
Occupation: Psychopath

This is a dangerous psychiatric hospital ...... First we get out of here, then we do what we need to do to make up for six years of missing out, as well as meet a dear "family member", and finally ......

wangyuweijue · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Weird Critical Patient Area

The corners of his mouth pursed.

  Su Yi had thought about traveling to the third underground floor to take a look, but he didn't expect it to be in such a way.

  In the corridors of the hospital, he was chased by more than a dozen white coats to the third floor ....

  Originally, he had wanted to quietly pull the progress of the mission to the minimum standard of mission completion of 'sixty percent' in the second basement floor, and then consider other things under the premise of ensuring that the mission could be completed successfully.

  For example, taking this opportunity to find that asshole who knew he was a normal person, but still mandatorily locked himself up in this mental hospital for so long, and make that person pay some price first.

  Of course, he could also choose to continue to raise the progress of the mission.

  It didn't make sense that the benefits of reaching the mission at the minimum standard and completing it at one hundred percent would be the same.

  But unfortunately, as of now, it seemed that neither the former nor the latter should have a chance.

  At this moment, Su Yi's quest progress had already reached 55.5 percent, only one step away from the minimum standard for quest completion.

  "It seems that this mission will finally have to be completed in the third floor of the Critical Care Underground."

  With this in mind, Su Yi no longer hesitated, and ran towards the end of the aisle in front of him with large strides before the white coats completely caught up.

  The medical staff of the hospital who were chasing after Su Yi's face changed when they saw the patient in front of them running in the direction of the stairway entrance.

  This was because the movement that the patient was running away from was the entrance to the underground critical care area.

  And once the other party entered the third underground floor, they also had to continue chasing after them.

  But the complicated situation of the underground third floor area, even they were not willing to go there if they didn't have to.

  As long as they occasionally thought about the rumors circulating in the hospital about the critical care area and the strange things that had happened, even the white coats couldn't help but feel intimidated.

  On top of that one of them would have to take a great deal of responsibility.

  "What should we do, go after them?"

  A tall and thin white coat instinctively asked his surrounding companions, but then he realized how redundant the question he asked was.

  Could they not go after it?

  A bloated Sickbay physician gasped and replied, "Unless you want to be chastised by the Sickbay hierarchy and put in one of the wards here tomorrow as well."

  The crowd was silent none of them spoke.

  "After this dang thing, there's no way to avoid the punishment, we can only try to control the development of the situation."

  Ahead, Su Yi looked at the tempered glass door that was getting closer and closer to him, hung with the slogan 'No Idlers Allowed', without hesitation, when he arrived close, he pushed it open with a probing hand.

  Stepping into the closed hallway, the light here was even dimmer.

  Surrounded by nothing, there is only a section of stairs leading to the lower level, the most common type of folding stairs.

  After just a cursory sweep, Su Yi withdrew his gaze, and his footsteps flew down the stairs, approaching straight towards the third basement level.

  "Stomping ..."

  Just as he was about to finish the stairs, there was also some movement from upstairs, as well as a burst of hurried and disorganized footsteps, those white coats had similarly entered the building.

  Su Yi's heart lurched, and a few points of urgency could not help but rise in his heart.

  Entering the doorway of the third underground floor.

  This was a fireproof door, and above the door hung a safety exit indicator that emitted a faint green light, as well as a large round clock.

  The light of the sign was particularly striking against the darkness of the surroundings.

  Both the fire door and the clock are printed in a dull green under the light from the indicator, which is quite discreet to look at, but also illuminates the hands on the clock.


  There was an irregular moon marker and sun marker next to the dial, and at the moment the moon's marker was flashing, indicating that it wasn't morning time.

  3:50 or so in the afternoon was close to four o'clock.

  Su Yi's eyes seemed to be indistinct for a moment, in this underground mental hospital where he had been imprisoned for many years, how long has it been since he had such a visualization of "seeing" the time.

  Now outside the original daytime?...

  Back to God, the noise coming from upstairs once again pulled Su Yi from his thoughts back to reality.

  Automatically ignoring the 'Critical Area, Idle No Entry' sign written on the fire door, he gripped the cold stainless steel handle on the door, and pulled open the door, which was also not padlocked.

  At the top of the stairs, when they heard the sound of the door being opened from below, the white coats, although they had already prepared their hearts, still welled up with helplessness.

  At the same time, they had already greeted Su Yi and the doctor in charge of Su Yi's ward in their hearts.

  After crossing the fire door of the intensive care area, as soon as they stepped into the corridor on the third basement level, the air seemed to have become sticky all of a sudden, and the musty smell emanating from the dampness of the walls was mixed in with the coldness and dampness.

  Sniffing the faint stench in the air, there was no hissing and crying of the seriously ill patients that would be expected to appear, and the place was surprisingly quiet.

  Eerie silence.

  The dimly lit corridor aisles were not too different from the second basement level, the difference being that the wards here were spaced farther apart, the length of the corridors remained the same, but the number of wards was reduced.

  As well, the ward doors in the intensive care area had been replaced with black iron doors, which were rusted and even had many shallow scratches on the surface.

  It was hard to imagine just how these scratches had snapped into the iron door made of metal in the first place.

  Su Yi was in the cold corridor, and through the rusty iron doors behind, there seemed to be a pair of cold eyes mixed with madness watching him there.

  This feeling existed from the moment he entered this place, sending chills down his spine and making him feel uncomfortable.

  Was it an illusion?

  Looking at the deep corridor in front of him, the original smile on Su Yi's face had disappeared at some point, and he was already unable to laugh, replaced by an expressionless face and extreme caution.

  This corridor definitely has a big problem, very abnormal!

  Even the second underground floor where he had stayed had not given him this feeling. It was as if he had returned to the first time he came to this mental hospital.

  Subconsciously, Su Yi utilized Subway Judge's ability to weaken his sense of existence. In the next moment, the feeling of being peered at by countless lines of sight disappeared.

  Only then was Su Yi able to breathe a sigh of relief.

  However, considering the fact that he still had to complete the next task, while the Subway Judge's ability might have a certain impact.

  Weighing the pros and cons, in the end, Su Yi still gave up on continuing to use his ability.

  Strongly suppressing the lingering discomfort in his heart, he ran stiffly to the nearest black iron door, which was hung with the door number 0434.

  Silently, he wrote down the door number.

  This revealed a piece of information that there were at least thirty-four wards on the third basement level, but of course there might be more.

  Some of these wards might be vacant, and the actual number of psychiatric patients should be a little less.

  The palm of his hand slapped hard on the iron door, making a loud "clang" sound in the silent corridor, and then, Su Yi spoke quickly to the iron door and spoke in a deep voice.

  "I'm not sick!"

  The words fell, although there was no verbal response inside the door, but listening carefully there was a beast-like heavy gasping sound.

  "Patient 0434 seems to be a bit grumpy, and seems a bit less friendly."

  In the next moment, unsurprisingly a prompt of mission objective completion came from his mind, and unexpectedly his own mission progress was raised by a full one and a half percent at once.

  Current quest progress - fifty-seven percent

  "Hm? How is it one point five? Shouldn't it normally be zero point seven five?"

  Su Yi froze, somewhat surprised.

  Could it be that the patients in the neighboring wards also heard my voice, or are the patients in this intensive care area more special, or .....There were two people in ward .0434!

  But this was clearly not a question worth dwelling on at this moment.

  Su Yi flew in the shortest possible time and turned to ward 0433.

  Just as he arrived outside the door of ward 0433, the fire door at the back was directly crashed open roughly, and at once, ten or so white coats poured out from the stairway.

  As soon as one of the first white coats carrying a throwing stick in his hand saw Su Yi not far away, he didn't need to think at all and directly called out to his companions.

  "He's here! Control him!"

  Eyebrows raised, Su Yi's palm synchronized to slap on the iron door of ward 0423.

  Accompanied by a "clang" sound, at the same time, he shouted out "I'm not sick" under his breath.

  Afterwards, without waiting for the voice in his head to prompt him, he ran towards the depths of the corridor, shouting the words "I'm not sick" as he ran.

  Every time he passed an iron door, he would slap or kick it as he passed to get the attention of the mentally ill person behind it.

  The white coats in the back were all in a rage when they saw this familiar scene.

  What do you mean you're not sick, this is clearly very sick!

  Should have gone straight to electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, and all other physical therapies!!!!

  The other party in the second underground level so far, even if, to the critical care area still dare to do so, this is not to put them in charge of these to the death ah.

  Soon, after walking through most of this corridor, Su Yi's mission progress finally reached sixty percent!

  The minimum standard of the mission had been completed.

  It was also at this time.

  Out of nowhere, he seemed to hear a strange man's murmur in his ears.

  It wasn't from the beeps within his mind!

  The voice was blurry and inaudible, and with noisy and disorganized footsteps behind him, the only thing Su Yi was able to ascertain was that the source of that murmur was not in his own vicinity, but instead seemed to be coming from the deepest part of the corridor.

  As Su Yi continued to move forward, the strange man's voice was also getting closer and closer.

  Gazing into the deep darkness ahead, the sense of unease grew stronger.

  Under careful listening and discernment, finally, Su Yi heard the content of the murmur clearly.

  Those were two strange words.


  "Correction ....."