
Chapter 17 - Ralphs' Challenge = Hoopers', Ryders', Ballers' & Playas'

Just as the three met up with the young couple; a relaxing setting came over them as this group of young people were heading off alongside where they spoke to each-other. Bianca was more or less shocked by how early that Richard had begun to play Basketball yet he was widely considered by the basketball-addict teens being three boys whom she cared for and loved openly admitted that the youngest out of them was by far superior.

Despite all of this; Richard seemed to keep to himself but he openly enjoyed everyone's company but she noticed that he was trying to weld or calm the tempers of Link and Ralph who despite Bianca's warning...had thrown verbal jabs at one and another. They were practically living on the same-side of the coin itself where it just meant that it would be even harder to quell their rivalry during the moment but he was actually doing a good job!

"Sis... Whatcha get?" A curious Joe slowed down and had been currently walking next to his sister who had slowed down to look at the three who were walking ahead. "Hm? Oh; just some little things from the beauty store and a jacket." Brow raised and face tilted whilst Joe simply continued. "A jacket?" Following this; a charming smile appeared onto teenager girl's face who adjusted and put her arm forward which held the bag.

Joe peered inside and his eyes widen like dinner plates!

"W-W-What?! You got one of those?! How did you have all the money?" Inside of the bag; a bold brand/logo appeared in a unqiue shape but it was simply wrapping however Joe knew the company considering a majority of teenagers who liked to show off wore such clothing... Usually, they were assholes about it but the chubby boy had known that it was out of his price-range.


And his sister merely stated with a charming smile.

"Ralphy got it for me!" Speaking up with faint sparkles appearing in her eyes where Joe blinked a couple times where he whispered. "Damn, he's whipped." Bianca perked and wondering what Joe said where she asked. "Joe? What is it?" Her baby brother only shrugged and mouthed. "Nothing." The two hurried along having notice that the rest of the group was leaving them behind.

"Crap! Let's go!" Stating as Bianca picked up her pace and ran after them with Joe silently running afterwards. Meeting up with the three males who turned their heads to see a heavy-breathing girl being Bianca with Joe appearing silently yet his brow had dribbles of sweat.

"You guys good?" Looking towards the two, Link asked as he faced them with Ralph looking over in confusion whilst Richard was more or less blank-faced unlike the the others. "Y-Yep... Whoa... You g-g-guys walk fast!" She exclaimed which audibly made Ralph chuckle at the comment as he spoke up. "Well; 'step' up than." Teasing only lead to a comically chop to her boyfriend's head which shut up him. Link kept his silently fury where he raised a clenched fist only for Richard to bring a hand down on his head where he gave a look telling him to not even try.

Huffing to himself where the group was once again reunite and continued but the conversation shifted with Ralph speaking up. "So - You put some of the stuff I taught you in practice, eh?" Talking to Richard whose attention perked up and looked over to see the teenager smile yet he said. "But... You should've fixed your shit though; you got some bad habits." Narrowing his eyes that Link and Joe noticed this before backing away; Link's hand wrapped around's his sister to pull over who would've complained only to hold back when she looked at her brother's face.

"What you mean? What 'bad habits?'" Wondering as unlike Malcom's criticism on his own techniques... Ralph seemed to look down on him with his attitude. "At-Ease... At-Ease. It's just small things on defense and your ball-handling but they'll get worse depending if you can't fix them." A pause came over where Richard's eyes narrowed and looked even more intense which made Ralph chuckle before continuing. "Your weight-displacement isn't... good when you slide your feet on the perimeter. You shouldn't favor your dominant hand for steals or blocks and attack the ball when it's a good bit away from the hand itself... Lastly; your dribbles are alit bit too high; lower them a tad and adjust your balance - Your shots off the dribble and drives will be better." Speaking up with Richard nodding.

Link and Joe were both surprised - Richard had improved so much but Ralph was able to absorb all of the information against an inferior player whilst breaking down the weakness that the Big-Man had. Looking at each-other where they silently nodded as the biracial boy kept walking whilst speaking with eldest male in the group.

Bianca was more or less surprised that her boyfriend could speak so... detailed about something. Richard's face shifted where he found his offensive and defensive skills picked apart that he could only speak up. "... Am I... Good?" Wondering in doubt to himself where Ralph's smile ceased followed by him thinking for a moment. "To be honest... You are only good at Dunking, Blocking & Rebounds. Even then... Those aren't too good." Stating his opinion where the Big-Man silently bit back his words and was intaking the information into his head. '... Maybe... Maybe - I should work on somethings... Yeah... Yeah.' Nodding suddenly where Ralph look at the corner of his eye to look at the thinking boy beside him.

'He's already thinking about this stuff? He's decent for his skill-set but I'm comparing him to Jackson, though... Only difference aside from Jackson's offensive and defensive versatility; that Ink is much stronger, alittle-bit faster, jumps too high for his size and his energy is monster-like. He's gonna naturally get better but... We'll see how it works out for him.' Ralph thought to himself after replying the various events where Richard was able to stop him, Malcom or even Jackson during the 3v3, 2v2, or 1v1s that the squad played. The mental image of an lion appeared behind a smirking Jackson whilst a small cub was attached to a stern faced Richard who was standing beside the older male; Ralph thought this to himself.


"Hey, Dummy. *Bonk* Let's head home." Bianca who founded herself annoyed by Richard's muttering and Ralph's silence walked over before lightly smacking the two on top of their heads ceasing this action. Link just blinked at everything; if he tried to do the same... He'd get stomped. Joe just witnessed this with equal amounts of surprise where his face shifted to deadpan the entire situation. 'Why is my family and friends' weird?' Wondering as they were heading on their on ways.

Walking around the mall and managing to head around to multiple stores which was Bianca idea... Why? She wanted things and since she had four, strong 'boys of hers' to carry all of the bags. Link and Joe tried to argue only to have their heads cracked by their sister which Ralph sighed only to humbly argue.


Richard would've said no... If he didn't see the begging eyes and quietly crying faces' of his friends... He simply nodded that made Bianca gasp in a childish manner and drag him off despite her smaller size. "IT'S SHOPPING TIME!" Pumping an open arm which Richard merely shouted aloud. "HELP MEEEEEEEEE!" Screaming where Link, Joe and Ralph followed and helped out.


"W-W-Why *Exhale followed by panting* D-Does... Your... Sister... Buy... So... Much... STUFF?!" Richard screamed at Link and Joe who were sitting beside him. The three boys were currently on a bench where the three were holding dozens of gigantic and even overfilled bags that had been various different logos alongside shop-names. Joe was buried under the bags which he had been in charge off that his legs flailed around with long and muffled yells underneath everything - Link was barely able to handle it better than the chubby boy where he groaned. "I-It's... B-B-Bullshi-t!" Richard held even more bags and heavier ones at that but the youngest was barring the load much better than older two.

"I told you, it's super cute! ... Ralphy?" Bianca's voice peered out followed by the three looking forward; Ralph was holding an slightly greater amount of Link but less than Richard as the couple was walking forward. "S-S-S-So... L-L-L-Lucky... I-I-I-I'm... Y-Y-Y-Your... B-B-B-Boyfriend." Grumbling out where Bianca came over and whispered into his ear. "I am. We're done now; Big Guaw." Speaking out with a cute-tone before pinching his cheeks that made Ralph's eyes narrow at his girlfriend's childish attics. "Can we go?!" Link spoke up to shout with an aggressive tone at the two with Ralph shouted. "SHUT UP!" A vein formed on Link's face followed his lips swiftly raising to bare teeth before the teenager said. "MAKE ME!"

"*Muffled Shouts and Words.*" Joe tried to get a word in that only made Richard simply get up and easily help the smaller boy to his feet; standing in pain as he simply perked up. "Thank You!" His legs buckled under the weight made Richard think. 'Why are these guys strong and weak at the same time?!' Wondering that he only saw a furious Bianca slam her fists directly onto two similar teenagers that silenced them for now. '... Is she strong when she's anger? Woman are confusing.' Shaking his head and closing his eyes only to reopen to find Bianca staring at him. "You thought up an insult, didn't you!" Pointing at Richard accusingly who shook his head to say nod.


"... I don't believe you! Hi-yah!" Cocking a fist and slamming into Richard's stomach whose eyes went bloodshot and a comical blast of spit was expelled from his mouth where the rest of the squad grimaced at the hit. Richard was froze with Bianca cheerful turning around to head on her way with Ralph on the way. "You okay, Ink?/Sorry." The two brothers gave their condolences to the youth who was barely still standing from the gut-shot. 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE WOMAN?!' His face reacted into a pure grimacing face where he stumbled forward to follow after everyone.


"Be careful, guys! Come on, now!" Shouting at the four who were currently at Ralph's car. A cozy and large minivan where they were packing away all of the bags and their things; Link was tired and annoyed that he simply threw what he was carrying inside whilst Joe simply dropped everything to let out a sigh of relief but the two both shivered when Bianca shouted making them put things away 'properly' or to their sister's standard.

Richard and Ralph handled their tasks easily and put away everything which earned a pat on the back of Richard and a Kiss on the cheek of Ralph. The youngest was sheepish and accepted it whilst Ralph's cheek tinted yet he noticed the long stare of his girlfriend's little brother... He bent over and gave Bianca a kiss on her lips which almost made Link turn red if it wasn't for Joe and Link picking him up.

Joe's hand was covering the muffled and shouting maw of Link where Richard held Link as if he was a surfboard; opening the passenger door to violently throw him inside earning a shout of anger which was stopped when the two entered and shut him.

Ralph went over the driver's side and opened the door as he hopped inside where he sat down. Bianca was last as she sat on the front passenger-seat - buckling her seat and turning to the three in the back. "You boys' oka-" Pausing mid-word where she watched a passive Joe, an angered Link and a napping Richard seated. Trying to say something where Richard's elbow slammed into Link's core which shut him down as the entire situation made the girl blink before she said. "Alright then!" Turning around with Ralph looking at her in the corner of his eye but focused forward as he put the keys in and turned it.

*Karooom!* The rumbling, noise of the beefy engine sounded as the teenager adjusted his mirror and begun to work on getting his car out of it's parking space that was actually easy for him before he drove out of the Mall's parking area. After this; the car drove out and came to an intersection.

Lights were red as Ralph spoke out. "Too Quiet." His hand turned over and pressed a button on the dashboard - suddenly; rhythmic tones followed by an peaceful which only speed up in tempo. Just as the lights' switched to green; the voice of a middle-age man came afterwards who was speaking poems so fast that it sounded as if he was mumbling.

Heading down a straight-way where man's voice slowed as he rhymed numerous insults to someone's name or the like where Richard's eyes opened to look out of the big-vehicles' window to look out; the city was big and unqiue. Just as the man's voice who was coming through the speaks spoken on the youth of the today.


Of how they don't strive and achieve.


'....' A blank thought appeared where Richard's eyes closed once more - Link who was able to recover from the hit was watching Ralph drive where the teen was still anger at the other for dating his sister had been currently attempting to 'backseat drive' Ralph that only made veins appearing on the driver's brow; Joe whisper as he nudged Link as he gestured to their sister. "She'll kick you out and make you walk home." A look of shock appeared on the boy who turned over to Bianca who was simply staring at him with the most disappointed look.

Zipping his lips as it would take some time to walk home - Running would make it faster but he didn't want his things to fall out of his pockets. Link only crossed his arms but had accidently nudged Richard who perked from his sleep where a vein formed on his brow and he ground his teeth. "What?" Looking down at Link where the bigger of the two was disrupted where Link's smart mouth managed to get him out of being plumed like a dummy by the Big-Man.

Driving around as dozens and dozens of songs went on; Ralph and Bianca spoke on their next semester of Highschool given that they'd be in the upper-grades of Highschool. The sister spoke to both of her brothers about school which the two answered with what would be happen. She tried to ask Richard but he was out like a light where she giggled and choose to let him sleep.


"Yo, Dawg... Get Up." An elbow nudged Richard's side who look out of the window and saw the apartment-building he was living at. Turning his head to look at Link who was bouncing out of the side of the car following Joe who exited where a rested-groan escaped the boy before he opened the unlocked car-door and hoped out - stretching his stiff body to free himself of numerous kinks and oddities that could be relieved.

"Hey, Buddy... You're helping." A sickly, sweat voice came out behind him only making him turning around. Bianca's face was coated in a very... 'weird' smile only for her face to straight to a blank look and state that he was gonna help.


"You... are... a bully." Stating his opinion making the girl shrugged before she said. "Who wouldn't if they had to deal with a lazy-butt boy who likes video-games and basketball like it was water and a talkative, foul-mouth rude boy who speaks his mind to anyone regardless of age, gender, creed or skill?" Without even looking; her hand pointed towards her brothers' who perked up at the comments about them. Joe gasped at the comment but Richard barely heard him whisper out. "izz not." Pouting as he worked on his portion of the bags but Link simply puffed his chest in pride. "Thanks, Sis." Speaking as Ralph came over and said. "Kiss Ass."

The comment made Link reply. "Whipped Puppy."


The two grasped the other's collar and they screamed in unison. "YA WANNA GO!" Another sigh came from Bianca who whipped around and marched over; Joe was the first to notice and hopped over to a bush where the two didn't realize a pissed-off girl right next to them with her hands clenched. "JUST PUT AWAY THE BAGS, IDIOTS!" *Bang!*

The two found their heads slammed by the heavy-fist of their sister followed by being kicked around like nothing making both Richard and Joe who exited the bush who walked to the bigger of the two as they sweat dropped watching a short girl somehow knock around both Link and Ralph who by all-accounts were very good fighters.

"... That's Bullshit." Joe simply stated the fact at the somewhat impossible sight which Richard's mind was a blank as she practically forced all of the boys to bring everything up to hers'/families home where the group entered the apartment building but all of the boys felt daggers being thrown at them which they all turned to the security officer on duty.

Richard waved in confusion but he found the man behind the desk just look at him with even greater disdain making the youth sigh and the boy just headed on his way; the elevator was filled by the family which Bianca commanded for both Richard and Ralph to take the stairs.

"...That's unfair." Speaking under his breath was Richard whilst Ralph pouted at his girlfriend that the two watched the elevator door closed which the sight of a tired Joe resting on the side, a smirking Link who stuck his tongue out at the two and a smiling Bianca who was oblivious to her brothers' actions that she only put out the peace-sign and a bold, smirk at the two.

*Fuushuon* Following this - the elevator door closed afterwards where vein-riddled faces of both Richard and Ralph looked at the 'tool' where Ralph had a feeling like this was some bullshit but Richard knew that his and the squad's level on the building was very high... Meaning a long walk.

"*Sigh* She would just go?" Ralph spoke up to Richard who turned over with his face riddled with annoyance to look at teenager whom had gestured over to the stairway door. Nodding as the two walked in tow with numerous bags in hand.

Opening it and heading into the stairway which the young-man looked up; whistling at the how far it went.

"Ah Shit." Vocalizing his fear over the situation as Richard simply grunted in annoyance as the two went upward.


After dying 2 times; the two were able to make it all the way up and head around. A sweat riddled Ralph was limping as the collective weight of the bags was wearing down his arms but Richard was simply fuming in anger that both of them had practically being used as extra hands... More anger that he was involved where they walked down the hallway and came over to the families' home; giving it a knock a couple times and awaiting for a response.

"Sup." A relaxed Joe came over; he had dressed out into more relaxing clothing to look at the two who simply groaned and headed inside with Joe clearing out in order to not hamper their progress upon entering the home.

Link was on the couch and napping whilst Bianca was currently in the kitchen as she was making something for her brothers'. Putting down his portion of the bags on the countertop; Ralph came over and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend before whispering her a good-bye. She turned around and hugged him whilst Richard simply put down the bags that he had carried but yawned aloud.

Before heading out; he gave a fist-bump to Joe and a wave to Bianca. After exiting their home; Richard sighed and yawned. Still tired from all of the things that he had done today but he heard something. "Yo, Ink." To his side, Ralph was leaning against the wall whose lips were slightly parted because of a toothpick. "Hm?" Perking up and turning his head to display his attention and focus to the older teenager who was looking at him.

"Ya know... You're almost there." That caught Richard's attention who looked more intense that Ralph heard the younger boy say. "What do you mean? Explain." Demanding the answer only made the teenager chuckle to himself and Richard's brow raising in confusion at the fit of laughter. "Well... If I have anything to say... Basketball Players fall into three categories. Hoopers', Ryders' & Ballas'." An even more weird look came over which Ralph stated. "Close your eyes and think about these little points."

Twisting his head in thought but relenting as he took the older male's advice and closed them. "What would you think of a Basketball Player whose... Focused on their craft; who knows the ins' and outs' about what they can ... They don't care about much and just focus on that... What do you think?" Richard's mind shifted over to the image of Joe instantly; the chubby knew what he was good at and what he wasn't where he did whatever he could for the team but that mainly just using his overpowering offensive skills to get a bucket. "I'm thinking off... Joe." An noise of agreement was sounded off by Ralph's voice who then said. "Exactly; attach someone like Tubby to the idea of a Hoopa - Someone who focuses on what they can do in order to win."

Frowning at the slight jab at his friend which Richard's mind pictured a basketball uniform version of Joe which had a streaks of color on it in a rainbow-like manner that was somewhat loose as he holding a basketball but also playing around with it by spinning on his finger but above his head happened to be a word done in a street-art/graffiti style in purple and white that stated. 'HOOPER!'

"Now... What do you think of a someone whose... More outgoing; willing to challenge and fight for what they believe is theirs' despite how if it is negative. Seeking to prove something or atleast... Dominate whatever part of the game that they could... You should know who that is." Ralph finished his little point where the youth's mind was drawn to the competitive Link and aggressive Ralph both were similar but yet differed in someone's ways; Link was more focused on scoring the ball whenever he could in comparison to Ralph who played 2x as hard as he should be. "It's you and Link... Right?"

A snort came out which Ralph grumbled under his breath. "Zelda barely fits but that's besides the point. *Ahem* Yeah; you could say that. We both fit into the realm of the Ryder - Someone who has something to prove." Nodding at the point which Richard's mind took over and filled it with a mental image.

In similar basketball attire to Joe but adorned with a chain-link design on the uniform - Link and Ralph were both arguing over something as they tried to yank a basketball out of each others' hands but it wasn't working out so well. Above their heads however; the word in a concrete-like aesthetic which was outlined by a neon-red glow. 'RYDER!'

"Lastly - the type that I personality hate... Are those with instincts. They know what they can do but they read into things - the details of the game; how their opponents or teammates may act. Knowing how to place themselves to cause the most attention or chaos on the court... I think you have an idea over who that is." Finishing with a forced chuckle that Richard nodded in response before he thought about someone who was surprisingly kind but was actually two-faced in some circumstances. "Malcom." Stating it at the innate fire that the small-boy had; his way of movement and his idea of where he needed to be on the court was incredible to effect everything. "Yep... Guys like him; I can't stand but love to play with... To be honest; he's good... Just alittle bit too short however he falls under the idea of a 'Baller.'" Richard focused on the word and continued to think aloud.

Following this - The image of Malcom in a tiger-striped basketball uniform appeared; screaming to the high-heavens above in a sort of savage manner whilst a word similar to the others but different as it covered in fur and was sharp in nature which stated 'Baller.'

Opening his eyes that Richard then asked. "What does all of that mean?" Directed at Ralph who stopped leaning and turned to walk away but stopped and responded to the question. "The type of Basketball player that you face may determine how a game will go. Figure out where you and your teammates fall under." A swift nod came... but... Richard thought. 'What about me?'


"What about me. I don't fall under anything of those... Do I?" Speaking out as Ralph froze... and turned around as the teenager said. "No... You fall underneath the best one - A Player with all of those attributes and then some. They step up. They're always impactful. They are what everyone looks at most... You and Jackson are similar... You guys are the Players'." Stating this as Richard's eyes widened.


Dawned in black and gold uniform - Richard thought of both himself and Jackson as they stood opposite of each-other with their backs turned to each other. Above their heads was a sleek and golden word that shined. 'PLAYER!'

"It's just... Why would you tell me all of this?" Speaking out as Ralph was now walking away. Watching the retreating form of the teenager who only said. "... If you can make it to the top 4... It means that you're real. It means that Dunk wasn't a fluke... It means... Jackson was right about you." Stating his point as Richard was deathly silent.


A notification of the system sounded off.

[Side Task: The Challenge Of Ralph - Ralph has stated his high expectations of your play for the next two games in the Tournament that you're currently playing in. He wants you to win and prove his point about the similarities of you and Jackson.

Success: Player Identification System, Three Ralph-Inspired Badges & Gear-Inspire Badge.

Failure: Play Identification System, Decreased Ralph chemistry/ ruined relationship & Possible Lost of Rep.]

'Is this system crazy? This looks like a Main Task!' Thinking hard on the idea where the boy watched the returning form of Ralph in the distance.




"I'll shatter those expectations... I'll break them."

Overall; I hope this chapter was goofy but good at the same time. I would like everyone understand and hopefuly figure out what kind of players' you are yourselves.

All of your awesome Readers and Followers have inspired to continue my story.

Lastly - If you like the story then please Like, Comment, Review and add to the Library.

If you wish to gift and vote, It would be a kind gesture.

Lastly - Share the story if you want to.

Thanks for all of the assitance if you've done, Dear Readers.

Please Be Safe and Blessings to You.

P.S. Sorry for the Delay, everyone. A member of my family has passed away due to a heart-attack at the age of 93.

My mother told me that I might be needed to care the casket however my hometown is on lockdown so it has changed alot of things for the worse. My chapter production may slow down as a result from my day-to-day to possible 2-3 day gaps.

Purplish_Redcreators' thoughts
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