Instant mastery, cold somewhat calculating MC, clueless MC, a few novels of my choice Noob author, enjoy and give advice if you think i could use it in a certain subject, open to suggestions in how the plot should advance. {I do not own any of the novels my work is based in and about}
Eros felt a profound pain in his head as memories flooded through his mind.
after the pain had stopped, he recalled that he had died and meet a god like figure known as 'The Author', this author had given him 5 wishes.
Him being a fairly intelligent and reasonable person chose to be for one to be reincarnated into one of his favorite book series the inheritance cycle or more commonly known as the Eragon series The Author also have him a freebie and said that when he choose he could travel to other book worlds.
His second wish was to have instant mastery and comprehension he didn't want to be a farmer and he didn't want to die again and that was the easiest way to victory.
His third wish was a system status menu and shop In his past life he had been a shut in nerd and he always wanted a system of his own.
His fourth wish was to have infinite energy or will for magic it is the most powerful tool in this world and almost every other.
His fifth and finial wish was to make his own dragon and Rider weapon.
when asked why he didn't choose more powerful wishes by The Author he just stated that it wasn't fun having so many options just to lose the reason for the options and that was to become stronger, fulfill ones desires and care for the ones he loved.
He did not know how he would make a connection with anyone in this world that he still considered a book but he would try, most likely fail knowing his social skills, but still try.
after assessing what had happened to him he brought himself to peer to his surroundings.
He was in a small clearing surrounded by an extremely dense Pine Forrest with birds singing and chirping, frankly it was beautiful.
As he took in his surroundings he decided to test all his abilities.
"First things first lets see what my system can do"
As he thought about it the system menu popped up with four options a status menu, an inventory
'that would be useful' he thought
a creation kit he guessed that this was for making his custom rider weapon and dragon, and a shop, seeing this he wondered how many system points or whatever they would be called he has if any.
He decided to check the shop first.
When opened his systems shop a notification appeared in his vision it read,
'hey bud Author here I'm giving you a free billion system points to start off with because being an awesome dude is my job, good luck and well i guess I've blessed you already so there is no need'
Seeing the amount of system points Eroses eyes almost popped out of their sockets from surprise, shock, and after calming himself, happiness. Although He was glad to have so many system points but he was slightly disappointed because didn't want to become mindless like so many other op characters in novels he had read relying on their system or god given blessing to overcome their slightest difficulties he wanted to be the one to solve his problems, because he was sure that he was in one and nothing would convince his fanboy mind otherwise.
'well just in case, if anyone can hear or in this case read what I'm thinking hi *mental cheeky happy face*'
(A/N: quite a well crafted fourth wall break if I do say so myself.)
After about an hour of trying to figure out how to get rid of the notification which in that time he had realized he had yet to use his most powerful skill instant mastery and comprehension, in which he had stubbornly refused to use as to not waste this ordeal which he was secretly happy to have, since however godlike he was now he was still a giant fanboy and nerd so he would learn how to use his system without cheats.
after he had finally gotten rid of that cursed thing Eros browsed his system shop finding many things related to his creation kit such as weapon materials like metal, hides, wood, powders, strings, etc he also saw that there was bio materials apparently for making life for instance dragons, and much much more the last and most interesting thing he found was that he could create magic words or words in the ancient language and their affects of course he had to buy the affects and word which costed a surprising amount.
After words he checked his inventory which was similar to a video games in design but alas it was empty.
He then checked his status menu
{Name} Eros Sudba
{Age} 17
{Race} Author blessed
{Strength} 0.5
{Stamina} 1
{Willpower} ~infinite~
{Energy} ~infinite~
{Intelligence} 6
{Potential} ~infinite~
{Charisma} 1