
OJIUGO (The ancient river goddess)

In the world of mortals the spiritual beens claim to have control over humanity but they only conquer those who are carnal minded since the spiritually minded people will never give in OJIUGO the innocent girl who was chosen by the gods to (most) accomplish the mission her mother and stepmother gave there life for. Ojiugo seems to be a spiritually minded person and the spiritual beens don't want to give up on her since the mission has past on to three generations and they don't want to prolong it anymore with the consciousness that her child might also choose to neglect their mission. They forced it on Ojiugo which became a very big fight between the mortals and spirits.

La_Choicy · Livros e literatura
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18 Chs

Udoka the Baby sitting daddy

My man you have to be strong said Emeka

its okay I'm fine let me just take a few things to her

okay we are waiting.

he went inside and picked a few things and left getting to the hospital he saw a nurse who was staring at him in a bad manner he became afraid and walked into his wife's word straight to see her he ment her crying and some nurses where holding her.

he dropped the few items he was holding on the floor and quickly ran to her

doctor what is it? he asked the doctor in curiosity

I guess she heard a bad news which is not supposed to be delivered to her due to her condition she is still recovering from the painful birth let's pray she don't lose it

who delivered the news?

we don't know we just heard her shout and we rushed in and found her like this

please I want to talk to her in private said Udoka in a extremely Sad tone.

The doctor and the nurses left after the other until the whole room was empty

With just Olaedo and Udoka Olaedo what is wrong with you look at what you are doing to yourself

haven't I suffered already he said

my mother...

she is dead and no one told me she said laying on her husbands chest and crying bitterly

I can't tell you

not in this condition Udoka said trying to Console her how can I bear The Lost and she was even thrown into the evil Forest Olaedo was so bitter that she couldn't control her tears she cried bitterly saying my poor mother she doesn't deserve this kind of dead she has suffered enough oh no I thought I could make it up to have for everything she has been through just for me I want to die with her

Olaedo kept on crying Udoka did as much as you could to Console her

its okay I'm here for you my love I will always be with.

you have me now,

You don't need to be so sad and I know it's bad and it's hard to bear

But I have you know and you have me

it's okay I feel bad for you too but you just need to put yourself together please do this for me and our baby Udoka said trying all he could to Console his wife.

she was about saying another thing when Udoka interrupted her and continue to Console her as much as a could he calmed her down for the moment and she stopped crying for a while Obim let me pay the remaining money so we can go home

Okay let me change OJIUGOs clothes.

Okay Obim Olaedo said sadly.

He left the room and went to pay his wife's hospital bills while Olaedo carried her baby to change her clothes and diaper after a few minutes she was done and Udoka was out smiling my husband this one you are smiling? Olaedo ask in a very low tone Obim you won't believe what it if I tell you

tell me my husband

the doctor said we can go with the remaining money that our daughter is a miracle child

wow my husband that is a huge sum of money to leave for us well

God knows the best.

are you through so we can start going?

yes I am ready Udoka carried some bags while Olaedo carried lighter backs and they left the room and was walking out of the hospital Gates as everyone was weaving then goodby.

getting to their house everyone was rushing to hug them

welcome home our wife they said shouting and shanting women who are present was dressing her hair and touching her tummy to see how to start working on it she entered inside while Udoka and her husband's Friends were congratulating him it was a huge party as everyone ate to their satisfaction and started going home one after another until everyone left except his friends who were talking to him and they were laughing Olaedo came outside and whispered in his ears and left Udoka this your wife really loves you said Emmeka in a very funny way look at who is talking? Emmeka go and marry Nduka said.

I have not seen a woman like your wife Emmeka added in a very serious way my dear you have to marry and make her be like how you want her to be women are soft in nature said Udoka trying to advise Emeka my friend soft in nature has nothing to do with Jezeebel you can ask Nduka already said Emeka smiling I don't mean to insult you ooh

He raised his hands up

my wife is good Nsuka said angrily

good indeed said Udoka laughing

time to go guys I need to sleep now my wife need me more now Udoka said as he stood up I don't understand

So we left our comfort zone to stay with you and you are chasing us?

He said he needs to be with his wife

let's go home Emeka said spreading forth hhis hand for induka to follow him home.

they stood up and starting going home he signed and entered his room to sleep.

early in the morning udoka woke up to clean everywhere and started boiling hot water for his wife and baby before setting out to go for his palm wine business Olaedo woke up and tool a bath and made her baby's food.

She woke up and smiled at her mother Olaedo smiled back at her before she started feeding her. she ate to her satisfaction her mother battered her changed her clothes and after that she slept off walked outside to watch her clothes and her husband's clothes patient walked pass her she was more concerned on the clothes she was watching our wife I heard you just put to bed she said

as you can see Olaedo replied looking at her congratulations I'm off to the market should I get you anything?

yes anything good for a nursing mother Olaedo said giving her a usual look knowing fully well that she doesn't like her and has never meant well for her she don't really care cause all that matters is that her husband loves her and they are in good conditions Udoka came back and saw his wife watching and got mad at her

Why are you stressing yourself he said aa he walked to her and took the bucket of clothes from her to start watching it by himself.

My husband Ojiugo is at sleep and I said let me uae the opportunity to wash this clothes.

But you need to rest

And you need it too my husband

You need it more than me Obim he said as they keep dragging who to wash the cloths.