
Of Minecraft and Men, a Minecraft X GoT crossover.

Of Minecraft and Men; follow Sid as he turns the world into his own sandbox, can the 7 kingdoms survive being his amusement?

ThegoodlordBox · TV
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1 Chs

Creative emerging

A flash of light illuminated the small island, once dimmed a man can be seen laying in the epicentre.

The man after a few moments, awoke from his deep slumber and stood up.


"So this is my starting area, I won't lie, this sucks." The island I find myself on is extremely small, with only a dozen meters of land, a single tree and a chest being the only things between me and a giant body of water. I can also see a few tiny islands in the distance, but they aren't big enough to warrant me going there.

"First things first," I say to myself. "Let's look what's in the chest."

I walk over to the chest and with a small push I open it. Instead of showing the inside of the chest though a screen appeared in front of my face, with slots and everything, there is only a single peice of paper in the chest which I immidiatly take to read.

The chest got struck by lightning and was destroyed immediately after closing it, causing the wood to explode everywhere, it didn't hurt me at all though, just made a crater in the ground.

"An exploding chest... how fortunate, now what's this note say?" I ask myself as I open the note, it was a simple one that made me smile .

"Inventory" I say, and then another screen opened up in front of me. This screen is different from the chest, every space is filled with blocks, there's also different tabs with every item from the base game, but some like potions and mob eggs are greyed out, i am unable to equip them or use them in any way and then a new one, a quest tab?

In that quest tab there was just 1 quest available for me.

[Find Land] - You are on a small island either find more land or expand your island big enough to build.

<Reward: Waystone (x3)>

"So I only have to find a big enough place to call my own, and I get waystones so that I can automatically come back whenever I want? That's easy." I say to myself with a grin.

With a double jump I start hovering after that i can fly as fast as I can run.

"Shit, this is going to take awhile." I curse at myself and just pick a direction at random. "Guess I'm going this way" I say to myself as I start flying.


"Fucking finally!" I yell to myself in relief, I've been flying for days, only stopping to rest after a long day of flying, anymore of that and I'd have gotten angry, and an angry minecrafter is not a happy person.

Even if its just a giant desert, I can terraform the land to suit my needs.

[Find Land]‐Completed-3x waystones added to your inventory.

[Build a home]- you have found the land, now build yourself a home.

<Reward: Village Compass>

The reward for the next quest isn't that good, there isn't a description or anything, but from the looks of it, it just seems to give me a compass that'll point me in the direction of a village, at least I'll be able to find new people.

With that out of the way I begin to make my base for the time being using a mix of stone types, my base will be a giant castle, surrounded by an obsidian wall 10 blocks thick, I don't know what is out there, but I don't want this place to be overrun anytime soon.


The days and nights flew by, being in creative mode I didn't need to sleep or eat, all my time was taken up with building a castle that would make a king break down in tears at the sight of it.

<Insert Castle Picture Here>

Ok maybe not cry, I've always sucked at building, in the game all my houses were cubes so this is a major step up in my opinion. The wall was the most fun to make, every other block there was a dispenser with buckets of lava in it all hooked up together to 1 button on each wall (for a total of 4 buttons). an empty moat 8 blocks wide and 30 deep surrounding the wall would ensure the lave couldn't go anywhere I didn't want it to.

At hip level there is an entire row of dispensers that are filled with poisoned arrows all connected to a Redstone clock that if activated would shoot arrows endlessly all around my castle, any armies caught in the crossfire would get shredded almost immidiatly.

the only way through is a small 3 block wide and deep bridge that if needed could explode, TNT hidden in the center layer with a button on the inside of the wall being the detonator. Redstone is always fun to play around with in my opinion.

Of course, not all was well and dandy, I had to restart several painstaking times during building, the lava getting out of control in real life melted huge chunks of my castle made me rethink putting it in traps that weren't pit traps. TNT also destroyed my entire castle when I wanted to make a self destruct mechanism.

Days turned into nights into days again as I placed the final diamond block in my throne room, the inside Is decorated with blocks of gold and diamonds with giant chandeliers made with gold and glowstone keeping the castle lit.

With the final blocks placed the quest finally completes, I feel only relief as there is no more quests at the moment, maybe I have to find another civilization?

I take the compass in my hand, and immediately there are 3 red stars pointing south, north, and west, a white arrow is pointing to where I am currently facing, and after I lock up the gates I go north, hopefully I can get to it soon.