
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

File S: "Sunshine" (2/2)

Basil softly spoke in awe "I still can't believe Sunny intervene like that…It's not how he usually acts in tense situations before.." While Hero chimes in "well didn't he also already surprise us lately like that time with the Lake?" Trying not to make it awkward reminding the lake incident where Basil almost drown when Aubrey accidentally pushed him and Sunny tried to save him but to weak to swim that Hero came in the Nick of time when he just returned from his college to faraway.

Hero's mention of the incident at the lake brought a solemn nod from Sunny as he glanced away, remembering how he struggled in that moment. "Yeah, that was... a wake-up call for me," Sunny admitted quietly. "I realized I couldn't keep avoiding things or pretending to be okay all the time."

Aubrey, sensing Sunny's discomfort, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Sunny. We're all here for each other, no matter what happens," she said softly.

Kel, always the optimist, added, "Exactly! We've faced challenges before, and we'll face more in the future. But as long as we stick together, we can handle anything!"

The group shared a moment of solidarity, their bond growing stronger with each shared experience.

Kel also smirks at Sunny "Maybe at this rate…Sunny can become more than himself from our childhood…Our new SUNSHINE!!!"

Kel's playful comment brought a chuckle from Sunny, who smiled appreciatively. "Sunshine, huh? I like the sound of that," he replied, his mood noticeably lighter. "I guess I have you all to thank for helping me break out of my shell."

Basil, always observant, nodded in agreement. "It's true. We've all been through a lot together, and we've grown because of it."

Aubrey added with a grin, "And with our combined sunshine powers, there's nothing we can't brighten up!"

Hero, ever the leader, clapped his hands together. "Alright, team! Let's finish up the treehouse and make it the best place for us to hang out together."

With renewed enthusiasm, they got back to work, the camaraderie between them stronger than ever as they worked on creating their own little world in the treehouse, filled with memories, laughter, and the warmth of friendship.

As the sun dipped lower, casting a warm golden glow over the backyard, the friends stepped back to admire their handiwork. The interior of the treehouse was a blend of old and new, nostalgia and present, all coming together in a harmonious way.

Kel whistled in appreciation. "Wow, guys! This looks amazing! Who knew we could turn old memories into something so cool?"

Basil nodded in agreement. "And check out the pastel purple walls! It's like a nod to our childhood adventures and the suggestion Sunny made to honor Mari."

Aubrey smiled softly, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I can't wait to show Mari when she wakes up. She'll love it."

Hero clapped his hands once again, his eyes shining with pride. "Great job, everyone! This treehouse is more than just a place now. It's a symbol of our friendship and the memories we've made together."

Sunny, looking at the pastel purple walls, felt a warmth in his heart. It was a color that symbolized hope, renewal, and a brighter future. As they gathered inside for a group photo, he couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, they were all each other's sunshine in their own way.

Then he froze again when they all utter (except Basil) "Let's hope someday when Mari wakes up , we can see that duet recital be brought back again" as the other unaware just sat down at the repaired bean bags together.

Sunny's heart skipped a beat at their words, a mix of emotions washing over him. The mention of Mari's duet recital brought back memories of happier times, but it also stirred a sense of longing and sadness. He quietly took a seat on one of the repaired bean bags, his expression thoughtful.

Aubrey noticed his change in demeanor and sat beside him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Sunny. I know it's tough, but let's stay hopeful. Mari will wake up, and we'll get to experience those duet recitals again."

Sunny managed a small smile, grateful for Aubrey's support. "Yeah, you're right. We have to stay positive."

Kel, oblivious to the deeper emotions at play, chimed in with enthusiasm. "Exactly! And when she wakes up, we'll make sure she gets the best welcome back ever!"

Hero and Basil nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting determination and hope. "For Mari," Hero added solemnly, a vow shared by all of them.

As they sat there, basking in the warm glow of friendship and shared memories, Sunny felt a renewed sense of determination. They would make sure Mari's return was filled with joy, music, and the rekindling of cherished moments.

Suddenly , Sunny felt a burning sensation in his body. He felt EXTREMELY exhausted unlike last time. As his exhaustion grew, he struggled to stay alert amidst his friends' chatter. Basil, sensing something was wrong, crawled over in concern, his expression filled with worry.

"Sunny, are you okay?" Basil asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Sunny managed a weak nod, but his eyelids felt heavy, and his body felt like it was on fire. He tried to focus on his friends' voices, but everything seemed distant, like he was underwater.

Aubrey, noticing Sunny's condition, placed a hand on his forehead, her brows furrowed. "You're burning up! We need to get you some help."

Hero, Kel, and the others gathered around, their worry palpable. "What's wrong with him?" Kel asked, his eyes wide with concern.

Sunny struggled to speak, his words slurred. "I don't know...feels like...can't stay awake..." His voice trailed off as he slipped into unconsciousness, his friends frantically calling for help.

Then , as Sunny cutely breathes and sleepingly hugs the nearest beanbag to him as they realize "Oh…A fever.." As Hero spoke "Ahh , Guys…remember what is the limited wake time for a Hikkimori than a normal person? Since lately he is staying awake often with us than he usually admits to do…

It sounds like Sunny's condition might be related to his lifestyle as a Hikkikomori. Since Basil is the one most familiar with Sunny's habits and situation over the past four years, they turn to him for insight into how Sunny's limited wake time might affect his health, especially with recent changes in his routine.

Basil nods thoughtfully, recalling what he knows about Sunny's tendencies and the challenges he faces as a Hikkikomori. "Sunny's usual wake time is much shorter than a normal person's due to his condition. Staying awake longer than he's used to can have serious consequences, including increased fatigue and potential health issues."

Aubrey, concerned, asks, "Is there anything we can do to help him?"

Basil suggests, "We should get him to a quiet and comfortable place where he can rest undisturbed. His parents might have some specific instructions or medications for situations like this. It's important to monitor his condition and not overexert him."

The group works together to carefully move Sunny to a quiet room, making sure he's comfortable and safe. They contact Sunny's parents to inform them of the situation and follow any guidance they provide for his care.

Kel sighs with a innocent pout as he carried the sleeping Sunny "Ughh..and Here I am excited for us doing late night games together with him…Guess I almost forgot he is the least physically strong compare to all of us…" As Aubrey got skeptical "Yeah Basil yet…why didn't you inform nor Sunny himself or that detail? Like he casually always doesn't mind us since 5 days ago of letting him leave his house often?" As Hero nods adding as he help Kel for they descend the ladder of the treehouse "Yeah…It's odd despite Sunny said he does self care…" ChatGPTChatGPT

Basil, feeling a bit guilty, explains, "I should have mentioned it earlier, but Sunny often downplays his condition and doesn't like drawing attention to himself. He's been trying to push his limits lately, maybe because he enjoys spending time with us so much."

Aubrey nods, understanding Sunny's desire to be part of the group activities. "We should be more mindful of his health and limitations. Maybe we can plan activities that don't require him to stay up late or exert himself too much."

Hero suggests, "We can also check in with him more regularly, just to make sure he's feeling okay and not pushing himself too hard."

Kel sighs again, feeling a bit guilty himself, "Yeah, I'll make sure to keep an eye on him too. We don't want him to overdo it and end up feeling worse."

Together, they carefully bring Sunny back to his room, making sure he's comfortable and has everything he needs for rest. They resolve to be more attentive to Sunny's needs and communicate better about his condition in the future.

As they sneak in a Mewo is observing them at her current own catlike bed.

The group exchanges solemn glances as they observe Mari's comatose state. Aubrey softly whispers, "I hope all this effort isn't in vain. Sunny and his parents have been through so much because of Mari's condition."

Hero nods in agreement, "It's tough on all of them. We can only hope that Mari wakes up soon, for Sunny's sake and for his parents too."

Kel adds, "We'll keep supporting Sunny and his family however we can. They've been there for us, and now it's our turn to be there for them."

Basil looks at Mari with a mix of sadness and hope, "Let's believe that she'll wake up one day. Until then, let's make sure Sunny gets the rest he needs. We can continue our late-night games another time."

With that, they quietly leave Sunny's room, leaving him to rest and hoping for brighter days ahead for both Sunny and Mari.

Then , as they left Hero stands by staring at the siblings and muttered "I still wonder…how did it turn out like this?" As he makes sure not to break down especially seeing the current state of reality the Miyamoto siblings (Sunny annd Mark family names are currently in. While , Kel says "Pshh we gotta go for now back to our homes to let him sleep or what?"

Hero takes a deep breath, composing himself before replying, "Yeah, we should let him rest. Sunny needs all the sleep he can get, especially with his health."

Kel nods in agreement, "Right, we don't want to tire him out even more. We'll check up on him tomorrow and see how he's doing."

As they make their way out of Sunny's house, they exchange glances filled with concern and determination. Despite the challenges they face, they are united in their support for Sunny and each other, ready to face whatever comes their way.