agreed, adding,

"Let's issue bounties on these four:

1. Luca ,the captain of king's pirates ,

Nickname - king of the fallen

at 100 million Berries.

(Image here)

2. Lafitte, vice captain,

Nickname - king's knight

at 40 million.

(Image here)

3. Capon.gang. Bege, at 30 million.

(Image here)

4. Bashas, at 25 million."

(Image here)

Initially, Sengoku thought of setting Luca's bounty between 60 to 80 million Berries,

but due to the unique circumstances, they decided to directly set it at 100 million Berries.

Vice Admiral Crane looked at Sengoku and sensed the urgency in his manner.

Crane shared the worry that setting an excessively high bounty could lead to trouble.

He remarked, "The bounty is well deserved if we increase it, it may backfire. Let's move forward.

Two vice admirals including me will head out to intercept the King's Pirates. We can't let them get stronger."

Sengoku added, "You're right, Crane. If we don't handle this quickly, it could be a disaster.

Once they rise in the New World, they might become the 5th Emperor of the sea."

Thinking about this possibility, both Sengoku and Crane felt uneasy.

The New World is already a major concern for the Navy. The presence of the red-haired pirates, the newest Fourth Emperor, adds to the pressure.

Currently, four powerful pirate factions are vying for control on the sea, and any new emerging power could lead to the Navy losing complete control over the whole Grand line, something Sengoku will never let it happen.

This feeling isn't just shared by Sengoku. Vice Admiral Crane also thinks the same as fleet admiral Sengoku.

Despite Luca's young age, awakening the conquerors haki shows his huge potential and demands attention.

As Luca follows the path similar to the yonko of the red-haired pirates, his ambitions are clear.

Given the Navy's previous loss against the Red Hair Pirates, they cannot afford another defeat, and let another pirate become an emperor of the sea.

Sengoku and Crane exchanged meaningful glances, signifying the need to heighten vigilance against the King's Pirates to avoid facing more problems in the future.

Sengoku expressed relief, "Seems we're all in agreement, Crane."

"Absolutely, Sengoku," responded Crane with a smile.

Their long history of camaraderie ensures a deep understanding of each other's thoughts and agreement on critical matters.

Their unified stance is vital to ensuring Navy's supremacy against the pirates.

The trio of new-generation admirals boasts diverse strengths, guaranteeing a strong navy capable of handling any situation.

Their unity is essential, ensuring that internal issues don't hinder their goal of protecting the seas and defeating the pirates.

With the older generation and the rising new generation at the forefront, they aim to maintain their Navy's dominance and ensure peace to the civilians.


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Also read my fanfic

In Naruto with Omnitrix.

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