
one of his

don't read this book this is not my book nor my property I am just copy and pasteing if from another website I do this so that may have a interesting story to listen to in class or work 40k

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 101 All-out offensive (seeking subscription)

   After destroying the weak space power of the Necrons.

  Sicarius ordered the fleet to slowly sail towards the low-Earth orbit of Nodum 2, the largest colony planet in the Nordum galaxy.

   When the fleet was about to enter orbit, many warships began to slow down slowly.

  They chose the side facing the star to enter orbit.

   Under the icy light of the stars.

  A terrible massacre in the past appeared in front of many senior generals of the fleet.

  When the space undead invaded the Nordum galaxy.

  The local defenders put up a stubborn resistance, trying to save the sad fate of their homeland.

  However, their final fate is bleak and hopeless.

   is a relentless reflection of this cruel universe.

  It is also a true portrayal of human beings paying the price for survival.

  Survival is not a gift from the universe, but the prize of a cruel fight.

  The wreckage of an Imperial cruiser and five or six battle barges, suspended in low Earth orbit.

  They are like artificial satellites, moving periodically around the planet.

  Cold metal guts mingled with shattered remains in gleaming clouds.

  In the spiral oxygen ice cloud, there are traces of plasma slime.

  Broken nutrition jars, huge square boxes containing unexploded ammunition, and unopened imperial food storage boxes slowly rotated in the void.

  Thousands of corpses of crew members are suspended in the void.

   Some were scared, some curled up like babies, and some opened their eyes angrily.

  They all have white frost on their bodies, shining under the light of the stars.

   The icy silence is chilling.

  In order to maintain the survival of mankind, a large number of men and women in the empire pay their lives for it every moment.

  This is a dark universe, this is a cruel era.

  Every life living in this era is unfortunate.

  The fleet breaks into a forgotten tomb.

   Belonging to the graves of the victims of the empire.

   Except for a few despicable nobles.

  The men and women of the Nordum system have paid a heavy price for guarding their homeland.

  Even if they fail in the end, their spirit is respectable.

   "We are back, with vengeance and will."

  Sicarius whispered softly.

   It seems to be paying homage to these creatures who have returned to the throne of the emperor.

  Mankind will never forget, and mankind will surely take revenge.

  The many senior generals surrounding Sicarius were all silent.

   They also stared at the corpses and wreckage.

  In the galaxy, there are many void tombs like this.

   There are countless alien and chaotic forces threatening humanity.

  One day, human beings will liquidate these forces one by one.

   A heavy voice came, and a mechanical priest walked in front of Sicarius.

  Cold, rational mechanical sound came from the sound generator built under the steel throat.

   "My lord, according to the observation data of the auspicious instrument, there is a building belonging to the Necrons in the Darnum galaxy, which seems to be their outpost."

   "I know." Sicarius didn't look back.

  He watched the tragic scene, and became more and more determined to follow the Primarch's belief.

  Only the great Lord Guilliman can free mankind from this terrible nightmare.

   Only in this way can human beings be freed from the sad fate of doomed destruction.

   After a while, Sicarius turned his head and looked at the deputy beside him.

   "Get ready all brothers, we are going to come down to the surface and kill those **** metal skeletons."

  The transmission device has been successfully installed on the Colossus of God's Punishment, and it is being used for the first time on the battlefield.

  Unfortunately, it has not been popularized yet.

   It will still take a while.

   Wait until the many foundry worlds in the Charadon star region have mastered these technical knowledge, and then they can mass-produce them.

  By then, humans will fully apply these transmission technologies.

  Nowadays, Sicarius and the brothers of the battle group can only take the gunship plane to fight by airborne.

   Today's transmission technology is still too risky to transmit to the ground in low-earth orbit.

  Plus the tomb of the Necrons, which is equipped with a protective force field, will also interfere with teleportation.

  Using teleportation technology to enter, there is a high possibility of encountering accidents.

   It is better to fight by airborne.

  The battleship accurately arrived at the target point of the deep strike.

  Necrons on the ground still retain anti-air fire.

  As soon as he entered the designated location, he encountered intensive bombardment from the Gaussian array artillery.

   Necrons' Gauss weapons are far stronger than humans' weapons.

   After a while, the battleship shields were continuously bombarded.

  The defense system issued a rapid siren.

  The contemplators connected to the huge cabin sounded alarms one after another.

  The entire battleship was shrouded in rapid red lights, flickering.

  Sicarius took two personal guards, walked through the marble corridor, and entered the airborne deck.

   Primaris Space Marines from various chapters are ready.

  Chapter minions are being withdrawn from their ready ranks.

  The pastor also put away his seal and the remaining prayer paper.

  The pre-battle prayers are over.

   Warriors are ready to be thrown into battle at any time.

  At the same time, the airborne deck on the belly of the battleship slowly opened.

   Ejectors at the ready, just waiting for Primaris Space Marines to enter their drop pods, and eject them straight out.

  Cold, unsoftened starlight pierces through.

  The coldness of the void caused hoarfrost to condense on the deck.

"let's start."

   Sicarius didn't say much.

  The oath of war has already turned into blood flowing in every cell of them.

  All Chapter Brothers await the baptism of blood and fire.

  The airborne troops are divided into two parts.

  Part of the original cast space warriors were sent into the airborne pod, and they were sent into the battlefield by the brutal way of meteorite impact.

   Some of the Primaris Space Marines landed in jetpacks.

   They need to make tactical arrangements according to the battlefield form.

   Following Sicarius' order to start the war, members of each team activated the sharing interface and clarified their tasks.

   Their task is very simple, to clean up the space undead on the surface of the planet.

  Take back this world from those metal aliens.

   Wait until all Primaris Space Marines are ready.

  The airborne countdown sounds.

  Accompanied by the countdown sound, the readings also slowly increased.

  As the countdown reset to zero, all the airborne pods were launched within a few seconds.

   Like a small arrow fired from an invisible bow, piercing the planet like that.

  The huge propulsion flame made the airborne capsule blast to the ground like a meteorite.

  In just a few seconds, all the airborne pods were ejected.

   Soldiers using tactical airborne backpacks also jumped out of the warships in low-Earth orbit, using propellers to rush to the planet

   Sicarius is one of them.

   Use the drop pack every time to drop from low earth orbit.

  He has an illusion that he feels small.

  The planet is too huge, he is like a black spot, insignificant.

   "Let them meet the fire of human revenge."

  Before entering the atmosphere, Sicarius roared loudly.

  All the Primaris Space Marines who participated in the battle roared with him, demanding that the Necrons pay a heavy price for what they had done.

  The speed of the airborne capsule is the fastest. They drag the flames like meteorites and hit the surface of the planet.

   As they entered the atmosphere, the Necrons locked on to them.

  The dense Gaussian beams constantly hit the shield and bulky armor of the airborne cabin.

  The red warning runes kept flashing on the airborne cabin panel.

  Sicarius and others followed closely behind. They entered the atmosphere directly from the outer orbit with the help of propellers, and then turned off the propellers, and fell freely to the surface of the planet.

  It is extremely easy to be misunderstood by the enemy as falling wreckage.

   This tactic is quite effective.

  Enemies often wait until they are about to hit the ground before they notice something is wrong.

  The violent wind sounded in Sicarius' ears.

  The earth became clearer in his eyes.

  The snow-covered mountains and frozen lakes are also expanding rapidly.

   A huge roar suddenly came.

  Following the sound, Sicarius saw an airborne pod being hit.

  The upper part was cut off, and the dazzling firelight lit up in the air.

  A fighter was thrown out of the broken airborne pod.


   There was an angry roar in the communication channel.

  A warband brother couldn't hide the grief and anger in his heart.

   "Remember him."

  Sicarius saw a spot of light on his helmet disappear, representing a Chapter brother who had left them and returned to the Emperor's throne.

  Sicarius tried his best to control his anger, and tried to suppress his anger with reason. It is not yet time to erupt.

  Through the eyepiece, he looked at the huge, dark black pyramid made of unknown materials on the ground, and added the second half of the sentence.

   "And avenge him."

  The airborne capsule is the first to land on the ground.

   Accompanied by loud bangs one after another.

  The Emperor's angels were thrown by the airborne pods near the Black Pyramid.

  The huge impact left a spider web of cracks on the already shattered frozen ground.

   "For Guilliman, for the Emperor."

   Accompanied by a high-pressure airtight sound.

  The cabin door slammed, and it bounced open.

  The ejected metal hatch was so powerful that it was directly inserted into the ground.

  The warriors who rushed out shouted the names of Guilliman and the Emperor.

  The sound of intense firefighting sounded instantly on the communication channel.

  Sicarius controlled the injector, constantly adjusting his landing point.

  The same goes for his squad members, who will be the sharp swords that cut through the enemy's defenses.

  "Each team performed their own tasks and cut into them from behind. Remember, don't indulge in fighting, our goal is to blow up the pyramid." Sicarius said.

   Necrons are metal lifeforms.

   Their tomb is a giant data control center.

   Can continuously send those dead space undead away.

   Those dead Necrons will be resurrected in the furnace.

   There is no need to fight a war of attrition with Necrons.

  The best way is to directly destroy their tombs and destroy their data centers.

   Only in this way can the Necrons be defeated.

  As long as the pyramid is blown up, it basically declares that humans have gained control of the Nordum galaxy.

  With the help of airborne thrusters, Sicarius' team members flew out a perfect parabola and landed on the periphery of the pyramid filled with gunpowder.

   Sicarius, who landed on the ground, directly released the injector.

   Avoid heavy jets affecting your movements.

  They were quickly surrounded by the Necrons.

  They are densely populated, and at first glance they look like a dry white ocean.

  Sicarius quickly pierced a Necron with the sword in his hand.

  The bolt gun in his hand aimed at the next one, harvesting them precisely.

   However, all this does not mean much.

  Necrons who fell to the ground. A flash of light quickly appeared on his body, and then those metal bodies disappeared.

  The Necrons were sent back to the tomb, repaired in the furnace, and sent out again.

  Behind Sicarius, Dixis and other primordial space fighters fired continuously, forming a dense network of intertwined firepower.

  The Necrons counterattacked them with streaks of dark green Gauss energy rays.

  Those rays are like poisonous snakes, as long as they are hit a little, they will quickly collapse the armor, and even turn the whole person into dust.

  Several Primal Space Marines fell down quickly, their upper bodies soaked in green light and turned into dust.

  Sicarius used the scanner implanted in his eyes to quickly determine their location.

   Confirm the strength of both the enemy and the enemy through the shared information channel.

  The Necrons walked out of the smoke that permeated the entire battlefield holding Gauss guns.

   Their bodies have been transformed into metal bodies during the Battle of Heaven.

  Looking disgusting and disgusting.

  Many Primaris Space Marines poured out upon them a vengeful wrath.

  The tomb of the Necromancers is not far away from them, and they can already see detailed outlines and details.

   The calculations of the mechanical priests are very precise, and they are as close to the target as possible.

  Sicarius estimated that they should be only a few kilometers away from the target.

  Break through the ice cones full of fangs and teeth to get close to the tomb pyramid of the Necrons.

  The Necrons also know the purpose of Primaris Space Marines.

   They came from all directions, keeping humans out of the tomb.

  The Primaris Space Marines tried to get close to the pyramid as if fighting in a sea of ​​undead.

  The Necrons came in waves one after another, trying to push them back.

   "They're trying to prevent us from entering the tomb," Sicarius said, "All teams don't want to fight, our purpose is to destroy the alien pyramid, not to waste time and engage in a meaningless war of attrition with them here."

   "We will break their turtle shells and unscrew all their metal head shells." Disis responded to Sicarius in the communication.

  Many Primaris Space Marines formed a wedge-shaped offensive, giving up others, and chose to kill the pyramid at all costs.

  Sicarius took the lead, beheading the space undead along the way and sending them back to the furnace.

  Suddenly, a scream sounded on the battlefield.

  Sicarius followed the voice and looked over.

  A silhouette in power armor is on the wave, focused by the Necrons' Gaussian beams.

  In a moment, half of that figure's body glowed with green light, completely corroded.

  Another spot of light disappeared from the helmet panel.

   "Avenge them." Sicarius yelled.

  The other fighters followed suit.

  They advanced steadily according to the originally arranged tactics, and the two fearless mechas that were put into the battlefield unleashed terrifying firepower.

  Destroy all those withered and white space undead.

   Bombs and Gaussian beams are intertwined, but in the end, the Human Empire is slightly better.

   Necrons have a strong self-healing ability.

  But under the crazy offensive of Sicarius and others, they were still smashed into pieces, unable to repair themselves, and were directly teleported away.

   Soon, Sicarius and others approached the tomb.

  The whole body of the tomb is black, in the shape of a pyramid, with a protective force field, which is difficult to be destroyed by orbital bombing.

  The Necrons are coming out of the passage of the tomb, trying to redeem their doomed fate.

  The tomb has activated the defense protocol, activating all the space necrons inside.

  Huge Gauss cannons also popped up from all over the tomb, suppressing firepower on Sicarius and others.

  Sicarius observed the situation on the battlefield, and let the two dreadnoughts open the way, and they relied on the dreadnoughts to attack.

   The Dreadnought has thick armor and a protective force field.

  Relying on the protection given by fearlessness, Sicarius and others quickly seized a pyramid entrance and entered the tomb.

  The following things become easier.

  After reaching a certain level, Sicarius and others began to install bombs.

  The tomb has a powerful protective force field, which cannot be broken by the firepower of the empire alone.

  The best way is to install antimatter explosives inside.

   Sigelius is also quite experienced in this matter.

   It wasn't just his first time fighting these hideous monsters.

   After installing the explosives, Sicarius retreated with his comrades while fighting.

   Wait until the distance is far enough, and start detonating the bomb.

  Accompanied by a loud bang, the entire pyramid was submerged in the flames, disintegrated in the flames, and became torn apart.

  Sicarius and others fought all the way out, found a bunker at the last moment, and hid.

   The pyramid was completely destroyed in the flames of the explosion.

  Without the pyramid tombs, the Necrons also lose the ability to repair infinitely.

  The next battle will be much easier.

  Imperial Astral Army, knights and other troops were also thrown into the battlefield.

   Soon all the remaining Necrons will be eliminated.

  After dealing with the pyramid tombs, Sicarius asked the troops to start a global search.

  Strive to find out all the Necrons, and do a good job of cleaning up the empire's reshaping.

  After the Necrons captured this world, they slaughtered all the humans in the world.

  Remaining ruins The city is full of dried corpses and bones.

   All civilians who did not have time to escape.

   There are also some corpses that were mutilated to pieces, or even skinned alive, and placed in the ruins of the city.

   "We are back." Standing in the ruins full of corpses, Sicarius repeated his words again.

   By Guilliman's name, the Necrons must pay for their crimes.

  Under the command of Guilliman, the expedition fleet was divided into several battle groups.

   Simultaneously launched an attack on Necron Dynasty.

   Cut off the wings of the Necrons first, and then gradually advance to the crown world.

  Out of strategic considerations, Guilliman chose to attack only the Saken dynasty.

  Trying to exploit the feud between the two Necron dynasties, divide and annihilate them.

  As the flames of war ignited, the empire advanced rapidly, and a large number of areas that had been occupied were recovered.

  Although Necrons are strong in technology, their power is too scattered.

  Maybe they think that humans are not capable of attacking them.

  It is this kind of arrogant thinking that makes them not take the possible counterattack of human beings to heart.

  Use all your troops to destroy the same forces who are unwilling to obey you.

   Now, they will sow the bitter fruit for their arrogance.

   Saken Dynasty, Crown World.

Many lords of the    dynasty were gathered together.

  They have to find a way to stop the human attack on them.

   "They call this an expedition." King Saken, who was sitting in the main seat, said, and the dynamic scene in front of him gradually became richer.

  A large amount of information was sent back from the destroyed outposts, allowing many high-ranking generals to have a comprehensive understanding of this human offensive.

  The spaceships of the human empire can be said to be overwhelming.

   They emerge from the Warp like locusts.

   Devour everything established by the dynasty.

   Now, they head straight for Crown World.

"This is a devastating war, and larger fleets are still sailing in the warp, and their goal seems to be only ours. In one of our outposts, they ignored the existence of the Sotai Dynasty, Just destroyed our outpost."

   King Saken stretched out his hand and rubbed his metal chin, and said all the information.

   "Could it be that the Zotai dynasty and humans have reached a cooperation agreement?" said a space necromancer general.

   "It's very possible, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why humans only attack us and ignore the existence of the Sotai Dynasty." The high-level tomb technician of the Saken Dynasty also stood up.

   "This gang of shameful traitors."

   "They should be judged by all dynasties. They are looking for other races to destroy us. This is a shameful betrayal."

  Many space necromancer senior generals said angrily.

   "Quiet," King Saken said, preventing his subordinates from venting their anger.

   "Our task is to stop this so-called expedition of mankind, not to condemn the Sotai Dynasty here.

   "Even if the Suotai Dynasty united with humans, what should we do? It is no longer the period of the Three Saints Council. Which overlord can make a ruling on this kind of thing?"

  The words of King Sakken silenced many space necromancer generals.

  (end of this chapter)