
Cadis Jaquin

Day and Night

Light and..Dark

Peace and... War

Tranquility and...


Through out the history of mankind Light and Dark have existed, living in the balance, Yin and Yang...

But one side hopes to tip the balance...

The Tower Lords; Great Elementals and Mages who were tasked with keeping the balance and protecting the humans have fallen to great evil.




The Air Lord one of the four remaining tower lords tasked one if his Disciples, Master Cadis Jaquin to find the Ocean's Spark...

East Region

Outskirts of Ju'non City

*Rain falls*

*Water Splatters*

*Running footsteps loudly heard*

"Ha! Ha! Ha" Master Jaquin breathed loudly exhuasted from the chase.

"Over there! I see something!" A Ju'n Soldier said, As they ran towards him.

"I musn't let them obtain the compass"

'I AM Cadis Jaquin master of the arts of Illusion at the air Tower, i was entrusted by the Air lord to find the traces of the Ocean's Spark a relic of great importance.

I discovered this Compass, the compass of Golden Light which would lead to the Ocean's Spark. Alas Servants of Ju'n one of the Chaos lords discovered me.

I must turn in the compass! I must survive for the End of the world as we know it is at hand'

I looked for a a hiding place perfect for illusion, the rain served as a deterrent to my skills as it would expose me, i need to find a hiding place.


It was as if luck was on my side a house by the sea, with no lighting it stood before me and i rushed, hiding my tracks using the air stepping technique. In an instant i stood before it, i opened the door but broken was the room, it seemed like it had been abandoned for quite some time now, nevermind that, i step into the shade and casted my illusion.

*Tak Tak Tak Tak*

Loud footsteps could  be heard, i was nervous but still managed to calm myself tis not the time to be wary.

"Where is he?" A Ju'n Knight Questioned anger in his tone

"It eludes us Si'r" a Ju'n Soldier replied him

"We saw a suspicious figure run along this direction Si'r" another Ju'n Soldier said.

" Eargh!! Useless wastes of space" The knight said as he scanned the area.

I could see him right in front of me, his rough breath, contorted face filled with killing intent and his Sharp blade brushing against the wooden floor. He on the other hand could not see me.

"Where did you say he was from again?" The knight asked.

" We saw the crest of the Air Tower on him si'r"

" Eargh! That rotten Air lord! The air ones specialise in escape and speed he might have flown away!"

"Not in this storm" a voice said from behind the knight entering the room with elegant steps.

"Greetings Maester" The soldiers greeted.

Trouble... A maester has appeared, this are people adept with magic and mana, mages of high order!

Now i wonder... Could i survive to see the Dawn of tomorrow, because things just got more... Complex.

"Hmmmm Kalena.." the knight said in a very displeased way.

" I had this handled" he continued.

"With that kind of thought frame you didn't"

" Hmmm" The knight breathed grumpy as a dwarf.

"Besides,Not all disciples of the air tower can fly"

" There are specializations in every tower with every disciple, flight is not a basic commodity among the Air disciples"

"You would know this if you red just a bit, Crowler" Kalena said scornfully.

" Now... Back to the Air Master..."

" Hmmm i sense a bit of Mana, over..."


Millions of thoughts ran through my mind that instance, my life flashed before my eyes.


Kalena casted fire magic towards me, i had only one choice


I directed a strong wave of air towards the floor of the cabin, which was built on a lake, it caved in and broke sending everyone inside into the water with the exception being me.

I jumped out of the window onto land there was only one choice now...

Fleeing through the water, Yes i know in the middle of a storm i chose to cross this river than face my pursuers. Call me a coward, you haven't seen what they did to people like me, it was risky but i had no other choice.. at the least I'd just drown.


I activated my air walking technique and Rode the strong wind and tide.

"Uargh! That damned Air Master, I'll kill him!" Kalena Grunted and yelled wet and covered in mud and wooden residue




The soldiers who were in the room and fell into the water cursed and grunted.


It was at this time that Jaquin had sped pass them.

"See? He flies" Crowley said as he sat on the shore his armour covered in sand.

"That bastard!" Kalena yelled as she summoned her mystical broom a structure made out of mana that most mages used.

"Let's see you get away" She said as she sped towards Jaquin.



I did it i actually, escape their pursuit i said to myself my joy though was cut short as i heard a large screech!

"Die" Kalena screamed be blasting towards me a dark bolt made out of mana.

"Hyap" i grunted as i manuvered sharply while continuing to sprint over the river in which i just came to the realisation of its  Largeness.

A single stop and i would drown.

*Ha!* she shouted manically as she threw more and more and more of her dark bolts towards me.





She Kept on Firing towards me and i kept on dodging, but i was reaching my limit.

"Urgh!Rat!" She grunted in frustration as she  kept on Firing






Kalena Roared


I turned in a semi circle right below her

'This can't go on' i said

The wind was strong i directed it at Kalena while maintaining my pace, tipping her off her balance.

"Aaah! cursed bastard!" She screamed as she fell of and dove into the sea.

I Ran and Ran and Ran through the night without a thought to rest as i was in the middle of a sea. Not stopping till i was i close to the shore of a mysterious island.


*Tik... Tut... Tuk*

i stepped slowly and weakly on the sand, Now on a mysterious island i did not even bother to investigate, my frame tired i fell flat  on the sand and lost my strength.


Hi there, J. M. K here I'm a new author here and this is one of my first works 2nd officially released.

I'll give a quick intro of the story.

In Mythicalean a word of mystical arts and magic a lot of factions exist different types of magically influenced creatures and humans exist one such are elemental bestowed the talent to control a certain element. unlike mages elementals posses the innate ability to control certain elements like breathing without strain or 'consumption" unlike mages and Maesters that rely on their mana pool.

Elementals drawn to each other formed towers which are not 'literally' towers where they stay together and teach new generations forming strong forces the Master or head of a tower is Called a Tower Lord for example as regard to the air tower the Lord of the Air tower can be reffered to as the Air Tower lord or the Air lord, although all tower factions have a particular nickname for their tower lords.

The Elemental Towers that existed before were;

Air Tower

Aqua Tower

Tower of Inferno

Tower of Lightning

Iscicle Tower

Earth Tower

Tower of Life

J_M_Kcreators' thoughts
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