
Omniversal Trade Center

Death isn't the end of everything as Karna thought, as after his sudden death he gets offered a second chance at life. It chance doesn't come for free though, as now he has to manage a shop that connects to the vast Multiverse.

Student_Of_Culture · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Deal worth Millions

I watched calmly as two impressive attacks rushed at me. They looked amazing, A Lava Dragon and An Ice Phoenix. And they were pretty deadly as well, seeing as how they destroyed everything in their way while rushing towards me.

As they made impact with me, I watched how they made contact with my skin, and bounced off without being able to do anything to me. They instead collided with each other and made a Huge Blast.

Their impressive shapes changed and turned into just Blobs of Lava, Shards of Ice, hardened lava rocks, water and steam. A large amount of dust also rose around the place, making it slightly harder to see.

I slowly walked out of the area of impact, and looked at my opponents. Kuzan looked pretty upset at seeing me be totally fine, but not as upset as I would have expected him to be. He seemed to accept this fate. While Akainu somehow looked even more angry than before. How's that even possible, I don't know.

The dude has shown only one emotion till now, and that's anger. Fucker has no emotion other than anger. I even allowed them to use their Ultimate attacks, just so I could break their will to fight me. But instead of getting depressed, he is somehow angrier than before.

"It seems you two have failed to harm me in the least. Pretty sad, right? Since you two have failed, it's time for me to get serious." I said as I immediately suppressed both of their powers and pulled them towards me. Luckily they were just at the edge of the shop domain.

I pulled both of them towards my hand, as I grabbed their throats and pulled them up in the air. Or atleast that's what I was trying to do. It just wasn't possible, because of the difference in our body size.

I was barely above 6 ft while Kuzan was around 9'10 ft while Akainu was around 10 ft. And not only were they extremely tall, their bodies were also bigger, as my hands could barely reach half their necks.

I felt like a little kid trying to hold adults. The size of these freaking One Piece characters are just too much.

Deciding to not embarrass myself anymore, I just punched them both to unconsciousness. I could just take their powers right now, but I don't really need them. They have a similar level of Haki and Fighting skills to Kizaru, while Kizaru also has a better fruit power.

I instead have a better use for them. A better way to gain money from them instead of just selling their powers. But for that I need a specific person. And that person was busy fighting right now.

I looked towards the huge battle ongoing just a little bit away from me. A battle between Whitebeard, Garp, Sengoku, and Blackbeard. I didn't even notice when Blackbeard entered the battle.

Blackbeard, Garp, and Sengoku were fighting together against Whitebeard. But despite it being a 3v1, Whitebeard wasn't in the slightest bit of disadvantage. He was instead pushing them all back by himself.

Even Blackbeard's so called Devil Fruit Nullifying abilities were useless against Whitebeard, as how could he nullify Whitebeard's powers, when he couldn't even come 10 metre close to Whitebeard.

Every single punch of Whitebeard caused Earthquakes, as every attack of his destroyed everything in its path. Marineford was in ruins right now. The dude was spamming the attack that he used to divide and destroy Marineford in the Anime. He was spamming it like Luffy's gatling gun attack.

And it probably wasn't even his full power, as his crew was still nearby and he definitely wouldn't want them to get hurt. Most of the weaker pirates had already retreated, and only the stronger one's were remaining, busy fighting the stronger Marines and the Blackbeard Crew.

Blackbeard was getting his ass beaten easily, as every attack of Whitebeard that he couldn't block successful broke his bones. He was covered in blood and crying for Whitebeard to stop, saying how he is his son and all. Shameless bastard still has the audacity to beg for mercy after betraying Whitebeard's trust. Dude is the definition of a true pirate, a pure scum.

Sengoku was struggling to fight against Whitebeard. His attacks were unable to go against the shockwaves created by Whitebeard's attacks, while he was getting pushed back with every attack. But the dude was doing pretty good, seeing how he himself is very old, older than both Whitebeard and Garp. Dude looked like 35 but in reality was 75.

And finally there was Garp, laughing like a Maniac while fighting Whitebeard. He returned every punch of Whitebeard with a Monstrous punch of his own. His own punch caused shockwaves as well, though he was getting pushed back by Whitebeard.

Honestly all of these old men are just too powerful. What did they fucking eat growing up to become so overpowered. If both Garp and Sengoku were also on their Peak form, this battle would have been very different.

Leaving the crazy old men to fight, I turned and looked around the battlefield, trying to find something. Ace's dead body.

As I was looking around, someone came flying towards me and fell right besides me. It was none other than Blue fire Guy. He seemed to have been thrown here by somebody during a fight.

As the dude was getting up, the one who threw him appeared before me. It was a woman who was around 12ft tall and had a very ugly face. She was wearing black and white striped shirt, so probably a prisoner. A member of Blackbeard's group?

When she appeared, she started cackling and tried to say something. But I didn't even give ger a chance, as I just suppressed her powers. Bitch decided to just directly land inside my domain, so I didn't think it was necessary to waste anymore time.

Blue flame beside me seemed to get startled at seeing how quickly I took care of his opponent. He tried to say something, but i once again decided to not care, and asked what I wanted to know.

"Blue flame dude, do you know where Ace's dead body is? I need it to revive him. Without a body, the process will become way more expensive." I explained, which seemed to make his face light up.

"Yeah, I know where Ace is. Follow me, and I will bring you to his body. And by the way, my name is Marco." Marco said, as he motioned for me to follow him.

But I was a little reluctant to leave this door range. "Marco, can't you just bring the body here? I am a bit busy watching Whitebeard fight 3v1 and still dominate the fight." I gave him an excuse. And he seemed to accept the excuse easily, as he become proud at hearing about Whitebeard.

"Yeah, I will be back soon." Said Marco as he suddenly turned into a Blue Flame bird and flew away quickly.

While he was busy recovering the body, I just decided to watch the fight between the old monsters fight.

The battle was now mainly between Garp and Whitebeard, as the other two didn't seem to be in the best of conditions.

Blackbeard was just barely alive, with his whole body covered in blood, and every bone of his body being broken. Hopefully Whitebeard doesn't kill him immediately as I would like to take away his powers first.

Sengoku was also in a bad Condition. He seemed to have reversed back to his human form from his Buddha Form. His body was very injured. But he was still in way better condition than Blackbeard. Whitebeard wasn't being very merciful with his former son.

Garp was also injured, but he still was as ready for battle as before. Same with Whitebeard, who looked a little injured, but was very eager to fight.

As I watched the two old dude continue their fight, Marco finally returned, with Ace's body in his hands. "Lay him down on the floor." I instructed. Marco did as instructed and gently laid down Ace's body on the ground.

"First, it's a repair dead body potion." I said, and brought out a Repair Dead body Splash potion. I threw it at Ace's body as it broke on contract and quickly started repair the dead body.

"Without this potion, if I revive him, he will come back to life, only to die again after a few seconds. Afterall, a person with a hole through their body can't live for long." I explained. Marco noded slowly, seeming horrified at the scenario of seeing Ace come back to life, only to see him die again.

"Next is the Revival Potion, which brings back the soul of the dead and binds them to the body." I explained, as I brought a Revive Potion and splashed it on Ace.

As a result, Ace's body started glowing Golden, as it started to float a few inches above the ground. Both me and Marco just looked at it for a few minutes, before finally it stopped. Ace's body fell back on the floor, seeming as lifeless as before.

"Did it not work?" Marco asked, sounding angry and depressed at the same time. But in response I just pointed at Ace's chest, which started to move slightly up and down, indicating that Ace was indeed alive once again and was breathing.

Marco seemed to become ecstatic, as he started to thank me profusely. I told him it was okay, as it was just a deal. So after thanking me one last time, and saying how he will be forever grateful, he started looking after the unconscious Ace.

Confirming that Ace was indeed alive once again, I turned towards Whitebeard to check on his battle. And it seemed it was finally over. Garp was on the ground, unconscious. While Whitebeard was standing over him, Victorious. He had a few injuries, but he looked like he could go for another 10 fights.

Seeing that he was done with the fight, I called him, "Hey Whitebeard, if you are done beating up senior citizens, come meet your son Ace. He's back from the grave."

Whitebeard instantly turned towards my direction, as his eyes roamed around and finally fell on Ace. I could hear his sigh of relief from here, as his face lit up and he rushed towards here.

He quickly sat down near Ace's unconscious body, as he picked Ace up, and hugged him, while smiling happily. I could see tears of happiness in the corner of his eyes.

After a minute, he finally put down Ace back on the floor, and stood up and started laughing. "Gurararara, kid you truly brought back my son to life. I can't express how grateful I am. Just ask for anything, and I will bring that thing to you."

"No problem man, it's just buisness. I did my part, and you will do yours."

"Hmm, kid, I know it might be a bit too much, but can I ask you for another favour?" Whitebeard asked, suddenly seeming a lot more serious.

"Ask for anything dude. As long as you can pay, I can give you anything. I am a Shopkeeper, and my shop sells everything in existence."

"Ace wasn't the only one that died. In this battle, a lot of my other kids also died, trying to rescue Ace. And I love all of my kids equally. So if it's possible, I request for you to bring them all back as well. I am willing to pay anything you request for." Whitebeard requested, bowing his head towards me.

"It won't be a problem bringing them all back to life. The problem will be the price. The stronger the person is, the higher the price. So I don't know if you can pay back that much money." I explained. Whitebeard's crew is supposed to be one of the best in this world. So it would be kinda expensive to revive them all.

"I am willing to die for you, if you bring them all back." Whitebeard said, as he bowed his head even more. Marco did the same.

"Okay okay, stop bowing down. You might break your back if you do this too much at your age. And don't worry, I will revive them all. Though you should be ready to pay for it. It going to cost a lot."

"Thanks a lot kid. I will do anything you ask for, to repay this debt." Whitebeard said.

"You are gonna have a lot of work from now. Gathering all the things I need probably won't be easy." I said to Whitebeard. To gather things worth multiple millions of OT should be pretty hard. "And how about we also make a deal, Sengoku?" I turned towards Sengoku as I asked him the question.

"What kind of deal?" Sengoku asked, sounding warry of me.

"A deal for me to let you all out of this place alive and with your powers. I can steal other peoples powers, and am strong enough to kill you all. But killing you all won't benefit me much, so how about we make a deal?" I asked, smiling maliciously inside my head. I am going to milk the Marines dry.

"Steal powers?" Sengoku questioned.

So I just showed him my new Light powers and Haki. "I stole this Haki and Light ability from Kizaru. If you don't agree to a deal, I will just take the abilities of all the marines and then kill you all." I threatened. I won't actually kill them all, but honestly, taking away their powers will already be worse than death for them.

Sengoku seemed very worried after seeing my demonstration. "What do you want in exchange?"

"5 Million OT seems like a Decent price for all of your life."

"And what's this OT thing?" Sengoku asked confused. Whitebeard also turned his head towards me, interested to know what this OT is. Afterall, he already made a deal with me for a million OT.

"OT stands for Omni token, which is basically the currency used in my shop. 5 million OT will be around worth 10-20 Decent devil fruits, or 10-20 decent Named swords. Or a few mountains of gold. You can pay however you want." I explained, which made Sengoku's face a little pale.

"That's too expensive!" Sengoku shouted in anger.

"Obviously it's gonna be expensive. I am sparing the life of the strongest Marines afterall. It's your fault you are so strong. If you were weak, it wouldn't have cost this much." I said, smiling evilly at him.

After a few minutes of him just sitting on the floor, thinking, he finally accepted. "Ughh... Whatever, I will accept the deal, if you ensure we can retreat safely."

"Then we have a deal. 5 million OT worth of items for the safe retreat of all the Marines from this place. Whitebeard can ensure that none of the pirates interrupt your retreat. Though don't think you can forget about the deal after you have escaped. No one can break a deal with me." I warned, to which Sengoku just nodded in acceptance.
