
Oath Of Blood

Raining water is the source of life, isn't it? Every drop that pours on the ground from the sky revitalizes the planet, falling from above. Drip, drip, drip... Isn't this the cycle of life? Every drop that evaporates from the water source laid on the ground, the upper layer of the water in the form of tiny droplets of life, rises, evaporating into the clouds. There they squeeze and move, adjusting to their place inside one of the millions of clouds, until not too long after, the organization of droplets abandons some of the lower droplets, throwing them down. Is going through this relentless process, rising to heights, worth it? When the only thing that is supposed to happen is to fall, are these droplets at the top of the clouds being arrogant? Are they mocking the pouring droplets because they are falling while they are still up? Can't they see that the cloud will soon take in more droplets and if they become weaker and come down their position they will also be pushed down, abandoned, thrown, forgotten? Can't they see the only fate they have is to rise only to fall? But what happens to the droplets that are beneath the water source? Why not find out?

RI_Lore · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Chapter 25: Clan's biggest potential

The next day, Reyoma, as usual, woke up early in the morning, the first light of dawn barely touching the horizon. He moved quietly through his morning routine, heading to the garden to continue his training. The rhythmic sounds of his practice filled the air, a testament to his dedication and discipline, But instead of slashing sounds, zipping sounds could be heard from the garden.

A little while later, Ayaka stirred from her slumber, slipping into her daily chores with practiced efficiency. She moved through the house with a grace born of habit, tending to the morning tasks that kept their home running smoothly.

*Knock knock*

The sound of knocking interrupted the morning quiet, and Ayaka paused, glancing toward the door. Reyoma was still deep in his training, his focus unwavering. Knowing it was likely Aimi, Ayaka set aside her tasks and moved to answer the door. Aimi usually arrived half an hour later, so her early visit piqued Ayaka's curiosity. However, it wasn't a matter of concern; Aimi was like a daughter to her, and her presence was always welcome.

Ayaka opened the door with a warm smile, prepared to greet Aimi.

But instead of the always cheerful Aimi, Ayaka saw Aimi panting heavily, as if she had rushed over without stopping, sweat dripping from her forehead. Ayaka quickly glanced behind her, scanning the road for any signs of people. Seeing no one around, she stepped closer to Aimi, grabbing her arm and pulling her inside the house. She shut the door firmly, her worry evident as she held Aimi by the shoulders.

"What happened, Aimi? Why are you looking so rugged?" Ayaka asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Hah... uhh... haa... Ayaka-sama, I think I am getting an invitation," Aimi managed to say between gasps for breath.

Ayaka's eyes widened slightly, the implications of Aimi's words sinking in. Her lips showed signs of curling up into a chilling grin, but before the grin could become evident, it was replaced by a motherly smile.

Patting Aimi's shoulder reassuringly, Ayaka shrugged off her own concern and said, "No big deal. Rest at the dining table; we'll talk after I finish up my work."

"I will help you," Aimi offered, her voice still a bit breathless but filled with determination.

"No, sit and relax. You should be having headaches right now," Ayaka insisted gently, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"Yeah," Aimi admitted, finally acknowledging her fatigue.

"Then go sit," Ayaka repeated firmly, guiding Aimi toward the dining table.

Reyoma, having finished his training, walked in holding his weapon. Instead of a katana, there was a rapier in his hand. He wore a kimono, but the top was resting around his hips, exposing his well-built muscles, broad chest, and prominent veins—a testament to his rigorous training. As he entered the hall, he saw Aimi, who was immediately captivated by the sight of his muscular physique, her eyes fixed on him, completely ignoring the rapier.

Seeing Aimi staring at him, Reyoma walked closer and asked, "What are you staring at?"

His voice snapped Aimi back to reality. Blushing, she retorted, "Why are you walking around naked, perv?"

"This is my house. I do whatever I want. Besides, I am wearing clothes," Reyoma replied nonchalantly.

"You're only wearing the lower part! Where is your upper kimono?" Aimi exclaimed.

"As a man, that's all I need to hide my chastity," Reyoma said with a smirk.

"Perv, perv, perv," Aimi muttered, her face turning a deeper shade of red.

"I'll be back soon after taking a shower," Reyoma said, walking away with his rapier.

"Idiot," Aimi whispered softly, watching him leave the hall, still ignoring the rapier.

After some time, Ayaka entered the hall again, now completely clean and wearing her signature black lipstick. She held a soul stone in her hand as she approached Aimi and sat beside her, gently taking Aimi's hand and placing the egg-shaped stone into her palm.

"Is this a soul stone?" Aimi asked, surprised as she looked at the transparent, crystal-like object as she earlier vanished like fog in the air.

"Yes, accept it. It will allow you to have food and will reduce your headaches," Ayaka explained.

Aimi stood up, bowing. "Than..." she began, but before she could finish her thanks, Ayaka gently pulled her back down to sit.

"You shouldn't thank your family or do you not think of me as a family" hearing this Aimi shakes her head. "Think of it as my gift and accept it," Ayaka said warmly, her eyes reflecting a motherly affection.

Aimi nodded, holding the soul stone with a mix of gratitude and awe, as an orphan feeling the weight of Ayaka's care and concern in the gesture.

Ayaka, increasing her tone a bit, called out, "Reyoma, if you're done bathing, please bring the breakfast from the kitchen."

"Ok, Mother," Reyoma replied promptly.

Shortly after, Reyoma entered the hall carrying their breakfast, placing all the dishes on the table. His hair looked lustrous, still a bit wet from his shower, and he was wearing simple garments that accentuated his lean, muscular frame. The aroma of the freshly prepared food filled the room, blending with the morning light that streamed through the windows.

"Breakfast is ready," Reyoma announced, his tone casual as he set down the last of the dishes.

Aimi glanced up, her earlier embarrassment forgotten as she took in the inviting spread. Ayaka smiled at her son, appreciating his efforts.

Reyoma nodded, taking a seat at the table. "Let's eat before it gets cold."

"So tell us, when did you start having invitations?" Ayaka inquired, her voice gentle yet probing.

"Aimi is having an invitation?" Reyoma interjected, but Ayaka stopped him from speaking by raising her palm, signaling for him to let Aimi continue.

"It was yesterday. I wasn't able to eat; I thought I must have eaten too much at lunch. But in the middle of the night, I couldn't help but wake up again and again because of increasing headaches. I wasn't able to sleep properly before morning. Having doubts that I am getting an invitation, I tried to eat the rice cracker I had. Just after eating it, I threw up everything I had in my stomach. So, just at that moment, I rushed over here to inform you, Ayaka-sama," Aimi explained, her voice tinged with concern.

"So you didn't tell anyone about it. Isn't this a good thing, Mother?" Reyoma remarked, seeking Ayaka's opinion.

"Hmm... How about this, Aimi? Tell this information to everyone," Ayaka suggested, her expression thoughtful as she considered the best course of action.

"But isn't that dangerous, Mother? You didn't let me speak about my invitation," Reyoma expressed his concern for his friend's well-being.

"No, but this is the safest option for Aimi. You are different from her, Reyoma," Ayaka replied, her tone firm yet reassuring.

"What, you are getting an invitation too?" Aimi asked, surprised by the revelation.

"You didn't tell Aimi about it?" Ayaka inquired, raising an eyebrow at her son.

"She didn't ask; I didn't tell," Reyoma responded casually.

"How am I supposed to know if you didn't tell, huh? Am I going to get a dream about you getting an invitation, dummy?" Aimi retorted, her tone laced with playful exasperation.

Reyoma chuckled at Aimi's remark, realizing his oversight in not sharing the information with her. Ayaka observed the interaction between the two with a fond smile.

But after changing her tone to serious, Ayaka said, "Always remember, both of you, you both have the most potential to grow in this entire clan. I am saying this not just as a mother, but as the clan elder. How you will grow up will depend on you, but I will always hope for the best for you."

A small smile appeared on Ayaka's face again as she finished speaking, her love and pride for both Reyoma and Aimi evident in her expression.

"Mother, tomorrow is our physical examination. Could we get any privileges as your descendants?" Reyoma inquired, his tone respectful yet hopeful.

"Oh, you want privileges?" Ayaka asked, raising one of her brows in amusement.

"Reyoma," Aimi interjected, looking at him seriously.

"I'm not asking for cheats or anything. I'm just asking if you could give any updates on how the physical examination will be conducted, so we can prepare beforehand," Reyoma explained, his tone earnest.

"Every year, the examination changes its format—where it's held, what the rules are—everything. Only the two Swords know that, and they are also the people who supervise the examination," Ayaka informed them, her voice carrying a sense of authority and finality.

Just as so, the day passed, and the day of their final examination arrived. All thirty-one students of Reyoma's batch were present, standing in anticipation. The location was unfamiliar and unexpected—it wasn't the dojo or anywhere inside the clan. They were outside the clan, directly south of the clan hall, at the outskirts of the Kurokawa village, almost at the borders of the clan's rule.

The area was lush with greenery, dominated by a dense forest of bamboo stretching southward. The tall, slender bamboo stalks swayed gently in the morning breeze, their leaves rustling softly. The sun cast dappled shadows on the ground, creating a serene yet mysterious atmosphere. The setting was both beautiful and intimidating, a fitting backdrop for an important and potentially grueling examination.

Reyoma stood among his peers, his eyes scanning the surroundings. He could feel the tension in the air, a mixture of excitement and nervousness permeating the group.