
The Bloody Questions

[Do you want to experience a new life?]

[Yes or No]

Leon opened his eyes wide in disbelief. He is too shocked to do anything but stare at his laptop.

He couldn't believe that his newly purchased PC was contaminated by a virus when he didn't even do anything to it yet.

Sure, he is planning to download plenty of games and play them to his heart content during the summer break but he barely opened his laptop.

"How is this possible..." he sighed in dismay, "Is this a faulty product?"


A high pitched voice resounded in Leon's ears, taking his attention away from his laptop.

"Ciri?! What happens?" Leon shouted in alarm as he rushed down the stairs towards the bathroom.

When he get there, the bathroom door was wide open with no one in sight.

"Ciri... where are you...?"

As Leon walked inside the room, a faint buzzing sound entered his ears.

"It's her phone..."

The bathroom is empty, and a pink phone buzzing on the floor, asking for his attention.

"Where is she?" he wondered aloud, "it's so unlike her to leave her phone behind like this."

It's not long before hesitant laughter escaped Leon's lips as he looks at the screen of her sister phone. "It must be a coincidence,."

[Do you want to experience a new life?]

[Yes or No]

Leon left the bathroom in a hurry just like a thief trying to escape from the police. It didn't take a long time for him to explore the whole house, but there still no sign of his sister.


A familiar buzzing sound coming from the living room.

Leon cast a glance towards the living room, bead of sweat on Leon's face started to cloud his vision.

"You must be kidding me.." a shaky smile formed on his lips.

His instinct wants him to run away from the house and asked for help but the moment he thinks about his sister mysterious disappearance made him stay.

The house is locked from inside the house, meaning that his sister is never left the house in the first place!

"Something weird is happening here, is it ghost..." Leon's lips quivered, and fear appeared on his skinny face.

Leon turned around facing the living room, but there was nothing there except a TV with familiar words on it.

[Do you want to experience a new life?]

[Yes or No]

He ran behind the TV to yank the cable off however, the result only made him jump in fright. It keeps showing the same creepy question.

Now he is fully convinced that there is no human manipulation at works here. This is can't be explained by science.

It started to get scarier the moment he realized it's not a prank. The scary question started to appear on the windows, kitchen tables, and even on family portraits. Now the question started to turn red, dripping just like blood, stained the surrounding in red.

[Do you want to experience a new life?]

[Yes or No]

Leon's heart was a chaotic mess, to the extent that even the simple decorations inside the living room were sending chills down his spine, expecting them to bleed the familiar question.




The moment his vision filled with only questions in red blood, he saw a portrait of his sister in the wall, her smile fill his heart with warmth.

Suddenly, he stopped trembling and the fear on his face started to fade.

A faint resolution can be seen from his eyes.

"Ciri, do you want to experience a new life?" questions started to surface on Leon's mind.

Ciri is a cheerful girl, she can't seem to stay in one place for too long and love to travel so it's not impossible for her to answer the question with 'Yes'.

"So what will happen if you answer Yes?"

"Will I also vanished just like Ciri did?"

"A new life..." Leon muttered in a trance.


A Ringing sound comes from the TV seems to wake him from the trance.

Leon ground his teeth, and opened his mouth, "I want a new life."

By the time he focused his eyes back to the TV…

A think red blood covered the screen and the word 'Yes' keep getting bigger and bigger as the beating heart of Leon resounded loudly in his ears and then his vision went black.

A chirping sound of bird songs resounded in the park, and the wind seems to carry the melodious songs to Leon's ears as if asking him to wake up.

The moment Leon opened his eyes, he feels something is off and before he could think any further, he was surprised by the words floating in front of his eyes. It looks so magical and he thinks for a moment if he hit his head or something.

"Ciri!" a loud scream escaped his breath as he remembers what happened to him before he loses his consciousness. Various possibility crossed his mind one after the other, dream, drug, alien experimentation. But what in front of his eyes doesn't seems to be a dream, it's too real. He can even feel his sweat rolled from his forehead and dripped into his cheek.

Everything is real except for the floating words in front of his eyes that keep bugging him.

[A random Skill or Item will be given to the User No 9.754.294.320]

[Congratulation! You obtained a Legendary Item!]

[You received Mangekyo Sharingan!]

"Sharingan! it's a fiction ability from Naruto. It's mine now?" Leon's eyes narrowed at this unreal words, he blinks twice and the words disappeared from his eyes, replaced by new words.

[Do you want to implant the Magekyou Sharingan?]

"Implant...?" Leon narrowed his eyes at the new notification. Will the system replace his current eyes with Mangekyou Sharingan? but he is not an Uchiha, so it may pose a great danger for him in the future. Using Mangekyou without Uchiha bloodline is a sure way to get blind.

But the moment he thought about his missing sister, he stopped hesitating and choose to implant the Mangekyou. The process only takes a minute before the system notified him that the Mangekyou has been implanted into his eyes.

"Is that it?" he blinked, rather speechless. Leon already steeled his mind and ready to experience extreme pain, but there is nothing, no pain whatsoever.

His thought was interrupted by notification from the system.

[First Life]

[The Irregular at Magic High School]

[User No 9.754.294.320]

"First life, Is there going to be second life as well?" Leon asked out loud unconsciously, his voice resounded through the room, but no one answered him.

Leon's eyes swept around the room, "a boy's bedroom," a single bed in the middle of the room, it's blue color seems too bright from the sun seeping through the window. A desk with some thick books lined in an orderly manner. Besides the desk is a bookshelf, though it is somewhat empty, there is only a couple of books on it.

Walking closer to the desk, Leon saw a student's ID card on top of the dark green book. On the card, there seems to be a couple of familiar words written on it. It's the card of Leon Walker, a first-course student of the first high school. There is also a picture of a handsome youth with black hair and sharp pitch black eyes on the left side of the ID Card.

"Who is he?" Leon muttered under his breath. It was his name that was written on the card but the picture said otherwise. He is not ugly in real life but he can't be considered handsome either. Some people might say that he is average, but the majority seems to think he is a little below average so basically, he is a little ugly.

These clues made him a little apprehensive as his eyes examine the room until he saw a mirror beside the bed, and immediately rushed to the mirror with little hope in his heart. A smile can be seen from his face the moment Leon saw his reflection in the mirror, it's the same person just like the ID Card.

Black, straight hair tight in a ponytail reveals the handsome face. Narrow black eyes observing sharply his own reflection in the mirror.

Fair skin handsomely compliments his figure and leaves a hopeful memory of his bright future that can be realized with his new face.

While looking at his own reflection, he saw something fascinating about the man in the mirror.

"This is the face of Leon Walker," a faint voice filled with a little pride and happiness spreading inside the boy's bedroom.

A new life!

A new face!

A handsome face!

"Banzai! God bless you!..." many nonsenses keep coming from Leon's mouth for a few minutes and only stopped after he ran out of words to say.

What is the implication of having a handsome face?

Majority of the people on earth didn't even think about it, especially those born with blessed looks, handsome face. But it's hard for Leon, it's hard to find a date with an ugly face. Well, not exactly ugly, but a little ugly.

With this handsome face, he doesn't have to worry about his future date any longer but suddenly the broad grin of Leon subsided, replaced by a serious expression as the happiness of obtaining a handsome face disappeared quickly as he remembers his sister.

What happened to his sister?

Did she experience the same thing as he did?

Is she in this world?

Who is the one creating these entire fantasy miracles?

How and Why?

The more he thinks the more question he had, so Leon stopped thinking about other difficult and less important things and focus on the most crucial one. His first priority is to find any clue of his sister whereabout.

"I must find her." A faint resolution can be seen from the pitch black eyes in the mirror, "After all, she is the only family I have left, even though she can be a little annoying sometimes."

"Ciri, wait for me." the pitch black eyes on the mirror turned red blood with three stretched triangles around the pupil that form a circle similar to a pinwheel.

English is my second language, so there will be many errors, and mistakes so you better stop reading now if that bothers you.

Don't forget to leave some reviews, comments, and votes! It will give me motivation in writing this fanfic.

--- Word Counts - 1756 words ---

Foggcreators' thoughts
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