3 The last human without infecting? (P2)

As he left the private equipment room, Shell began to walk down the long corridor with a totally different environment from the previous one before entering the soldiers communicating happily with each other now they were running from one direction to the other trying to prevent the infection annihilate, the last safe bastion of humanity and the last hope for another future.

Meanwhile, Shell was still walking down the aisle using the internal communicator of his helmet to establish contact with his superiors but at the same time, he was thinking about the possibility that the virus activated the portal and sent the infection to the other world after all the virus was conformed by magic and technology.

Shell stopped walking and checked his wrist, looking at a device that he had implanted this device was called "mini inventory" he then proceeds to extract a cylindrical tube about 8 centimeters long and 3 wide a small sight that quickly set in his shotgun when Shell was totally ready to move forward.

A soldier was running down a long corridor, signaling through the communicator on his helmet that sectors 11-15-19-31 had already been fully occupied, at the same time despair, filled his eyes when he saw hundreds of soldiers torn apart in front of him and a huge crawling creature just entering the long corridor with a soldier in the mouth and half another soldier in his right hand, dark skin a slightly purple tone, spines protruding from his back, long and thin arms of at least 1.30m and his fingers deformed at least 60 centimeters long with sharp nails at the end of these, the soldier seeing such a creature can not help but let his voice out and this creature hear it.

"Sa-Sa-SAVAGE NECROSIS!" (Unknown soldier)

The soldier instinctively turned around and started to run in the opposite direction when a huge figure of at least 6 meters high, like the necrosis, just entered the corridor and his movements were very restricted, the creature was extremely grotesque, his skin red with a certain shade of green, his body deeply swollen together with a huge amount of scars, his arms at least 2 meters long and thick as trunks of trees and releasing a green liquid from his mouth that in contact with the ground this melted. the soldier pressed the communicator of his helmet and confirmed without a shred of fear the two entities present in the base.

"Here Corporal Savrog at the base, we have a savage necrosis and a regurgitant savage and they have my only escape routes blocked if someone can hear me please tell my father that I have sacrificed for the future of our people and tell him to forgive me." (Savrog)

The young soldier was Corporal Savrog, level 371 considering him a soldier of lesser rank but equally dedicated to Shell in terms of combat, this soldier had already put all his determination in trying to distract as long as he could to the Savage Necrosis and Savage Regurgitator.

Savrog decided to distract them as long as he could despite being level 371 Savrog was considered one of the fastest soldiers that existed, his skills were focused on quick and continuous attacks to cut the size of the enemies and always be 5 steps ahead of them but at that moment his two escape routes were blocked and the space to move was 3 meters wide from wall to wall, the quickest of the two infected turned out to be the Necrosis while the Regurgitator simply concentrated on using his weight against their enemies.

Savrog shouted to draw the attention of Savage necrosis that had summed up his feast of the remains of the soldiers and try to use one infected against the other.

"Hey, over here!!!"(Savrog)

Savrog turned around quickly and fired his rifle at Regurgitator's chest and reacted quickly moving forward trying to reach Savrog, but at that moment before the regurgitator's arm was about to reach him, this collision with the necrosis arm, the soldier used [Blur] to increase his speed and dodge the attacks to try that the two infected they will hurt each other at the time that these two infected made eye contact with each other these became instantly aggressive and ignored Savrog, these two giants began to fight each other, moving in the hall destroying the walls and the roof until they collided their bodies beginning to fight whit each other.

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