

One day on mount Olympus zeus looked and saw his beautiful wife Hera. Hera then proceed to walk over to zeus. Hera then asked, what is yours plans for today my love. Zeus replied, I plan to go visit Hercules. Hera said, goodbye but as she was leaving she was then mad at zeus and wondering why he was always wanting to be with him instead of her. She had begun to plot a plan to get Hercules to stay away from zeus. Much later zeus went down to see his son and his wife"Megan". Hercules saw his dad and asked, him what he is doing. Zeus then looked at Hercules and said, I just wanted to see you and your wife. Hercules told zeus that supper was about ready that he should join them. Zeus happily joined them meanwhile, Hera then was crafting a potion to make Hercules angry and kill his wife. As Zeus and Hercules were eating supper Hercules had reminisced and told zeus about how he meet Megan, Hercules said, that when he was roaming from town to town helping everyone in need then he heard a beautiful voice yelling for help. The woman"Megan" was being carried off bye a cyclops. Hercules proceeded to go walk up to the cyclops and told him to put her down. The cyclops has crucially refused saying, that the human was his dinner for tonight. Hercules then got into a heated fight with the cyclops fist after fist till it was all said and done and he had won. He then helped Megan and brought her home.She was very appreciated and served Hercules dinner for his heroism. Then Hercules happily replied and said, It would be a honor my dear lady. They had started spending more and more time together there love kept growing till they had gotten married. Megan had said, I love that story every time I hear it just reminds just home much I love and appreciate you. "They kiss". Zeus said, it was one of my happiest days seeing you get married to the love of your life. Everyone starts to finish their meals. Zeus said, I should leave can't leave the old lady gone to long. Hercules has said his goodbyes. Zeus returned to olympus and slept. Hera finished her potion and waited till dark for Hercules and Hera had slept. Hera opened up Hercules mouth and gave him the potion to drink. Hera returned to olympus and Hercules woke up he was angry and had killed Megan. He had thought to himself" what have I down. Hercules went to go see the king and asked how he could repay his sins.