
Chapter 66

“Do you like the way Roy treats you?” Marco asked.

Teddy winced and covered his face. “No. I mean, yes, I’m gay, but I don’t like the way Roy does it when he’s mean. And he’s always mean these days. I’m sorry you had to see that.”

“Why do you let him if you don’t like it?”

Teddy thought hard before he spoke. “I could say it’s because I’m scared of what will happen if I say no. But I think what I’m really scared of is not having anybody at all.” Marco gave Teddy an understanding look, then went back to his book. Since Marco wanted to read, Teddy got out the book on horse gentling.

Twenty minutes later, Marco looked up and said, “Teddy, you’ve changed the page twice in the last four days. Is it that boring a book?”

Teddy was almost more embarrassed than he had been when Marco had seen him getting fucked. “I…can’t read well. I try, but it’s never come easy.”

“I see.”