
The Might of Flowers

"There are still forty minutes left, what should we do?" asked the redhead.

The first lesson start at 8 am, so there is quite some time left before it begins.

"How about we go to the garden?"

Erika and the other look at Leon weirdly.

As students aiming to be magicians, they prefer to do something more important and worthwhile such as visiting the workshop and practical room. It's a common sense for the majority of students in the magic institutions.

So to them, Leon belongs to the minority, a rather unusual fellow.

No magician would suggest a garden as a place to pass the time.

Leon had no idea what they are thinking at all. he was rather absorbed in his own thought.

"...What? I heard it's very beautiful."

Erika and the rest could only look at Leon, rather speechless.

He is very persistent today.

"Er, I think it's a good idea. There are only forty minutes left, so it's not enough to visit the workshop, it's a quite time-consuming activity after all." Mizuki voiced out her thoughts.

Her tone is somewhat timid, but she's the only one backed Leon flimsy arguments.

"Mizuki is right. It's better if we go to the garden instead." Leon smiled in delight. He looked warmly into Mizuki's eyes whose shy expression was pleasing to him.

Coupled with Mizuki support, Leon and his friends finally agree to visit the school garden.

And Leon was right in his decision. The garden is a very beautiful sight to behold.

It has a breathtaking view. Many flowers fill the landscape with various different sizes and colors forming a world of flowers.

This scenery made Leon feels like he is once again sucked into another different world if not for his friends chatting happily on his side.

Everyone seems to be satisfied with their decision to come here. Although it's very rare, Tatsuya somehow appeared to be happy as well, how weird, Leon thought.

Then, he followed Tatsuya's gaze and his sight stopped on the dark-haired beauty who laugh happily with her friends.

Her smile seems to enhance her beauty. It's the smile of a perfectly beautiful woman.

Leon's ears were filled with a wonderful laugh he has ever heard.

Unlike the show, she was on a whole different level. Nothing could capture the beauty displayed at this very moment.

Leon never would have thought that a single expression could change a person so drastically.

He is wondering if the god of this world is playing a visual effect on Miyuki right now.

Unlike Leon who was busy admiring women's beauty, Leo seems to focus his attention on the flowers in the garden instead.

"Leon! You have good eyes! it's very beautiful." Leo exclaimed as he takes in the garden scenery. The mountain of flowers seems to catch his interest, he can't take his sight away from them. It was his first time visiting a place like this.

"Yeah, they are so beautiful."

They both praising different things without realizing it.

Leon was lost drowning in the scenery of beauties laughing in the garden of flowers.

If only there is a table, seats, and tea, then it would be perfect.

Tea time with beauties in the flower garden.

Just the thought of it bring him great joy.

The more Leon thinks about it, the more determined he wants to make it happen someday.

Suddenly, Leon thought was interrupted by his mobile terminal.


Someone is calling him.

But the identity of the caller made him hesitated for a moment.

In the end, he decided to leave his friends and look for an empty space where their ears cannot reach, It was quite far.

Leon has no idea if Tatsuya has a sensitive hearing or not, even if Tatsuya hearing just half as good as his eyesight, then he would be able to hear it with ease. So it's just a precaution.

The action of Leon caught the attention of his friends.

They are wondering why he needs to go that far from them, especially one of them, Erika. Her eyes lit up in delight.

They could see it from Erika expression that she is up to no good, again.

"Mizuki... aren't you curious?" Erika smirked, "It may be from his girlfriend."

"... Eh? Girlfriend..." Mizuki muttered in a daze, "Leon's... girlfriend..."

The mention of girlfriend changed the aura of Mizuki drastically and it was very scary.

If there is an otaku trapped there, he would surely be screaming loudly 'no! it's the birth of yandere! run for your life! please sent me back to earth!'

Sadly, Tatsuya and the rest are not otakus, but just common people.

Although they can't be called otaku, they slowly realized something when the black aura on Mizuki is getting more intense than usual.

The trace of mischief also started to fade from Erika's face.

Now, even common people like them started to notice that something is wrong with Mizuki.

They exchanged a quick glance with each other as if speaking through their eyes.

Finally, Miyuki who stayed at Mizuki'side, started to comfort her.

"Mizuki... it's only a joke, don't take it seriously." Miyuki let out a comforting smile.

It seems to be very effective on Mizuki as the depressing aura on her started to diminish slowly.

Someone can't seem to hold himself any longer and started to use this chance to strikes Erika while she is down.

"Erika, you should stop saying a nasty joke like that," Leo said seriously, but the same can't be said for his eyes. There is mischief dancing on it.

He continues, "It was unbecoming of student that aims to be a magician to say something so unlogical and baseless without a fact..."

As if addicted, Leo can't seem to stop his mouth from running. It was a rare chance for him.

The imaginary veins started to pop out on Erika temples, she is very annoyed with Leo right now, but it's true that she is the one who caused this, she is rather helpless.

So she looks at Tatsuya as if asking for help.

"... You have gone too far, Erika."

"See! Even Tatsuya-kun agrees with me." Leon exclaimed happily. He looks very smug about it.

"You guys..."

Erika could only look at them as if her parents just abandoned her.

Now she understood that she has become a sacrificial pawn to appease Mizuki depressed mood.

But suddenly Erika was taken aback by Mizuki's voice.

"Everyone, there is no need to go that far. I'm not angry." Mizuki said, rather worried, "Erika, you don't have to worry about it. You are just joking, it's my fault for overreacting."

She continues, "... Not to mention there is nothing between me and Leon so..."

Halfway through, Mizuki's voice gets smaller by the seconds until it's no longer audible for a human to hear, but her cheeks remain flushed with no sign of ending.

Although it was surprising and unexpected, Erika who responsible for the mess is very happy when she saw this. Mizuki is finally back to her usual self.

"Mizuki..." relief brought a smile to Erika's lips, "Ah! I love you Mizuki! I'm sorry! I was wrong!"

The moment Leon get back to the garden, he saw Erika and Mizuki hugging each other happily as if seeing their long lost parent for the first time in decades.

He shifted his gaze to Miyuki, but she just gave him a faint smile.

Seeing that Miyuki doesn't have any intention to say anything, Leon can only shrug in his mind, he doesn't want to be nosy. Maybe it's the girls' thing people talking about in the movies.

"Miyuki, do you have some time to spare during lunch break?" Leon asked out of the blue, it immediately caught everyone attention.

"Leon-kun... Is there anything wrong?"

Leon put the mobile terminal away in his pocket, with little hesitation he said, "Well, it looks like you were invited by the student council..." Leon started to smile, "There is no need to worry though, you are not in trouble or anything. I'm pretty sure they only want you to join them."

He continued, "Apparently it's a tradition for the representative of freshman to replace the president of the student council after she retired."

"So, I'm wondering if you want to visit the student council room with me later... Tatsuya can also come with us." Leon gave Tatsuya a sidelong glance.

Miyuki was reluctant to join him when Leon asked her, but the moment he mentions that Tatsuya can follow them, the hesitation in Miyuki's face faded in the blink of an eye.

"Onii-sama, shall we go to the student council later?" Miyuki smiled at her brother. For some reason, she seems excited about it.

"...Yeah, we can visit them during the lunch break." Tatsuya didn't have it in him to reject his sister request when he saw her expectant gaze.

Leon was quite familiar with the inner working of Miyuki obvious mechanism, so he used Tatsuya as bait and it works like a charm.

"What should we do for lunch?" Tatsuya asked Miyuki, rather concerned.

"Ah, you don't have to worry about that. The room has an automatic meal dispenser so we can have lunch there."

Leon solved Tatsuya predicament right away, but his response is different from what Leon expected.

A quick glance around him, Leon noticed that the rest of his friends also had the same reaction as Tatsuya.

"The student council room has an automatic meal dispenser?" Tatsuya raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah..." Leon nodded, somewhat confused.

He can't figure out the reason for his friends' unusual reactions. Leon didn't think he said something weird, at least not out loud.

His confusion is vanquished by Erika remarks.

"Heh, isn't that something. I thought that device only exists in the airline terminals,"

Erika is amazed at the luxury of the student council.

Leon didn't think the meal dispenser in the student council room is considered to be a rare device. It looks like he really needs to learn more knowledge and common sense of this world.

Now that he completed Mayumi request to convince Miyuki for a quick lunch in the student council room, his thought immediately shifted to the rest of his friends.

He felt bad for excluding them from the group, so he asked Erika and the other if they want to come with them as well.

But to his surprise, they declined his invitation despite their eager look earlier and somehow Leon finds it hard to ask them the reason why, so it remains a mystery.

In the end, they spent the time in the garden, chatting as any normal students would.

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