
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

File G: "Get Going"

Kel and Basil exchanged nods of agreement as they stood outside, ready to embark on their next adventure. "Well, guess we can check out the Miyamoto residence at this point," Kel remarked, his excitement evident in his voice.

Meanwhile, Sunny finished whispering something to Hero, who nodded in understanding. Aubrey, hesitating slightly, approached Sunny. "So, as Basil whispered to me earlier, it's true that you and Mari need to move out soon after 3 weeks to bring her to a better hospital, as your parents planned?" she asked, her concern palpable.

The group gathered around Sunny, waiting for his response, their expressions a mix of curiosity and worry. Sunny took a deep breath before nodding solemnly. "Yes, we do. It's time to get going and make sure Mari gets the best care possible," he replied, determination shining in his eyes.

Hero chuckled warmly, acknowledging Sunny's resilience. "It's amazing, Sunny. Despite being cooped up for 4 years, you've taken such good care of yourself and Mari. Your parents' periodic visits must have helped too," he remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice.

Basil comments "That's because I was also there to check on him even through phone—" As Kel exclaimed "But still it's SUNNY's own effort…Although his skin is still slightly more pale…."

Basil nodded in agreement with Kel's observation. "Absolutely, it's been Sunny's determination and care that kept things going. And you, Kel, being there whenever you could, it all makes a difference," he added, acknowledging Kel's support for Sunny during those years.

As Kel blinks scratching his head as he fix his ponytail "Really? Even though we just recently bothered Sunny I dunno yesterday to leave his home?"

Basil nodded again, understanding Kel's confusion. "Yes, but it's about the effort Sunny puts in every day, not just the isolated incidents. We all have our ups and downs, but it's the consistent care and dedication that matter most," Basil explained, trying to reassure Kel about Sunny's overall progress and efforts.


Sunny cutely pouts "Guys am right here—" Aubrey patted his head with a soft smile slowly as a given replied, "There there, surely you can catch on soon Sunny-So we're at your house now?"

Aubrey's comforting gesture made Sunny smile slightly. "Yeah, we're here. Thanks, Aubrey," Sunny replied, feeling a bit more at ease with her presence and the support of their friends.

Hero then bows as he opens the door burrowing Sunny's house keys due to the whispers he recalled earlier Sunny told him. As he opens he sighs "Ahh Woah, Sunny you absolutely outdone yourself!!! The house is just as neat as we all remembered!!! Right everyone?" 

Kel grinned widely. "Definitely! Sunny, you've kept everything so tidy and organized," he exclaimed, impressed by the state of the house.

Basil nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's like stepping back into old memories but with a fresh feel," he remarked, looking around with a hint of nostalgia.

Aubrey smiled warmly. "It's cozy and welcoming, just like it used to be," she commented, appreciating the familiar atmosphere.

Sunny blushed at the compliments, feeling a sense of pride in maintaining his home despite everything.


Then, Hero beams and speaks, "Hey even there's no sign of dust and cobwebs.." As Sunny covers his flushed face with a nod "Of course, My Mom and Dad always give me things to do the past 4 years here since I am not well enough to leave Mari alone and not need school anymore.." he scrunched his face at the corners ignoring the phobia of spiders manifested in his vision "I mean….at first it's difficult and annoying but I did it for Mari's sake...I also overcame the scary spiders last Year I think. They became such a hindrance whenever I cleaned the place—" As Hero said in awe "Woah? Guess your parents were absent often for the past 4 years for work and support for you and Mari huh?"

Sunny nodded, his expression softening. "Yeah, they have to work a lot to support us. But they always make sure to check in on us regularly and provide everything we need," he explained a sense of gratitude in his voice.

Kel chimed in, "It's awesome!!! how you've managed everything here, Sunny! Taking care of Mari, the house, and yourself all on your own."

Basil added, "You're really strong, Sunny. Not just physically but emotionally too."

Aubrey smiled warmly at Sunny. "You've done a great job, Sunny. We're all here for you and Mari, remember that."

As Sunny felt his low self-esteem kick in "No you guys, your all just want to reassure me after I barely catch up on what's up outside and your lives..:" 

Basil spoke gently, "Sunny, it's not about catching up or comparing. We appreciate everything you've done and understand the challenges you've faced."

Kel nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Sunny, we're not here to make you feel bad. We're genuinely impressed by your dedication and strength."

Hero added, "Absolutely, Sunny. You've been through a lot, and we admire your resilience."

Aubrey chimed in, "You're an important part of our group, Sunny. Your efforts and sacrifices haven't gone unnoticed."

Their words were filled with sincerity, emphasizing their support and admiration for Sunny's efforts despite his self-doubt.


Then, They all heard a familiar black cat (which is a tabby older cat) Sunny called out to carry it as it walked downstairs meowing "Oh Mewo!!! Sorry!!! I shall feed you some food now okay?" As Hero comments "Wait, what sort of food you give Mewo? Usual cat food?"

Sunny replied with a chuckle, "Yeah, just the regular cat food. Mewo's not picky, thankfully."

As they settled in, enjoying the familiar atmosphere of Sunny's home, they continued their conversation and catch-up, appreciating the comfort of being together again.

Aubrey then asks "Hey guys is it okay for me and Basil to check out the treehouse by this house' yard?"

As Aubrey and Basil headed out to explore the treehouse, Kel suggested, "Hey, while they're busy with that, how about we help Sunny pack some essentials for Mari's upcoming transfer?"

Hero nodded in agreement, "Good idea. Sunny, do you need any help with packing?"

Sunny smiled gratefully, "Yeah, that would be great. I have a list somewhere in the kitchen. Let's get started."

The group divided tasks, with Kel and Hero assisting Sunny in gathering necessary items for Mari's transfer, while Aubrey and Basil reminisced and shared stories in the treehouse, enjoying a moment of nostalgia and bonding.

Hero smiles softly before having a melancholic gaze "So, Kel and Sunny when did Aubrey start being strained with Basil and her new friends (Hooligan) that you manage to figure out in depth? Since these past 4 years I mostly at college and busy with studies in the city?"

Hero's expression turned thoughtful as Kel began explaining, "It started not long after Mari's incident. Aubrey and Basil used to be close, but as time went on and Mari's condition didn't improve, tensions started rising. Aubrey became more distant, especially after she met some new friends who, well, aren't exactly the best influence."

Sunny added, "Yeah, Aubrey got involved with a rough crowd, and it seemed like she was trying to escape from everything related to Mari's situation. Basil, on the other hand, was trying his best to cope with everything, but he couldn't understand why Aubrey was pushing him away."

Hero nodded in understanding, "It's a common reaction to trauma. Everyone copes differently, and sometimes friendships suffer as a result. It's tough for all of you."

Kel chimed in, "But I'm glad we're all here now, trying to mend things. We've all been through a lot, but we're still together."

Kel and Sunny shrug. As Kel added "Which by the way Hero again, I was too busy with my fellow basketball players and buddies besides unaware as Basil didn't share this at all. Hey, even Sunny is unaware when he has just been at this house for years-" Sunny nods. As Hero smiled softly "Still guys thanks for the context, but I believe Mari is fighting every single day trying to get back to us…."

Hero's words carried a sense of hope and determination, "You're right, Sunny. Mari's strength is something we all admire. She's fighting her own battle every day, and we need to do our part too. Supporting each other, understanding each other's struggles, that's how we'll get through this."

Kel nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we can't give up. We owe it to Mari and ourselves to keep going, to keep supporting each other no matter what."

Sunny smiled softly, feeling a bit reassured by their words. "Thanks, guys. I needed to hear that. Let's keep moving forward together."


Meanwhile, Aubrey and Basil awkwardly just finally chatted. As Aubrey sighs "So, you sure? If you don't want to paste the other photos you keep yourself that has Mari in it and place them back in this Photo Album. Remember, DESPITE us making up I still insist on a favor that you could at least complete the missing pieces of the Photo Album as I already at least solved the deface issue with the photos where Sunny's face is covered."

Aubrey's request carried a mix of sincerity and a desire for closure. She was trying to mend their strained relationship while also addressing the incomplete state of the Photo Album.

Basil hesitated for a moment, looking at the album in his hands. "I... I understand, Aubrey. It's just... it's hard to face those memories sometimes, you know?"

Aubrey nodded understandingly, her expression softening. "I get it, Basil. But completing the album could also be a way to honor those memories and move forward together."

Basil sighed, "Yeah, you're right. I'll try to gather those missing photos and put them back in."

Aubrey smiled gratefully, "Thank you, Basil. It means a lot."

Their conversation marked a step towards healing and closure, showing a gradual improvement in their relationship dynamics.

Then, Basil smiled at the colorful pinwheels around the treehouse as he spoke"Despite us not visiting this old treehouse we used to do with when Mari used to be with us and active…Do you think in later days we can repair it? If Sunny well this is his family's yard allowed us to"

Basil's suggestion brought a nostalgic and hopeful tone to their conversation, symbolizing a desire to restore old bonds and memories. Aubrey nodded, her eyes lighting up with a hint of excitement. "That sounds like a great idea, Basil! It would be nice to have a place where we can reminisce about the old times and create new memories too."

Basil smiled warmly, "Exactly! And I'm sure Sunny wouldn't mind. We can make it a project for all of us to work on together."

Then, Mewo was walking by the yard and putting at Basil Meowing despite being an old black cat. As Aubrey softened her expression more as she kneeled "Still Basil tell me, since I am aware that Kel you are the only one able to indirectly still connect with Sunny when he is a Hikikomori. Do you think Sunny is still okay since he has the bandages? His neck brace under his outfit had that cutter always with him when only once he accidentally hurt me yesterday when I did get a bit aggressive on you….."

Basil's expression turned thoughtful as he listened to Aubrey's concerns. "I think Sunny is doing his best," he replied gently. "The bandages and the neck brace are just precautions. He's been through a lot, but he's resilient. I'll keep an eye on him, and if anything seems off, I'll make sure he gets the help he needs."

Aubrey nodded, her worry easing slightly at Basil's reassurance. "Thanks, Basil. I trust you to look out for him too."

As Basil carried a burping meowed Mewo. As he and Aubrey walked back inside added "You welcome, Mewo seems to still grow well with us. Now shall we check on Mari upstairs? She is in the same bedroom as Sunny….."

Basil and Aubrey nodded in agreement as they made their way back inside, Mewo contentedly nestled in Basil's arms. The thought of checking on Mari brought a mix of emotions to their minds, knowing that she was still in a comatose state, yet hopeful for any signs of improvement.

Once upstairs, they quietly entered Mari's room, where Sunny was also present. The atmosphere was serene yet tinged with a sense of longing and concern. Aubrey glanced at Sunny, who seemed lost in his thoughts as he looked at Mari.

Basil gently placed Mewo down and approached Mari's bedside, his expression softening with a mixture of sadness and hope. "Hey, Mari," he whispered, as if hoping she could hear him somehow. "We're here. Sunny's here too. We miss you."

Aubrey stood by, her gaze shifting between Mari, Sunny, and Basil. She reached out to hold Sunny's hand, offering silent support and understanding.

Sunny turns to Aubrey "So guys, surely Mari doesn't mind. Yet Aubrey how did you and Basil think of the yard? I can't seem to know what to do or just forgotten due to well you know…" awkward and guilty tone.

Aubrey smiled reassuringly at Sunny, understanding the weight of his words. "Don't worry, Sunny. We were just discussing the treehouse and the yard, reminiscing about old times. Basil mentioned repairing the treehouse in the future, and we were thinking of ways to make the yard lively again, especially since Mewo seems to enjoy it."

Basil nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Mari would want us to keep moving forward, making the most of what we have. We can take it one step at a time."

Sunny nodded, a hint of relief in his eyes. "That sounds good. I think Mari would appreciate that too."

Then, they heard a knock on the door. Basil opened it as it was Kel and Hero smiling as they said "We finish the prepared essentials downstairs. Can we join in to accompany Mari?"

Basil smiled warmly at Kel and Hero. "Of course, you're always welcome. Let's all go together," he replied, gesturing for them to follow.

As they entered Mari's room, Aubrey greeted her with a gentle smile. "Hey Mari, we're all here for you," she said softly, placing a hand on Mari's hand, feeling a sense of connection despite her comatose state.

Kel and Hero stood by, offering their support silently, their presence comforting in the somber atmosphere of the room. Sunny looked at Mari with a mix of longing and hope, his determination to help her evident in his eyes.

Together, they formed a circle around Mari's bed, their bond as friends and family growing stronger as they faced the challenges ahead, united in their love and support for each other and Mari.

Hero's voice softened as he gazed at Mari's peaceful face. "You are beautiful as ever, Mari," he whispered, his words filled with a mix of admiration and longing. He took in the room's setup, noting the familiar surroundings that hadn't changed much since the last time he was here.

As he observed Mari's comatose state, Hero couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness, yet his determination to be there for her and the others remained strong. He gently reached out to hold Mari's hand, a silent gesture of solidarity and reassurance.

Turning to the group gathered around Mari's bed, Hero spoke with sincerity in his voice. "We've been through a lot, but we're here together now. Let's continue supporting each other and Mari every step of the way," he said, his words echoing the collective resolve of their friendship and the hope they held for Mari's recovery.

Everyone nodded. As Kel whispers to Sunny "What sort of duties do you make to take care of Mari to make her still healthy despite that state"

Sunny paused for a moment, reflecting on the daily routines and responsibilities he had shouldered for Mari's well-being. "I make sure to keep her room clean and comfortable," he began, his voice tinged with a mix of pride and sorrow. "I help with her physical therapy exercises, change her position regularly to prevent bedsores, and ensure she gets proper nutrition through feeding tubes."

He glanced at Mari's serene face, a silent acknowledgment of the efforts he put in each day. "It's challenging, but seeing her peaceful like this makes it worth it," Sunny added, his gaze returning to Kel with a hint of determination in his eyes.

Then, Basil joined in the whisper "Plus Sunny you told me you even help whenever your parents visit the house to help with her haircut, groom to hair combing, and maintain her hygiene."

Basil's words added another layer to Sunny's caregiving responsibilities, showcasing his dedication to Mari's overall well-being. Sunny nodded in agreement, a sense of responsibility evident in his demeanor. "Yes, that's right. I try to assist in every way possible to ensure Mari receives the best care, especially during those moments when my parents are here."

Aubrey and Hero listen as they wave at a comatose Mari to leave the room. Until Sunny asks his friends if they can just wait downstairs as there's something else he will need to do.

So they leave for the downstairs of his house. As Sunny notices Hero standing by too, gazing a more saddened gaze at Mari crying as he kiss her forehead as he [Hero] mutters "Ohh Mari, I just hope that you come back to us…..I even improve my cooking just as you always adore it…." Tears stream down his cheeks "Everyone is waiting for you, Sunny is waiting for you as he is your brother….I-I am waiting for you and still do…"

Sunny felt something flicker at Mari to manifest only for a moment like a hallucination for him. Due to the guilt that Mari is still not awake yet.

Sunny's emotions were palpable as he watched Hero express his deep longing for Mari's recovery.

Then, he left the bedroom where Hero was still standing by Mari's side as Kel called out from downstairs "Yo Sunny, done to whatever you're to up there?! Also, Basil and Aubrey decided to leave for now as they had other things plan to do for today!!!" As he smiles to add "They seem to make up pretty well now despite earlier…." 

Sunny nodded silently to himself, acknowledging Kel's words. He took a deep breath before heading downstairs to join his friends, knowing that even amidst their struggles and conflicts, they were united in their hope for Mari's recovery and their bonds of friendship.

Sunny then asks Kel "Hey Kel, I am curious since I miss out so much….like 4 years ago when Mari is in THAT state even now…" scratching his head with a calm face yet concerned gaze "How did he react and process? And how did he get over it to study up to college and even do his passion for cooking?" Around the moment he recalls when Hero told Sunny that he relates to one time being stuck.

Kel paused for a moment, reflecting on Sunny's question. "Well, it wasn't easy, Sunny," he began, his expression thoughtful. "At first, it felt like everything was falling apart. Mari's condition hit us all hard, especially Hero. He was devastated, lost, and angry at the unfairness of it all. But he didn't let that define him forever."

"He found solace in his studies and cooking," Kel continued a hint of admiration in his voice. "It became his way of coping, his way of channeling all those emotions into something positive. He poured his heart into everything he did, striving to be better not just for himself but also for Mari."

"He never really got over it completely," Kel admitted with a somber tone. "But he learned to live with it, to carry that weight while still finding moments of happiness and growth. And that's what I think keeps him going every day."

Sunny then turns to Kel "How did you cope with it being the happiest, out of all of us? And are you also the reason Hero isn't fully lost?"

Kel smiled softly at Sunny's question. "It's true, I try to stay positive and happy most of the time," he said. "But it's not always easy, Sunny. I have my moments of doubt, sadness, and fear just like everyone else."

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "As for Hero, we all play a part in helping each other. I may bring some joy and lightness, but Hero's strength comes from within himself. He's resilient, Sunny, even when it seems like everything is against him. He finds that inner strength to keep moving forward, and I'm just glad I can be there to support him when he needs it."

Kel's expression turned more serious. "Coping with Mari's condition has been a journey for all of us. We've each found our ways to deal with it, but what keeps us together is our friendship, understanding, and the hope that one-day things will get better."


Sunny smiled and nudged Kel "So that's why you're the first person that finally let me be bothered to check the door and leave my house after me being a Hikkimori for 4 years right?"

Kel nods with a smile and ruffles Sunny's hair "Yeah, but even Aubrey and Basil made an effort to remember? I am just the Steering wheel" Sunny chuckles beefier going back to a calm face.

Next, they both turn to see Hero finally left the room upstairs to wipe off his tears and hook them downstairs "Sorry Sunny and Kel if might take too long-wait what did Aubrey and Basil up to this time guys?" Since they are not present at the (Miyamoto) house they are in.

As Kel lent a note to Hero and exclaimed "Oh here!!! in short, Aubrey and Basil visit his house as they plan to reconcile each other more properly and personally."

Hero takes the note from Kel and reads it with a soft smile. He then nods thoughtfully and responds, "Ah, I see. It's good that they're taking the time to reconcile and understand each other better. Relationships are important, especially in times like these." He glances upstairs momentarily, his expression reflecting a mix of hope and concern for Mari. "Let's give them some time. They'll join us when they're ready."


They nod, as Hero happily adds "Also Sunny for later tonight you don't mind if me and Kel sleepover here to accompany you and help you in your usual routine of the house right? Plus, surely when I check the kitchen where it lacks better food to eat for variety so…I as the eldest shall take responsibility to cook for us later for dinner as well."

As Kel spoke up "What do you think Sunny? Another sleepover and this time where we are close to Mari-" Mewo meows and sleeps by its corner of the house as Kel glances with a laugh "and Mewo too…."


Sunny smiles warmly at their offer and nods, feeling grateful for their companionship. "That sounds great. Having you both here would be nice, especially since we're all together in the same house." He glances at Mewo and chuckles. "And Mewo seems to approve as well. It'll be like old times."

Hero nods as he turns to Kel "Anyways, I shall go get some other ingredients from the back of my mind and Kel's house" Sunny nods silently. Meanwhile, Kel sighs in relief "You know Sunny it's an achievement besides finding Basil's Photo Album, Aubrey's mild issues, although awkwardly…..Then reunion with Hero today!!! It's a rollercoaster, right? Glad that it didn't end badly, especially the time at the lake…."

Sunny thumbs up and spoke more quietly "Still, it's odd out of everyone Hero didn't seem mad at anyone during that time at the lake before you, Aubrey me and Basil gave given him better context later"


Kel nods in agreement. "Yeah, it's been quite a journey today. But you're right, Hero's calmness and understanding really helped diffuse the tension. We're lucky to have each other, especially in times like these." He gives Sunny a reassuring smile. "And hey, things will only get better from here on out. We just have to keep moving forward together."

Sunny then blinks in a daze "You think so? I guess I wonder how I can spend these 3 weeks with you guys before a temporary move out for Mari's better health and chance of recovery…"

Kel nods encouragingly. "Absolutely! We'll make the most out of these three weeks. We can plan fun activities, spend quality time together, and just enjoy each other's company. And when the time comes for Mari's move, we'll support you every step of the way." He smiles warmly. "We've got this, Sunny. Together, we can handle anything."

Sunny nods, as he yawns "Thanks as always Kel. Wait how long will Hero take to get back here to get his Uhh RECIPE and cooking items back here? I wonder what sort of Meal he can make us for dinner later…."

Hero returns shortly after with a bag of ingredients, looking excited and ready to cook. "I'm back, guys!" he announces cheerfully, setting down the bag. "I've got everything we need for a delicious dinner. How about we start preparing it together? It'll be fun!" He looks at Sunny with a smile. "I've got a special dish in mind that I think you'll enjoy."


Sunny and Kel both smile. As they nod Kel says aloud "That's my best chef brother Hero!!!! Let's get going!!! We can use your house's kitchen to do this!!!"


"It sounds like a plan," Hero agrees, leading the way to the kitchen with Sunny and Kel following behind. The three friends spend the evening cooking together, chatting, and enjoying each other's company. As they sit down to eat the delicious meal Hero prepared, they feel grateful for their friendship and the moments they share together.

Back in Basil's house where Aubrey and Basil chuckle after waving at Ms.Polly just came in to do her duties as a babysitter for Basil's chores in the place.

While Aubrey sighed as she helped Basil finally reorganize the Photos in the Photo Album "I can't wait for tomorrow when we can gather our old group again to see all these memories of our childhood—" Basil sadly nodded with a shy smile.

Aubrey qued "Still, why do Mari's photos bring a bad Memory, Basil? I know Mari's condition affected us over the years yet…why need to hide it if it's all happy memories we had of her?"

Basil's smile fades a bit as he listens to Aubrey's question. "I guess it's just a mix of emotions," he starts, carefully arranging the photos. "Seeing Mari's photos reminds me of all the happy times we had together, but it also brings back the pain of what happened to her and the guilt of not being able to change it."

Aubrey nods understandingly, her expression softening. "I get it. It's tough to confront those feelings, especially when we're trying to move forward."

Basil sighs, glancing at the photos before looking back at Aubrey. "I know we can't change the past, but maybe by facing it together, we can find some closure and heal."

Aubrey smiles gently, placing a comforting hand on Basil's shoulder. "We'll get through this, Basil. Together."

he smiled at her gesture as he finally pasted the last photo in place as he spoke "Yes together"


Their moment of understanding and unity adds a poignant note to their friendship, symbolizing a step forward in their shared journey of healing and reconciliation.