
Chapter 1

Taekyung knew it the moment he lay eyes on him. He couldn't hold it in; this pressure he felt in his chest, what was it? He felt his body tightening, and his cheeks warmed. The more Taekyung looked at him, the more flustered he became. Taekyung shook himself, fists clenching.

"So are you going to move or not?"

Taekyung nearly jumped. He looked up, and started. Taekyung could feel himself trembling as he stared into the cold eyes of Min Haesoo, his pale blonde hair swaying gently across his forehead. "M-Min Haesoo!?" Taekyung yelped, and a group of boys in the back began to snicker. "Look at him." Kim Woojin laughed. "He can't even speak properly!"

Taekyung face burned, and he gritted his teeth. "I-I'm sorry." He shuffled out of the way, and ran off. Laughter trailed him; he wanted to cry; he wanted to hide; he wanted someone to hold him.

"Pathetic little shit." Woojin muttered. Haesoo's eyes trailed Taekyung as he disappeared down the hall, and he walked off.

Tears blurred Taekyungs vision as he hugged himself, alone in an empty stall. "Min Haesoo, it's all your fault." Taekyung muttered. "You're the one who's making me feel this way."

It had been love at first sight; everything about Lee Haesoo just seemed to click. He was handsome, broad, and well built. Especially those eyes; deep blue, specked with silver. They had entranced Taekyung completely. Min Haesoo came from a well-off family. He was imposing, cold and emotionless, but despite that girls and boys alike flocked around him, desperate for his attention. Haesoo didn't send them away, but nor did he pay them much attention.

Haesoo had transferred earlier in the year.

He just so happened to be in Taekyung's class, and from that moment on Taekyung hadn't been able to stop thinking about him.

Sitting there in the stall, quiet and alone, Taekyung began to picture Haesoo's face. He felt himself getting hard; Haesoo's hand, caressing his face. Holding him close, their breath mingling, lips parted-

"Snap out of it."

"Ahh!!" Taekyung jerked, slamming his head against the stall. Blinking, Taekyung stared. And in that moment, he knew he was fucked.

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