
Ch. 192: Monsters Hunt [3]

—Boom! —Boom! —Boom!

The trees behind them erupted into splinters upon impact, showering Adrian with fragments of wood as he landed. Quickly sprang to his feet, he commenced sprinting.

Sensing a presence, Adrian glanced sideways and spotted a Uxing lunging toward him, its claws poised to attack. Before it could reach him, Fredinand sank beside Adrian and swiftly brandished his sword.


The Uxing let out a piercing wail as its body cleaved vertically, green blood splashing across Fredinand's mask and clothes. 

"Thank you!" Adrian expressed his gratitude without breaking his stride. 

The man nodded in acknowledgment and leaped to the nearest branch to resume his task.

Just as Adrian refocused to the forefront, a Magic Circle formed in front of the Elementalist Orc, hurtling lightning streaks in his direction, compelling him to zigzag between the bolts to avoid the deadly onslaught.

—Boom! —Boom! —Boom!

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