
Nsfw Oneshots

This book contains Hololive fanfics and Genshin Impact Fanfics, as well as some of my original characters. No Synopsis! The stories here are oneshots. Some stories are deeply disturbing, please read with discretion, so please don't report me. Writing styles may vary cause I've wrote them in a long time gaps each. They're short and easily readable. Good for light readers

Dark_Celestial_ZzZ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

A Robot Maid's Newfound Emotions

I'm Just a Simple man on his 30's, living at the countryside. I've been living alone since my son started to work for the military and my wife who just passed away 4 years ago after an accident. Although I've been alone for a quite while I've been working on my farm harder than I ever could, to get additional money aside from the money that my son would give. Right now, I'm just sitting in front of my computer to wait for my son's message, I wanna know if he could go home anytime soon.

"Dad I'm sorry but I won't visiting for now, war's been getting rough. There's no progress about on how it would end but I'll make sure I'll get home." Is the first message I got for that day.

"Alright, stay alive over there" I replied.

"Oh, by the way, I've bought you something, that package would probably arrive just a few days from now". He said as he suddenly got offline, Duty hours I guess. After working under the sun's heat, I've finally got a warm meal to eat after I bought some Of the recipes of my wife's favorite dish, A Pork Curry that she always loved when I cooked for her. Doing this does bring back good old memories.

It's been 4 days since he messaged tho, surely that package would arrive by now. I was sipping a hot cup of milk before going to bed but then I heard my doorbell rang. I opened the door and my package did arrived, it's quite big and heavy, Son might have really Wanted to give compensation for not visiting. I opened that box and I saw a letter in it.

"Dear Dad,

I know it's been years since I've last visited but I just Really can't visit right now. Days out here have been rough, though me and my mates are doing well. I wish this war would end sooner than I'd want to.

I know you've missed mom dearly so this is a little gift for you. You can use it/Her all you want. This gift might not be that perfect but I hope this would help you out of your loneliness.

Ps. Charge her first

Your Son,

Josh "

Were the contents of the letter and within that letter is a picture of him and his buddies on a trench, smiling with their rifles by their sides, Eating their MREs and having a good time. I smiled, knowing that my son did grew up as a fine man. I fully opened the box and I were surprised on what I saw. It was something I can't believe to see. It looks like my wife when we first met. I lifted it up and it's quite heavy, although it's some sort of robot, it felt like it has its own flesh. I did what my son's letter said, charge her. I charged it beside the electrical socket beside my bed. Well, I guess on what he meant to use her as I please it to make her do all the household chores; she's on a maid outfit Anyways. I slept for the night, hoping that nothing goes wrong with that thing.....

"Master, Wake up, Breakfast's ready" is the words that woke me up. It's a familiar voice, just like the voice of my wife. So that thing does know how to unplug itself, nice. I got out of my room and got on the table to see what she did, the dishes looks quite nice and it smells good. I've took my first bite and it tastes godly, she's as good as her; is she a clone or something?. She also ate while I eat, she looks happy while at it, seems like the way I eat made it obvious that I liked it.

"Ah that was good" I said as I sip a cup of coffee.

"I'm glad you liked it" she said with an overwhelming joy on her face.

"Ah hmm, You're an Android Right? Hmm what should I name you?" I said as she tidied up the table.

"Any name is fine by me master" she said while smiling.

"Hmm how about Rein?" I said.

"That's a beautiful name, from now on I'm Rein" she said while she smiles again. I prepared to leave because it's my duty on a construction site, the pay is well and tough and heavy jobs are my thing.

"Well, Rein I'll be going now." I said while I'm opening the door.

"Take care master" she said as I leave.

After a tough job I came home for lunch. I were about to open the door when I hear her footsteps.

"Welcome Home master" she said as she opens the door to welcome me in.

"I've made lunch, Have a seat" she says as she lay the dishes on the table. Ah this looks delicious again. We both ate and now that I'm stuffed I guess time to play a bit of COD: Warzone on my computer. I helped Rein on cleaning up but she refuses.

"Please make yourself relaxed and just play your game" is her response when I'd ask her if I can help her. I just Continued my game and after she finished her job, she sat beside and watched me throughout the entire 3 hours. A notification ringed right before I shut down my computer, it's my son messaging.

"Eyy Dad, How is she, is she doing a good job on her work for you?" is his message.

"Yeah she is. A little too well in fact, now I feel a little bit more relaxed" I replied.

"Told ya, we all soldiers here have our own Maid... And trust me Dad, They're a great partner in bed" He said. I looked behind me, I saw Rein behind me, Blushing while she reads the texts.

"Watch your words Josh, She's right behind me and she might just do it while I sleep" I replied.

"Don't worry Master, I'm not gonna do such thing without permissions" Rein said while she smiles at me. Josh took a minute to respond but I've got his message.

"Ah anyways Dad, I'm at my Girlfriend's place right now, we've been given 3 days break but I can't visit. Anyways we did the THING last night and I hope I'd be a father soon" He said with an attached photo of him and his girlfriend on a rooftop of a hotel. I've said my goodbyes for now since I've have to go to my fields and take care of my farm animals and Other farm things. I've got back home at 6pm and like earlier I were greeted by Rein with her big and beautiful smile. After eating a delicious meal I've decided to take a shower. I were about enter the bathroom to take a shower when she came up to me.

"Ah master I've prepared your bath, please Enjoy yourself." she said.

"Ohh, nice, it's been years since I've got a relaxing bath" I said while I enter the bathroom. I've got in the bathtub and ah the water feels so soothing, The temperature is just right. Suddenly I heard the bathroom door clicks, it opened.

"Rein what are you doing here?" I said while I cover my eyes as she were naked.

"It's okay master, You can remove the cover, I'm just here to take a shower." She said as she turn on the shower.

"At least get something to cover yourself, I'm just gonna close this curtains." I said while I close the curtains to make her go and shower with herself. I'm quite surprised that she can shower despite her being a literal android, welp that's advance technology I guess. After a few minutes of just hearing the water hitting the floor, I suddenly heard the curtains rustles and someone's peeping.

"Uh master, mind if I join?" she said while she looks on me, staring at my thing.

"Hmm yeah sure, just don't do anything" I said. She smiled while she steps in. It's cramped but since she's much smaller than me so it's an easy fit. She seems to be relaxing so I washed her hair and her back, she likes it, I guess this a price for what she did this day. After that she also pampers me and we both showered together. I got sleepy so I got on my bed to get ready to sleep, she also charged herself nearby my bed so she can do more work tomorrow....

After months and almost a year we seem to be getting more attached, it seems like the saying that A robot would never have a feeling is false after all. Having her around have made my life way much happier and less lonely and it also became way much easier since I don't have to do the house chores. Well, My Son Josh never really visited but I'm glad to find out that his son have also been born, Ah what a good news. Though Josh haven't messaged for 2 months now that kind of made me worried but since he's still giving me money I'm rest assured that he's okay, I mean if he's dead would he be able to make money?. Today I were watering my wife's flower bed and Rein decided to follow me.

"Master, You've been watering this plants for months, not even letting me do it. What is it?" She asked.

"Well, you see, this is a flowerbed, Beautiful isn't it?" I said.

"Yeah it looks great" she said while smiling.

"Well At the center of this were my wife's grave, this flower bed is owned by her back then and she requested to be buried here so I did. I've dedicated on growing this on purpose of giving respect to my late wife" I said as I continue to water the plants. After that we visited her grave, Picking up some flowers to put on her tomb, I missed her but I can't do anything about it.

"Y'know master, I want to meet her" She said while we were on the way home.

"Well, that's impossible but I'm glad you wanna know her" I said while I smile. I've picked up a few flowers that my wife once liked and I made it on the shape of a bracelet, I handed it to her and she wore it instantly.

"Master, this is Beautiful" she said while she held my hand on our way home.

Again after a few years of having a good relationship with this robot maid, She seems to become more and more interested on me. Asking questions that would lead to a story time with her. Well, she's a bit clingy now but it's not a problem, the problem is that my Son haven't even gave an update, I don't know if he's hiding something but I think he's just busy. Rein also started to sleep with me, Charging herself near my bed and climbing the bed to give me a hug or if she wanted a hug from me. Sometimes we would leisurely talk while we were on the bed, having a good time that's all. One night were talking about how I'd like to get pleased by her until she just changed the topic. She removed her charging port on her nape and opened her chest to put on a special Backup battery for her.

"Heh, now I can Move freely" she said.

"Well, what for though?" I said with confusion. She opened the lamp and I saw her removing her maid clothes.

"Ey, ey Rein stop, we promised not to do this kind of stuff" I retaliated.

"Let me ask this master, Do you love me?" She said as she strokes her hand On my chest.

"Uh well kind of, Since you've been beside me all this time, You're like a Caring Daughter for me" I said while I blush, not knowing to respond because my mind is full of weird questions. Does an android feel love? Do they feel horny sometimes? And what the fuck is going on right now? Honestly I couldn't understand the situation.

"A daughter hmm... Don't you love me as me? Do you love me just because on what I've done for you so far?" She said while she cries and holding my hand to let me grope her breasts.

"Well that's a hard question....." I don't know how would I respond, would I just let her do her thing or make her stop.

"Let me service you with my body tonight, Master" she said as she suddenly kissed me, making me fall on a trance. She started to undress me while she just kept on kissing me.

"Rein, Yeah you can freely do it now, I..... I love you too Rein" I said out of nowhere. She hugged me while she started to insert my thing inside her. She pushed my thing in harder, making her moan like a real girl. My manhood were fully inside. I've never felt this good before, it's nowhere near comparable to a human pussy.

"How does it feel master?" She said while she continues on moving her hips.

"It feels great." since it's the point of no return, I just let myself to give in to the pleasure I'm feeling, not because of lust but because of the genuine Affection the I feel for her. I've take the top position so I can also make her feel good. I've did my best to thrust even tho my knees were a bit weak now but I'm glad the look from her face is that she's feeling great.

"Master, I'm gonna cum" she said. Wait what Robots can also cum?!

"Yeah me too" I said as I thrust harder.

"I'm an Android so I'm incapable of giving birth so pour your hot cum inside me, fill me up Master" she said as she hug me. I came inside her.

"Geez, Master you came too much" she said while she smiles. Ah why does she looks so happy about doing this lewd thing with her master.

"I was quite pent up, it's 5 months' worth of cum after all " I said. And that night she continued to Service me with her body until Morning..... I'm just sitting beside the bed while she lay down without even a clothing on, I can still see my cum leaking out of her hole, ugh disgusting to look at. I've smoked my last cigarette and I've put it on the ash tray.

"Ah sorry master what I have done? I'm sorry I'm sorry" she said while she suddenly jumped out of the bed and kneeled down on front of me.

"Nah, nah, it's alright, you're just doing your job. And also, I should be the one saying sorry since I've got carried away and made a mess. Well besides that, you're still a good girl." I said as I smile while giving her a headpat.

"Really? You forgive me? Well then let's do it next time!!" she said while she smiles at me.

"Well, uhhhhhhh..... Sure, just clean up the bed after" I said as I laugh.

(Narrator's P.O.V)

Through the years they've been together, Rein doing her master's chores for the exchange of getting pampered while having a relaxing bath or Wanting his master's Dick to ravage her inside, A fair deal that she could say. Though after a few more years they stopped doing it, since her master is getting older, Equals more weaker knees and hips to thrust. She just have her loyalty and swore to service her master forever. But an unprecedented thing happened, her master have had a terminal illness, his health is deteriorating, He have Pneumonia. That's why she herself also needs to get out since his master have become bedridden. Every day she would buy for his Medication, hoping to further prolong her master's life...

"Master, Do you need anything? I'll buy your medicines right now, just tell me when" she said while she sat beside him.

"Rein, You don't need to anymore, I know you've become a reason for me to live but other than that there's no more. Josh, my son, he lied, he can never go home, I knew that he's been dead since his last message, the money that we were given were just the money of the government. Rein, You've done enough and I Have ran out of time but at least that time were precious I could say. You don't have to work anymore Rein, It's been fun But not everything lasts. I love you Rein..." He said as he strokes his hands onto Rein's Hair and his hand slowly creeped down cause of lack of strength.

"Don't say anything like that master, I'll continue to do my job until the end, just don't die right now, I still want to spend more time with you."

Although on what she have said, Her master have no reason to go on.

"One last thing Rein, Bury me at the center of flower bed, Beside my wife's grave. it's the last thing I could Wish for" he said as he coughs. She ignored it and decided to run and buy what were needed to treat her master, she ran as fast as she could. She arrived at the house again, hoping to see her master again on a lively state but no, he's there laying on the bed, not even breathing yet smiling. She kneeled down beside him and cried. Finally, acceptance, acceptance of the hard truth that's right on front of her. She have done just what she were told to. She bury her master at the center of the flower bed. Although it all have ended she decided to go on, charging herself every day, taking care of the households and the flowers surrounding her master's grave. She didn't expect it, the electricity were cut off, she could only rely on the batteries now. She finds it and quickly puts in inside her. There were only 9 pieces left. This would last her for a month, probably. She were on her last battery she wouldn't last long, her vision is about to blur out yet she still managed to get onto her master's grave. She picked the flowers she have loved before and she formed it on bouquet. At her last moments, she laid down at top of her master's grave until she finally shuts off...

















She found herself seating at a porch, it was her master's house. She looked onto the distant and saw her master approaching.

"████ dinner's ready, let's eat" said a familiar voice, it was her voice but a lil bit deeper, it's her master's wife. She slowly sheds her tears.

"Yes I'll be right there" her master said.

"You're back master" she said as she smiles once again

"Yes I'm back, Rein" he said as he reach out his hand for her.

The wind blows on the starry night skies, she were finally able to say once again with a big smile, overflowing with happiness inside her mechanical heart

"Welcome Home Master"


Inspired (Kind of)by a YouTube video I watched years ago


Dark_Celestial_ZzZcreators' thoughts