
Abandoned at the Forest

A loud thump echoed out in the forest, startling the birds out of the trees shaking the leaves as they let out a number of squeaks in surprise. A small girl was crawling on the ground, grasping at anything to hold her up as she continued to pull herself forward along the forest floor. Her hand was stretched in front, feeling out for anything in the way as she continued onwards into the forest seemingly without direction.

"Mum?! I can't find you. Mum!!" the little girl cried out. Her appearance would be described as pathetic, her dress was stained and torn. Rubbed a mix of brown and black from being dragged through the foliage and soil. Gripping onto a growing tree root she pulled herself upright and tried to continue step by step.

Walking forward, everything seemed dim. Tripping over something large she let out a surprised yelp as she felt her hands at the thing she fell over. It was soft and firm to the touch, with a trace of it having gone cold. Tracing her hands up, she realised it was familiar, ending at the shape of a face. Her finger followed along the cheeks and nose she could draw without needing reference. A small tear dropped from the corner of her eye as she curled herself up close, pulling the arms around her in an embrace, shivering slightly as the breeze softly blew in but within those arms felt more calm than she had in a long time. 

Feeling her hands across the cold arms she wrapped her fingers between the other's hands. The sharp snap of a twig caused her to jolt upright at the source of the noise, burying herself tighter in the embrace of those arms. The crunch of leaves underfoot perked her ears, it was certainly at least not an animal.

"Hello there little one, did you get lost?" a female voice spoke to her. It had a tone of something that seemed to have age behind it and yet it felt young.

"I'm staying with my mum, she's napping at the moment" the little girl replied nervously while holding onto the arm tightly as if the stranger would take it away.

The stranger seemed to hesitate at the girl.

"Can you see that it's your Mum?" the woman's voice replied.

"I can't see, I can tell it's her though" the girl said quietly.

"Well let me take both of you back to my home, I'm sure she'd be happy for you to come with me"

"Can you help my Mum?"

"My friends will be sure to take her with us" the girl could hear the smile in her voice. The small girl's guard dropped and relaxed as she felt the woman's hand softly clasp with hers. The warmth gave her a little surprise but she clasped on firmly. The young girl felt that her mother wouldn't be going with her, the coldness of her skin and the light breathing she noticed seemed to have ceased.

 Being picked up the embrace felt so similar, the warmth and the smell of fresh grass much like a woodland grove. The woman looked backed at the corpse that was lying on the forest floor, what little was left of it would feed the forest as she took the child deeper in. 

"My mother isn't coming with us is she?" The little girl asked. Her hands gripped tightly onto the woman's shoulder. Hearing a sigh the girl felt the aged tone within her soul.

"She won't, but she lived her last for you"

The child already dozed off from the stress, breathing softly in the woman's embrace. Shifting the child in her arms to make it more comfortable. Giving a last prayer to the departed person they disappeared from sight as the animals all watched with hunger and viciousness.


The small pop and crackle of burning wood, brought her out of her slumber. She felt the softness of sheets and a mattress beneath her. The smell of pine and smoke filled the air of what she could only assume was a house she was staying in. Pulling off her sheets she slid herself out of the bed and her feet felt roughly sanded wood floor. The texture was odd to her but it she felt no splinters or parts missed. Reaching her arms out she tried to feel of anything moving into her path. The inside was so dark to her as she helplessly flailed with her hands mapping out in front of her.

"Oh where do you think you're going?" a voice sounded out. Frowning the little girl turn towards the source of the noise.

"Auntie why is it so dark in here?" the girl said "I can barely see anything" The sounds of steps rushing over caused her to panic a little. She could feel the hands on her eyes as some brief waves of air passed by her face.

"Auntie is there something wrong?" the girl asked. Whenever an adult panicked it was never a good sign.

"I'm afraid it's not about how dark it is my child." the voice responded. Young girl could feel a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

"Auntie I just don't understand" hearing the heave of a sigh, the young girl felt the hairs on her back raise up.

"I'm afraid you can't see any more"

"Auntie auntie will my eyes get better?"

"What's your name my child?"


"Rin I'm not sure how but maybe one day you can see again."

Rin felt depressed at the thought. The darkness was terrifying. Trying to hold back the wetness in her eyes Rin reached out to the woman.

"Auntie can you hold me?" Rin said, her voice quivering but still trying to stay strong. The woman could feel her heart quake at the girl's yearning and swept Rin up into her arms.

"Oh child I'll be here for you from now on"

"You won't leave me behind like mum?" The girl said with her eyes wide open. Although she couldn't see those felt like two whirlpools that would suck you in. Truly this child was too cute. The woman snuggled the child close to her arousing a small giggle from Rin.

"Auntie what do I call you by?" Rin asked.

"I am Sylas but you can call me Auntie Syl" Sylas said with a tone of glee in her voice.

"Auntie Syl, where are we?" Rin reached to hold Sylas's hand. Rin focused on hearing things around her, surprisingly even though her sight diminished her other senses had become more alert.

"Let me take you outside, this is where my home is" Sylas said as she walked out of the room and Rin could feel the breeze on her face. The wind carried a scent of freahness, forcing anyone to inhale deeply the smell of wood and fragrance. However something else caught Rin's nose as she wrinkled her face.

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