
Omniversal Trade Center

Death isn't the end of everything as Karna thought, as after his sudden death he gets offered a second chance at life. It chance doesn't come for free though, as now he has to manage a shop that connects to the vast Multiverse.

Student_Of_Culture · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs


Asuna POV :

Hearing the loud and annoying sound of my alarm clock beeping, I tried to silence it, only for the sound of something breaking to reach my ears.

Another Broken Alarm clock...

It's been happening a lot since I got Enhanced Strength. I was beginning to gain a bit of control, until an accident happened and I got even stronger.

I was getting used to My Enhanced Strength, that Karna gave me. It changed the day I lost my arm while fighting the King Slime Boss.

Even though I have died soo many times, I still haven't gotten used to the pain. The sudden loss of an arm made me scream like a Banshee. It was soo painful, that I lost my consciousness.

Apparently Karna didn't like to see that. Seeing me in pain, he decided to buy me something new, to make me even stronger. A Gamer system.

Karna is just too nice. First he bought me a few skills and then even bought this New power. He just keeps giving me things, while I can't pay him back in any way. Even though he's supposed to be a shopkeeper, he gave me those things for free.

'He's not a very good Buisnessman.' I thought with a small smile. But he's a good person. Not only did he help me, he also helped Mr. Lelouch, Miss Nunnaly and CC.

CC and I became friends because of our similar circumstances. But the truth is, her life is actually way worse than mine. She had to suffer like that for more than 700 years. She told me about a few of her worse deaths, and just hearing about that sent shivers down my spine. If Karna never appeared, would I have also lived a long and miserable life like that?

I asked Karna how I could pay him back. He said I could just help around the shop, but there's nothing to help with. He easily takes care of everything with just a single motion of his hands. No cleaning, no moving things.

So I try to help him in other ways. Since he has given me the chance to get stronger, I will do my best to get as strong as possible. The new Ganer system makes me stronger with every Monster I kill.

So I fight and kill every monster I see, to become as strong as possible. I want to someday become strong enough to help and protect him. Though that day is pretty far away, as he is way stronger than me right now.

He easily takes care of all the Bosses that I can hardly defeat. He allows me to last hit the Boss monster, so that I get as much exp as possible. But I will continue to fight, until I am strong enough to pay him back for all of his help.

But even though I am not strong enough now, I can help him in another way. By cooking good food. He likes to eat food, and having a delicious meal keeps him happy throughout the whole day.

I have been cooking food for myself for years. My parents always go to work early, and come home late at night. They eat at their jobs. They used to bring takeout for me, but I got bored of it quickly. So I learnt to cook food for myself at an early age. And I am pretty good at it. And Karna likes what I cook, which makes me happy.

I slowly got out of bed and went towards the bathroom to freshen up. After a few minutes, I was ready to get to work. What should I cook today?

While thinking about food, I left my room, only for the smell of food to catch me of guard. "You are finally awake, Asuna. Come, I made breakfast for us." Karna called, making me happy as well as a little bit irritated.

I had told him multiple times that I will do all the cooking, but he doesn't listen to me at all. I love to eat his food, but if he wants to cook, can't he call for me? We could prepare food together.

We could cook faster if we work together. While I cut the vegetables, he prepares the spices. And while I am busy doing that, he suddenly hugs me from behind. His hands slowly start to roam my body while he kisses my neck....

"Hey Asuna, you okay? Your face is a little red. Do you have a fever?" Karna asks, making my face burn in embarrassment. "No, I am fine."

Damn it. I have been having these kinds of erotic thoughts a lot recently. And it's all his fault. Why does he have to practice his skills while being almost naked?

He practices his Fire Manipulation ability while being almost naked, with just small pants on. Apparently his clothes catches on fire if he wears them. So he just wears a special fire proof pant. I asked him why he just didn't buy full set of fireproof clothes, to which he said that it's a waste of money. He will soon gain enough control over his fire to not burn his clothes.

But he doesn't think about how hard it is on me to see him like that. Seeing him practicing his Skills as sweat slowly pours down his perfect body. It's a little bit too much for me to handle.

How could be be almost naked infront of a girl? Does he have no shame? Or is it a difference in culture? He also calls me by my first name like my parents or best friends do. I mean, I asked him to call me Asuna. But I thought he would call me Asuna san, not Asuna directly. It was kinda embarrassing to hear him call me like that at first, but I have gotten used to it. If only I could get used to seeing his body and not be embarrassed about it, like he is.

I wouldn't even be having these embarrassing thoughts, if not for my old best friend. She used to bring some magazines to school, that had men wearing questionable clothes. She even forced me to read them a few times. These erotic thoughts are all because of my old friend and Karna. It's not my fault!

While I was trying to justify my own thoughts to myself, we finished eating breakfast. Then Karna cleaned all the plates within an instant, with his Clean Magic. It's pretty convenient.

"Hey Asuna, wanna visit CCs world today? Last time we didn't get to have any fun." Karna asked, making me perk up. I love spending time with him, and so does he. I am his first friend afterall.

When he told me how I am his first actual friend in his life, I felt happy and sad at the same time. He was an orphan as well as had no friends in his life, that's a very pitiful life to live.

But since now I am his friend, I won't let him feel lonely ever again. "Yes. I want to visit CCs world. Do you want to bring CC along as well?"

"We will see if she's available. If she's free, we can ask her to guide us around." Karna replied.

I quickly got ready to leave, getting dressed up in my armoured Clothes. The first Clothes set that Karna bought for me. They look amazing and they are extremely tough. And Karna seems to like it whenever I wear these clothes.

"Let's go!" Saying that Karna went through the Magic Door. When I stepped through the door, I appeared in the abandoned warehouse we left from in the last time.

Karna quickly took out his phone, and called for CC. CC answered, saying that she was busy right now and won't be available for atleast 9pm. So I guess it's just the two of us now.

I think I like this more. I might like CC as a friend, but with just Karna and me alone, won't this be like a date? I definitely like this more.

"Hmm, CCs not available. So let's just roam the city and see what it has available. And here, take this mask and fake ID. A Japanese like you won't be able to move around this city without some harrasment." Saying that he gave me a Mask and a Card. I wore the Mask and putting the ID in my pocket.

Then Karna led me outside, and we both started to roam the whole city. First we walked around the Whole City, looking at different famous places. From the old Japanese monuments to the newly built Structures of the Britannians.

Then we went to watch a Movie. The movie was pretty interesting, but a little overboard the the Britannian propaganda. But I enjoyed my time with Karna anyway.

Then later we went shopping, buying a few pairs of clothes for both of us. He bought what I said good looked on him, while I bought what he picked for me. Karna also bought some Mini Knightmare Action Figures. He said he will put them in display besides the real Knightmares he has. I couldn't help but laugh a little at that.

Then finally we went to a cafe to eat some food. After having a light meal, we went to get some Ice cream as well. We sat down on a bench in a nearby park to silently enjoy our Icecream in a nice environment.

The silence was ruined when four guys, that were dressed in the uniform of some High School came to disturb us.

"Well, look here folks. A filthy eleven and a Mud face is enjoying some Icecream here." Called out the first of the four Highschool Students.

"Do you think this is a place where trash like you should sit?" Said the second of the four dirt bags.

"You are dirtying this place by being here. Get lost before we get angry." Said the third of the four Scumbags.

"You won't like what we do to inferior trash like you." Finished the forth of the four filthy bastards.

I was half annoyed as well as half amused by their failed intimidation attempt. "And what are four clowns like you gonna do? Perform a magic tricks for us?" I asked with a smile.

Karna seemed amused by what I said as he burst out laughing, but these four didn't look that amused.

"You Bitch!" Screamed one of them as he lunged at me, trying to slap me. But that incoming slap moved at a snails pace in my eyes. I could break every one of his limbs before his slap could even reach me.

But I didn't have to do anything, as before I could even see, Karna Slapped that dude to the floor. He slapped the dude so hard, the sound of the slap reverberated through the whole part. And now everyone was looking towards us.

"Let's get out of here before the police come." Said Karna, and I agreed with him. I could already see a few people taking out their phone to call someone.

I got up and ran with Karna, leaving behind the three dudes that were trying to wake up their unconscious friend.

The dude that got slapped looked like he was dead. But he definitely didn't die from that slap, right? That slap was kinda loud. Did he actually die from it? Karna wouldn't just kill someone for insulting us, right?

Stopping my thoughts about that, I kept running behind Karna, until we stopped in front of a Shop. A Ice cream Shop. "Since we couldn't properly finish our Ice Cream, let's buy another one." Karna suggested, to which I agreed to easily. I love Icecream.

This time, we just walked along the road, while eating Icecream. We were once again having a great time, eating Icecream and talking about our past life.

And this great time of ours was destroyed once again. By a Police officer this time.

"Hey, you two. Stop right there. You both are under arrest for harrassing and assaulting an Innocent Britannian Citizen." Screamed the Police officer while pointing his gun at us. I could also see two more police officers coming from the other direction.

This situation got a lot more complicated. Seriously, can't these bastards let us have a peaceful date? I am starting to really hate them.

"We won't stop. What are you gonna do bitch?" Asked Karna, in a really irritated voice.

"Don't resist, or I will shoot!" Screamed the Police officer, looking really trigger happy. He might actually shoot us, as the punishment for killing a Japanese like me isn't really heavy for a Government Official like him. CC told me a lot about the current situation of this world, and it was honestly very messed up.

"Shoot me? How are you gonna do that when I am not even here?" Said Karna as he suddenly disappeared. For normal human eyes, that is. I could see him take out a bottle of potion and quickly drink it. He also gave me one, which I drank as fast as I could. And boom! We were both invisible now.

As soon as I drank the Potion, I became able to see Karna once again. But it wasn't the same for everyone else. Everyone around us jumped back in shock, seeing two people just suddenly disappear in front of them.

"Hey Asuna, let's go get a few new Knightmares." Karna suggested suddenly, making me confused.

"How?" I asked.

In response, Karna gave me a devious smile. "The police force here also uses Knightmares. So let's permanently borrow a few from them. They won't mind a few going missing. Or maybe they wouldn't mind all of them going missing."

I could only smile after hearing that. "Yes, let's do just that. Let's repay the hospitality of these kind people in our own way."
