The name 'Snow' was know in the underworld as a sparkling white being with lustful purple eyes. He was a slave that would sway his hips at his Master desire, that would strip at command and seduce anyone in sight with a single word or gaze. He was also the most entertaining thing that anyone could find in the underworld. A delicacy. A rarity. So pure and beautiful that any heart, no matter how rotten it was, would melt immediately. He was the perfect trap anyone could ever got. Maybe that's why, after so many years of serving his last Master, Snow was auctioned off to the highest bidder. Though, the fact that the man who brought him wanted to do...nothing?! Wait what? But why? Snow works so hard! He can be useful! He can be good!...... Stop looking so awkward at me Master! Can't you talk?! Can't you hear me?! His Master was mute and deaf.
His name was Snow and no it wasn't his actual name but it wasn't for the lack of searching for it. His name was Snow for his unnatural white skin and hair, he was named 'Snow' because the people that owned him thought it was funny and they weren't that creative to begin with.
Snow has never know how long ago did he arrive to his first Master or how was his live before his Master took him in nor did he care for that matter, he was too busy working for his Master and being good to have time for meaningless things.
In a room dimly light room, spacious and lighted by purple and blue colors, Snow was working. He swung his hips gently on the rhythm of music, smiling shyly at the first touch on his bare, smooth legs and letting himself fall closer to that person before stepping away with grace and twirling around, letting the two piece see-through skirt to rise around him.
He could see his Master approving gaze on him while working, enticing anyone around him and letting their grunts mix with the sounds of golden coins around his waist. Snow needed to concentrate on that sound. On the tingling sound the coins made.
That was the only way his face wouldn't contorts and nose wrinkle at the scents around him. Keeping himself pleasant, eager but shy with promising eyes and eyelashes keep just the right way.
He breathed once, with his whole body before he let himself fall on his knees at his mistake, presenting submissible at the crowd around him. They were happy. The crowd was happy and that's all that mattered after all.
'' Keep our guests entertained, Snow.''
the long, golden earrings that adorned his ears were touching his neck lightly making him shiver and let a satisfied sigh.
'' Keep them eager.''
the fleeing touches and the reverent gazes made him sick sometimes. Those times it made him remember that a crowd like that just means good meals that week.
'' Keep them alert. You can do that, can't you?''
the sharp turn and halted breaths when his mesh skirt rose high, exposing his body even further, a fine, black thong covering his member snugly and for the ones behind him, the way a small string was parting his ass cheeks teasingly.
'' You can't stop if I don't say so, Snow.''
stopping means loud sounds, like screaming and yells and things hitting whatever was nearby beside his sparkly white skin. That's how anger looked like.
means hands gripping his neck, pressing on his windpipe. Means hands touching inside him and strange, long and horrible objects entering his body. That's how sex should be.
means crying, ugly sobs and screaming for someone that wasn't there, that would never be there. That's how punishments were.
'' Never stop moving.''
not moving means a lesser crowd, means cold concrete and insects crawling on his body, means new costume cause the last ones were too big for him once again.
Snow was never sure how long would he dance for. The crowd would change and he would still be dancing around the same wide, round table with the same expression but always something new for the crowd. Faces would change and change again and every time his Master would sign for him to stop, Snow limbs would fail him and he would be on the ground trembling and immobile.
Master was kind enough to drag him back to his room when it happens.
'' Understood?''
Snow was not sure what kindness was like but the closest thing he got were new revealing costumes and a icy hand gripping his ankle while dragging him off the table, on the cold floor to his room. Or was it cell?
Snow always tried to be good, he wanted to be good and sometimes he would even fool himself that he wanted things that weren't allowed for things like him no matter how pretty looking they were. Though, for some time now, his body.....didn't want to be good anymore.
Startled gasps and shouting made Snow opens his eyes and he breathed weakly when he saw the agitated crowd and the way they were so close to him. He slowly realized that he fell, he was on his side on the table, his body spasming from time to time. Suddenly, the crowd, his guests, were climbing the table to him, hands wide open and greedy eyes he become accustomed with. Isn't that how human eyes looked like?
'That never happened before.' Snow thought while blinking dazed at the guests climbing the table. Sure, there were touches and sometimes tugs but no one got so close to him before, not when he was working.
There were more screams and the guests were throw off the table before Master guards, big and burly, handed them away, out of the room till just himself and his Master. His angry, disappointed Master. His Master that dragged him away, taking harsh turns and gripped so, so tightly on his ankle, he couldn't feel it anymore.
'' Again.'' his Master hissed angrily at him after he throw him in his room, on the cold ground and not the small bed he earned a couple of crowds ago. '' And you were so good too Snow!'' he yelled and Snow wanted to cower, really he did. Cower the way the Master liked, holding himself small at his feet with his head bowed.
But his body didn't listen once more and he couldn't say or move in any way.
'' You couldn't do this simple thing! Again! It's the third time already you fucking slut!'' Master yelled before turning Snow over and putting his weigh on his ribs, making his breathing shatter. His mouth was opened forcefully, short and fat fingers shoving down his throat making him choke and thrash slightly. '' Stay still.'' Master said tensely making Snow obey before shoving his fingers deeper and when he didn't even choke, he hummed
'' It must be your fault then.'' Master said quietly, nodding to himself before pushing Snow jaw further apart, shoving more fingers inside his mouth '' Yes, yes.''
There was silence and a wandering hand around his body, crawling touches that he was familiar with. Snow know those touches. It means that Master calmed down right? Or he would, soon enough...right?
'' I suppose that even things like you expire.'' Master said cruelly before slapping his side harshly and like a spell was over, Snow choke violently, body convulsing and vomit curling up his throat. Master shoved him away, making his head hit the ground with a thud
Snow door closed loudly but before that, he was already on his side, throwing up bile, his Master curses joining him.