

Third person pov

The second giant war was just finished, so many heroes died in trying to defeat the enemy which is gaia, but only the seven with a lot of difficulty managed to subdue and defeat her, especially one the seven, the hero percy jackson. So now they are in the throne room of the gods about to receive their rewards.

Percy pov

       Man, defeating Gaia is hard as  fuck, but we later did it, so now we are in the throne room getting ready to receive our rewards.

Drama queen, I mean zeus was droning on and on about the bravery of the gods, on how they defeat the giants, me being me I just drone him out until zeus thunders " heroes, without you today winning this war would have been difficult so as reward we the Olympian council have decided to reward the seven, Reyna, Nico, and my daughter Thalia god hood for your bravery, so without further ado," Jason grace my son we offer you god hood do you accept, Jason looks at Piper for reassurance, seeing her nod he said " I accept your offer " from there on I just kinda drone out until" Annabeth chase we offer you god hood do you accept".

  Annabeth did not even hesitate to say "I accept" I was heart broken, I thought that my Annabeth will at least stay with me when she knew I won't accept, but alas I am wrong.

  I then heard Perseus jackson two time savior of olympus, bane of monster, bane of titans, bane of kronos, bane of giants, we offer you god hood again do you accept.

  I was about to decline and say no until I was cut off by a bright light appearing in the throne room. When the light died down it shows the three fates who ruined my life.

Third person pov

Everybody was shocked and surprised to see the fates, but that quickly disappeared when the gods bowed and Zeus asked " my ladies why are you here we did not summon you, the fates did not even acknowledge him they just turned to face Percy and, said together in their normal ( freakish) voice, Percy jackson you are to be a god today it was foretold, in fact not a god but a protegenoi, so stand still till the process is done, as they want to start the process they were quickly interrupted by Percy saying " even if I am to be a god then you must grant me my wishes, the fates annoyed said ask and it shall be given, Percy said these are my wishes

* Give Hestia and Hades throne in the council

* Make my mum, step dad and step sister gods

   Those are my wishes said percy, the fates then said it is done Sally will now be known as Lady Sally blofis minor goddess of compassion, kindness, home, safe havens, protections, history, children and women.

Paul will now be known as lord Paul blofis minor god of teaching, husband's, and fathers. Your sister Estelle will now be known as lady Estelle minor goddess of family fun and beauty.

Now that is done with "All hail Perseus Achilles Jackson primordial god of power, loyalty, heroes, strength, heroic, reality, existence warfare, infinity, liquid, sky, time, space, stars, sun, moon, tides, shadows, life, dominance, eternity, past, present, future, planets, gender, nature, animal, monsters, destruction and leadership.


The seven domain

Jason: minor god of wind, thunder, and pride

Piper: minor goddess of beauty, love and knife fighting

Leo: minor god of fire, entertainment, invention

Frank: minor god of warfare and shape-shifting

Hazel: minor goddess of minerals and mist

Annabeth : minor goddess of architecture, deceit, hubris, intellect

Nico: minor god of shadows, heroic deaths, spirits

Reyna : minor goddess of Rome, weapons, leadership

Thalia : minor goddess of hunt, thunder, barriers, pinecone trees.

Calypso: minor goddess of home, magic

Grover : minor god of nature and wild

Juniper : minor goddess of nymphs and trees.

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