
Omens Of The Night

The sins of man had been cleansed off the surface of the Earth, thrown into a different world to manifest into a realm of unmistakable evil, malevolence and certain death... That was what the regular humans thought. Those bestowed with the keys to enter this desecrated realm, knew there was more to it. It was a realm of countless realities, possibilities, laws and stories. And each time the bestowed, the Prophets step into this Realm, they would experience fables and transmigrate into brand new worlds, to conquer these stories, so that the bad ones don't manifest on Earth. A strange boy found no place on Earth, but was bestowed with a key to experience these countless words as a Prophet, so that he may try again to find where exactly he belonged. But that was not his only motivation for traversing this Realm of wonder and yet, extreme danger. He also does it to find a cure for his misfortune. For you see, although humans were made from clay, he was created from countless CURSES.

TheNobleRain · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Seed Of Nyx

{Believer Equinox,

You have been bestowed a Story Memory, and have merged with the Accursed Child, Nox.

STORY: The King of Nocturni, a ruler feared, abhorred and yet respected, was cursed by his hundreds of suffering citizens. Those countless curses were then manifested into his last born child.

At this discovery, the king of Nocturni had no choice but to end the child's life, hence eliminating all those gathered curses at once. But, the Accursed Child's mother had refused.

With the hopes of finding a miracle to eliminate the curses without killing her child, she dared to disturb even the gods and unfortunately... woke up the Sleeping One.

Withal, the tenacious mother of the Accursed Child managed to relate and convince the Gods, albeit, still having to pay for her sin of disturbing the Heavens.

She lost her life, and was unable to see her precious child grow up. Nevertheless, in her place, the caring Sleeping One promised to take care of the Accursed Child in her place.

The Goddess willed: The curses in the Accursed Child will remain in its body, but will be sealed to later be loosened after it receives its Mark Of Virtue.

Because just as the night that is dark and blows with winds of terror is still beautiful, the Accursed Child must learn to see beauty in it, and wield those curses into Virtues.

The gods often not give what mortals want... but what they need.

Virtue Trait: Seed Of Nyx - Man was made from clay, you were made from sins. The essence of Sins nourishes you like water, and there is hate you must bear. Hate that will shroud you like deep sand, as it buries you deep.}


With a grunt, the Captain of the knights pushed the scythes pressing down on his great sword forward and knocked the spirit off him. Pulling it down, he then swung the weapon upwards, sending the spirit sliding a few more meters back.

He dropped down his sword heavily and wiped the blood sliding down the corner of his mouth.

'Curses! How is this beast still alive?!'

The Captain was on his own now, bruised and battered. Because, although not at full strength, the spirit was still really strong. This was even more so after it had eaten out the life essence (crystals) of the Knights' fallen comrades.

Nevertheless, the spirit was not without scars of its own. Three of its scythes were broken away from its legs, oozing black blood. There was even a tired look hiding beneath the guise of a confident eerie smile.

'Where is that boy?' The Knight glanced at his environment, keeping one eye on the spirit. But he still couldn't find who he was looking for.

The spirit lunged at him again, swiping a scythe at his head. The Knight stepped back, avoiding the attack and then sliced upwards. However, his attack was also fruitless as one of the spirit's legs blocked it, shooting his arms aside.

Gritting his teeth to not let go of the sword from the terrible force behind the spirit's hit, he lifted one hand from its hilt and then pulled out a short sword strapped to his waist.

With a growl, he sliced at the spirit's face and surprisingly drew out black blood from the side of its cheek.

With an unwavering flame of courage in his eyes, the knight struck again.


A thud echoed throughout the inside of the spider spirit's cave. The Accursed Child sat with his back on the wall as he clenched his teeth in pain, wreathing within the darkness.

He couldn't do it!

No matter how much he blamed it on his survival, he couldn't get himself to plunge his hands into the bodies of other people and then eat out their hearts. Not even if the crystals did heal his body up to this fairly healthy point, or if they would prevent what dreadful premonition that he has plaguing his mind.

Ikky didn't really know why, but even though the Virtue Trait, Seed Of Night was spoken to him in poetry, he could decipher it and understand what it meant.

His acquired Trait gave him the capacity to utilise Sins more than what was supposed to be humanly possible. He could use the crystals embedded in their bodies to heal himself, and he even felt his physique improve, although by a very negligible amount.

Alas, with this unrealistic reward, was an inhumane drawback.

That passive ability would also release curses that were deeply rooted in his being and allow them to take form as a defect or deformation on his body.

The curses are released randomly and at incalculable patterns, but at least they could be delayed by consuming many other spiritual essence, via crystals.

The knights were Sins with crystals, but still, doing what he had thought of, was wrong in more ways than one.

'Who knows, maybe... maybe this won't... kill me.' He tried to form a self-righteous smile with his bloodied lips, but at most, he would just cough out blood and then hold it in his mouth. And with each grueling second towards the curse, Equinox's sense of regret grew more. The knights were dead weren't they? They were un-living matter now... objects! Use them Nox!

Alas, the brief time of contemplation those tiny crystals had bought him was soon over. A dreadful feeling overcame him.

It felt like his heart was folding, while his brain was being pressed in from both sides. The anguish and pain was so immense, anyone else would have chosen death. Especially when it was hurting in places he couldn't do anything about.

But the torture wasn't eternity, it stopped after the longest thirty minutes of his life.

{You have...}

Equinox's tired eyes blinked open as his prophecy was revealed once again.


The mountains around this area were high and scattered to form wide flowing patterns with rivers of water swirling and curving around them. The mountains and the ground were covered in green plants and beautiful flowers; it was almost impossible to be able to tell what the true terror this place entailed... almost.

The flowing rivers, if traced back to the source, all originated from the same place at the center of the highlands; a wide lake. At the center of that ever pouring lake was a floating mountain, shifting slightly, almost unnoticeably, due to the movement flow of the water.

It was unnatural.

A mountain of an irregular shape and uneven weight distribution — any mountain at all should not be able to float on water. Yet, this one was.

It was only when one looked at the bigger picture that they would realise that this wasn't the only floating mountain in the area. The rivers stretched far away into other distances, either pouring into wide lakes or pouring out of them. And each of these unusual lakes all had their own mountains, with their own individual weather and habitat as they floated above the enormous lakes.

Yes, the regular mountains were all green, but the ones on these lakes were of as many environmental variants as there were floating mountains; an awful lot.

Unlike most, surrounding one peculiar black mountain and its separate cloudy sky, the lake beneath was pure still black. And it remained that way because this lake was not connected to the network of other rivers and lakes, making it secluded and unchanging.

At its summit, this mountain had a spacious ground with a single plant growing out of its surface.

The plant was a towering forty feet tall sunflower with a thick black stem, roots running along the summit and then the entire surface of the mountain before going into the water. It also had branches with white leaves on them, black ray-florets and midnight coloured disc-florets which were spinning very slowly under the dark sky patch above the mountain.

The spinning disc-florets atop the massive flower soon stopped spinning, as the entire mountain quivered above the dark lake. Water visibly ran into the thick translucent roots covering the mountain up to the sunflower itself.

With the plant shivering, as if from the satisfaction of drinking the bottomless black water,

{You have been cursed.}

Ikky heard a whispered in his ears.

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