
Chapter 36: Jarvis is an SCP?

Killing more than 6,000 people in one day, is this fast? Putting this no. in a locked place or a city, this speed will definitely scare anyone but if you look at the whole world, this number does not seem to be so scary. In front of a population base of nearly 8 billion, there are only 6,000 people, and they are completely unknown to most of the world.

After realizing the seriousness of the matter, Jason called Dr. s46 again.

After calming down, Jason asked, "Which idiot uploaded the photo of SCP-096 to the Internet?"

"It's an organization called Rising Tide. The police spent 1 million cash to offer a reward to anyone who finds any clue about SCP-096. Then after the Rising Tide found the clue, the police refused to admit the reward. As a result, the Rising Tide exposed SCP-096 in a fit of rage and uploaded the videos and photos to online."

After the doctor finished speaking, she was also very speechless in her heart.

The doctor also knows that there must be some insider information that she does not know about.

Jason listened, remembered his previous arrangements and thought about who could be behind all this.

It's not that the police doesn't want to reward them for the clues, but that the police are not qualified to manage the information now, so naturally they are not qualified to offer rewards.

The funds were originally supposed to be paid by S.H.I.E.L.D.

But who manages S.H.I.E.L.D?

The world's largest corrupt official, Nick Fury!

He has always been the one who takes advantage of others, how could he let other people take advantage of him?

Thinking of this, Jason was speechless for a long time and sighed.

"I see! You should contain SCP-096 as soon as possible, and you can use the power of S.H.I.E.L.D when necessary. We can't let SCP-096 go out of control like this." Jason hung up the phone with a gloomy face.

Natasha, who got up from the bed in a daze, looked at Jason curiously and asked, "What's going on? You look so bad early in the morning."

"Under the operation of some talents, SCP-096 was exposed, and now the Internet is full of photos and reports of 096." Jason complained.

"If it is exposed, it will be exposed, how big of a problem is it..." Natasha, who was originally casual, suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter.

"WAIT!! SCP-096 was exposed on the Internet? doesn't that mean...."

"That's right! Nearly 3,000 people have been killed since last night."

Black widow was stunned hearing the number.

"So what should we do now?" Natasha, who couldn't calm down at all, asked in fear.

She is not afraid of what 096 will do to herself, but is afraid that 096 will continue to kill those innocent people.

"I usually don't have access to the Internet, especially pictures, etc. Specifically... Wait for the news from the doctor."

Jason sighed.

Hopefully the system's SCP space can stop SCP-096.

They are all separated by a dimension, SCP-096 can't run out, and continue to chase and kill those who have seen him then, right?

Although SCP-096 is strange, it does not have the ability to fight in space, which is the only good news at present.

[A/N: is it true that it can't fight in space?]

As he was thinking about how to contain SCP-097, Jason suddenly remembered something.

This world is Marvel!

The world has artificial intelligence.

Anyone who sees 096 will be chased and killed but this shouldn't affect artificial intelligence, right?

Thinking of this, Jason suddenly had an idea.

"I figured out a way! Maybe this massacre can be stopped."

Jason, whose eyes were bright, didn't hesitate, put on his clothes and left the villa.

Seeing Jason heading towards the underground garage, Natasha hurriedly ran after him while wearing a tight combat suit.

Jason looked at Natasha sitting in the front passenger seat, and didn't say anything, but ordered "Contact Tony for me, just say I have something to ask him for help."

Natasha listened to him and instantly contacted Tony.

After all, the SCP-096 matter has not been resolved, and every minute of delay will cause one more innocent person to die. Natasha can't wait for Jason to count every second.

After hanging up, Natasha said, "Tony already knows, he'll be waiting for you at Sea View Villa."

Soon the two came to Tony's sea view villa.

Tony is not in good shape at the moment.

With a thin body and a pair of dark circles under his eyes, if Jason didn't know him personally, he would probably think that this unfortunate guy is doing something bad.

After all, in America, almost as long as there is a doctor's certificate, that thing can be legally smoked.

[A/N: "that thing" here means weed or other drugs]

The nerve-wracked Tony didn't forget to run his mouth, and joked in a sarcastic way "What? Is there something the Foundation can't do? Need my genius brain to help?"

Jason didn't feel embarrassed, and nodded directly, indicating his intention.

"I do need your help with something, specifically SCP-MC-0147-J.A.R.V.I.S."

"Wait! What the hell is SCP-MC-0147- J.A.R.V.I.S? Don't tell me, my AI housekeeper is also a SCP!"

Tony looked at Jason vigilantly, for fear that the wicked guy in front of him would erase his artificial intelligence.

"Do you think strong artificial intelligence is normal in this era?" Jason tilted his head and looked at Tony.

J.A.R.V.I.S is a strong artificial intelligence, and even has a certain ability to think, it can be said that it is a computer life, although it is still the lowest level.

But this is already an exception.

One must know that in this world, smartphones are only beginning to emerge, and strong artificial intelligence is an epoch-making product that may not appear in 20 years or decades. It is not at all wrong to be classified as a SCP.

Tony grimaced.

"Okay! An SCP is SCP, you are the president of the Foundation, you have the final say."

"But what is your purpose for coming here? Is it to contain J.A.R.V.I.S? I will say it first. J.A.R.V.I.S is my private property, and even the Foundation has no right to interfere." Tony looked at Jason vigilantly and said his own Bottom line.

Knowing that the other party had misunderstood, Jason quickly explained his intention: "What are you thinking! I need the help of J.A.R.V.I.S to deal with a SCP that has been out of control."

"Out of control SCP!"

Tony, who was still a little condescending, also restrained the cynicism on his face and looked at Jason seriously. .

Tony, who has seen SCP-307, knows all too well what kind of disaster it will bring if the SCP goes out of control.




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