
One Piece - I Am Great Director

{ Warning: This is a translation of a Chinese fanfic and may include some Chinese elements. I've attempted to remove or replace them where possible, but some may have been retained to preserve the chapter's integrity. } In his journey through time, Li Fan unlocked the [Great Director System], allowing him to earn rewards by bringing the scripts it provided to life. Thus, beginning with the direction of the Holy Grail War, Li Fan ascended in strength step by step. Gradually, he evolved into a peerless individual, a formidable figure in both power and entertainment, within this world of pirates. But when the Celestial Dragons demanded a movie exclusively for them, Li Fan's response was clear: "Dream on!" { I don't own any character it's belong to original author. Also i am just translating fanfic and I don't ask for any benifit Original Author - Pirate Radish Source - https://wap.faloo.com/920161.html }

Guardian_Of_Nexus · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

Chapter 72 Anti-Hero Story.

"Uh!" Li Fan reached out to catch the fallen Miss Valentine and twitched the corner of his mouth, "She fainted from the shock."

"Hey, Li Fan, what are you going to do with this woman?" Zoro said.

"Well, you can't really use it for fishing." Li Fan scratched his head.

"How about you take her back?" As he said that, Li Fan looked at the other side of the ship.

There, unknowingly, there was an beautiful woman wearing a cowboy hat and black hair.

"That's Miss All Sunday!" Vivi immediately recognized the person in front of her, "Did you reveal the information about Igaram and me, Miss All Sunday!"

"That's right." Miss All Sunday, the woman whose real name was Nico Robin, open her lips.

"It's actually the Devil Child, Nico Robin!" Tashigi pulled out the knife in his hand, "Nico Robin, I advise you to don't resist. As a navy, I want to arrest you." {Eh! What the heck?! How did she recognize her so quickly?! Well, whatever...}

"Hey, navy?" Nico Robin looked at Tashigi in surprise, "Is there a navy on this ship?"

"Or are you all marines?"

"No, you misunderstood, I'm just a filmmaker." Li Fan shrugged, "My crew are my actors."

"And Tashigi, who is Marine, is temporarily hired by me to act."

"Li Fan, that woman is a vicious criminal. Let's arrest her first." Tashigi said.

"A vicious criminal..." Li Fan raised his eyebrows, "But, Tashigi, you said she is dangerous, where exactly is she dangerous?"

"As far as I know, Nico Robin doesn't seem to be burning, killing and robbing like those pirates."

"What are you talking about, Li Fan." Tashigi frowned, "This woman destroyed a warship when she was eight years old. She is a very dangerous person."

"Eight years old? Being able to destroy warships at the age of eight is really awesome." Li Fan shook his head, "Still, this information is wrong."

"For some reason, Nico Robin has been given the title Devil Child."

"I think this is more likely."

"Haha!" Hearing this, Nico Robin chuckled, "You are such an interesting man."

"If you openly question the World Government's propaganda like this, be careful as you will be targeted."

"I'm just a serious filmmaker, and I have no obligation to arrest you." Li Fan also smiled and said, "But you, what do you plan to do when you come to my Ship?"

"I just wanted to see whose ship Mr.8 and Miss Wednesday boarded on. Now I see that this is a very interesting ship." Nico Robin looked at Mihawk "It is carrying one of the Shichibukai. Haw-keye's ship, Miss Wednesday, you really are on a good ship."

"Then I look forward to your arrival in Arabasta."

"As for Miss Valentine over there, I'll leave it to you to handle."

"I'm not confident that I can snatch someone from your hands."

As soon as she finished speaking, Nico Robin jumped off the edge of the boat and landed on a huge turtle.

"Li Fan, is it okay to let her go?" Vivi asked worriedly, "That woman is from Baroque Works."

Li Fan shook his head.

"Let her go. Even if we caught her, it will not help your country's civil strife."

"In my opinion, she is just a poor person."

As he said that, Li Fan looked at Tashigi and found that she was looking at him with a complicated expression.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, Tashigi."

"I am not a navy. I have no obligation to arrest the people wanted by the navy and the World Government."

"But why are you so sure that Nico Robin is innocent?" Tashigi frowned and said, "Even if the eight-year-old is unlikely to destroy the warship, she might have some powerful Devil Fruit ability.?"

Hearing this, Li Fan patted Tashigi on the shoulder.

"There are some things, Tashigi, it's better that you don't know them so clearly."

"This is good for you."

After saying that, Li Fan handed the Miss Valentine to Tashigi.

"I'll ask you to take care of this woman first. When she wakes up, you can tell me, okay?"

"Okay." Although she was a little confused about Li Fan letting Nico Robin go, Tashigi still respected Li Fan who taught her swordsmanship.

After taking Miss Valentine, Tashigi helped her walk towards the cabin.

Gion, who heard Li Fan's words all the way, frowned again.

Of course, as a candidate for Admiral, she knew what happened to Nico Robin.

I also know that Robin did not destroy the warship. The reason why she is wanted is that she has the ability to decipher taboo history.

'Does this guy Li Fan know this?'

'No, apart from some people from the World Government and the Navy, the only insider at that time was Nico Robin.'

'Could it be that Li Fan simply felt that eight-year-old Nico Robin could not destroy the warship, so he did not arrest her?'

"What are you thinking about, Gion?" Li Fan's voice reached Gion's ears.

Gion looked in the direction of Li Fan and found that he was waving her over.

"What's the matter, Li Fan?" Gion walked over with a smile on his face.

"Everyone has been reading the script for a while, so I think it's almost time to start auditioning everyone." Li Fan said with a smile.

"Didn't you take the initiative to take a role from me? So, how about you start the audition?"

"Of course, there is no problem." Gion nodded slightly, "Rather, I am very happy."

"However, after reading this script, I understand why you said that this script is very different from the previous ones."

"In the past, good people were the protagonists, but this time the villains are the protagonists."

"It's really quite shocking."

Hearing Gion's words, the other actors nodded in agreement.

"Hey, Director Li Fan, will everyone really like this kind of story?" Caris looked a little worried.

"Whether it's a novel or a play, the protagonist of the story is often a kind-hearted being."

"Now this time in your movie, the protagonist is the villain, the enemy of mankind."

"I'm afraid that when it's filmed, people won't like this story."

"Yes, Director Li Fan." Alice came over, "There are many pirates oppressing the people in this sea."

"In this story, ordinary people are just inferior creatures in the eyes of the protagonist and his group."

"I think it's hard for a story like this to resonate with people."

Seeing everyone's worried expressions, Li Fan couldn't help but frown.

'Yes, I was born in a peaceful era, so I can still accept this story.'

'Can people really accept this chaotic world?'

'Perhaps, let those ferocious pirates see it, it will resonate more.'

'However, since I have purchased this script, I can only shoot it first to see the effect.' Li Fan shook his head and looked at everyone.

"So, do you think this story is attractive to you?"

"Well... if we talk about attraction, I think it's quite interesting." Caris nodded first.

"Me too. Although I was a little surprised by the characters and the development of the story, it was still interesting after reading it." Alice smiled.

Then, many other actors expressed the same opinion.

"Isn't this the end?" Li Fan opened his hands, "This is just a story after all. Although people don't like evil people in the real world, they may not want to read stories about evil people."

"I believe that as long as everyone do their best during shooting, there will be a market for it."

"Okay, no more talking, let's get ready."

"Gion, this is your first important role, so work hard."

"Yeah!" Gion smiled and started his audition with confidence.

As the auditions of the actors ended one after another, Li Fan gradually determined each person's role.

In the main roles, the actors did not change.

After all, the actors on the scene were all very professional. Even Zoro, an amateur, performed well because Li Fan chose Cocytus for him.

Not far away, Vivi and Igaram, who had been watching the actors performing, looked at each other.

At this time, they really confirmed that Li Fan was really a film director.
