
Not Human 1

A night in the woods, a morning of questions. Asher McKnight's life is changed after he wakes up to the most painful experience in his life. The stories always said a bite did it, but it's different now. The tables are turning and the bodies are piling. Teenagers and townsfolk going missing and Rider's Crest has more creatures than it should boast suddenly showing up everywhere. What's worst, someone is turning people into supernaturals but not the regular way. Asher's new world is catching up to him fast,and he seems to keep hearing that lone wolves never make it to winter. Yet with a stubborn alpha hell-bent on pulling him into the pack, a vampire that won't leave his side and Helsings in the mix. Asher can't believe he'd actually grown up in such a dangerous place. Maybe, just maybe he'd get to see winter.

SaimtNoctis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Venna's done it again!

Benjamin was the first to speak his eyes never leaving the sight in front of us "Okay. Apparently my joke didn't stand well. But I'm gonna say it a third time. You sure your family..."

"Yes Benjamin I'm sure. " Venna almost yelled out her eyes wide as her lips quivered. Her eyes roving the entire room that was almost half my family sitting room. Lockers and crates and different boxes and walls lined up with rows upon rows of fire power. Enough fire power to arm an army. There were blades, rifles, assault rifles,and whatever the rest were. I even spotted an RPG.

"Well I think it's time we got outta here." Benjamin said his voice grim.

"I agree. This is not a good place to be caught especially when we don't know what your family does exactly, sorry Venna." Asher said. She whipped around glaring at him and about to pounce but I blocked as I grabbed her shoulders.

"Venna. Listen to me. They may be wrong. But you know it doesn't matter we can't be seen down here. This all looks too important for whoever has it down here to want us to see it. If your family knows nothing then that's more reason we should go tell them." I reasoned.

She glared at me then Asher back to me again then sighed nodding.

"Let's get outta her." She mumured. We didn't need an invitation as we all moved out as one. Practically running down the hallway till we got to the stairs everyone's heart pounding with fright and excitement. We went up the stairs fast and then stopped at the door as we glanced at each other.

"What if there someone out there" Venna asked.

"Let me check." Asher stated. He moved to the door and pressed his ear against the door. He really didn't need to but I knew he had to sell the show. He stood like that for a while then suddenly nodded opening the door he disappeared Benjamin following quickly. I moved fast slipping out and scanning to make sure no one saw.

My eyes saw him instead the vampire I danced with he was laughing as he watched us. He knew something I didn't know but I didn't have time to ponder over it as I looked back to Venna who had slipped out behind me . We all stood by the doorway as we watched the mingling and partying crowd.

"We gotta tell Lady Alba" Asher said rubbing his head.

"Lady Alba?" I queried. He just shrugged. "Wanted me calling her that said it makes her feel regal."

"You can't. For all we know this could be legal . I mean they could be selling  firearms to the government or something. I mean think about it. No locked doors or security or bouncer or anything. " Venna argued.

"Doesn't matter now. It's your family Venna and we won't say anything if you want us not to. Just be careful okay. " I told her worriedly. She smiled gratefully her eyes them glancing to Asher and Benjamin who seemed unsure.

"Guys. You'd want same if it was your family" I snapped lowly. Asher's eyes widened then he nodded smiling at Venna. Benjamin just shrugged as he sassed.

"As long as no gun wielding maniac comes my way. Lips sealed V." He assured winking. Asher gave him a look then rolled his eyes. Venna smiled broadly and looked back to the crowd where most of her family mingled and I knew what was running through her head.

Who knew and who didn't?. Did they all know?. If so why was she left out?. Family secrets were annoying. I turned to Asher who was watching me his eyebrows going up as I caught his eye.

", What'd you think?" I whispered enough for his ears.

"Could be anything. I don't know. Hopefully she's right and it's nothing". He answered looking away for a while and back.

"But." I prodded.

"It doesn't look like nothing. It doesn't feel like nothing".He whispered back. Then pulled me away to the entrance nodding to the bouncers we walked outside to the field.

"What do you think it feels like?" I asked looking back to the entrance to make sure the other two didn't follow. He sighed then looked up at the starry night. The moon had finally gone away and I was more than glad.

"Yesterday after I shifted I connected to this wolf of mine. His name is Begherius apparently. He's like me but not me like my mind is two within my head. . Anyway he told me to join the park. " I stared hard at him as he spoke.

"Begherius" I whispered to myself.

"Yeah. He said they'd keep me safe for now. Whatever it is he meant, I think this has something to do with it". He muttered.

"Aurora." I turned to see my parents head out as the crowd spilled outside my mum waving me over.

"We're leaving hunny. Come on it's late already." I nodded to her then turned to Asher.

"We'll see tomorrow and you'll tell me more about this Begherius" I said then walked up a bit unsure. He looked at me realizing what I planned on doing then chuckling he wrapped his arms around me.

"Be safe, goodnight red" he mumured into my hair.

"Goodnight. Scratch those weapons I had a lovely night. Well sort out the threatening vampires and other jerks." I added. He chuckled his chest vibrating against me.

"Thanks for the dance. Stay safe too A". He leaned back and smiled.

"Can't die when you still kicking, I'm sure Benji would think that lame." He remarked.

"Aurora!" My dad called from behind and I turned to see the car already moving down the driveway slowly as my dad waved me over.

Turning back I smiled and pulled away He gave me another overexaggerated wink and I laughed taking more steps back.

"Aurora."  He called making me halt. "Begherius says..." His eyes flashed gold as his voice deepened "..Hi".

I froze a bit before smiling then turning ran for the car and got in smiling sheepishly while my mum glanced back at me with a knowing look on her face .

"Martin your girl is whipped again. " My mum spoke laughing as I groaned out

"Again. It's too soon Aurora. What about that other boy?". He asked looking worriedly at me.

"I'm fine dad. Besides there's nothing going on between Asher and I.". I assure.

"So that's his name. Asher. When you inviting him over for dinner." Dad asked again. "Evelyn we need to get him over and set him straight if he's gonna be sweeping our little girl off her feet again "

"Dad!". I whined.

"Just saying. It's necessary. " He shrugged

"Invite him over Little A " mum requested now looking forward and I just sighed leaning back and turning to see a sleepover Derek.

"He played a lot today didn't he" I asked patting his head.

"Almost didn't find him" dad chuckled. I smiled as I relaxed back realizing how tired I was. My mind drifted back to the room with the weapons. The symbol on the floor crossing my mind again as I realized something. I'd seen it before, but where.



A  few days had gone by since the party at Venna's without any supernatural activities. Today was the school games and the other town players had arrived for their friendly football match against  us. The school was a hive of activities as people ran about like ants trying to get things in order for the game while I leaned back on the bleachers watching them work.

Today being Friday meant the whole school could watch it go home, which meant for me a night of extra sleep. My mind went to all the activities that had gone down through the days and the past week and I chuckled.

Aurora and I had not gone back to the tree anymore I think we'd decided to not reach there yet since the weapons discovery Begherius warning of a looming threat and quite literally I was up to meet an alpha that had yet to show himself.

Basically I just had to wait for him to call to me so I had no issues with that. The symbols on the tree still bugged at me though. Aurora had also mentioned a symbol she'd noted at the weapons room being familiar but we had not made much progress on it.

Today was hopefully a free day with no stress and nothing to worry about. Though I had promised Begherius a run later at night which meant I would be tired enough to sleep deep through the night.

"Hey Asher what you doing, let's go find the girls. ?" Benjamin's annoying voice spoke from beside me. I'd almost forgotten he was here, almost. I glared at him as I tried once more to zone him out.

"C'mon Asher. I haven't seen Aurora in days now. " He mumured.

"You mean you wish to see Renee Aurora's friend and need me to take you over there. Thought you had the charming personality" I mocked.

"Well.... Oh come on dude" he tugged at me .

"Later. I don't really feel like..."

"Hey Ash. Benji. " Venna greeted as she sat down by us her dark eyes looking below with a gaze I could piece together a group of other girls probably her friends surrounding her side as the sat down to.

"Hey Venna" I replied.

"Hey V . What's up" Benji added. I looked to the others not spotting Aurora.

"Where's Aurora?" I asked.

"Submitting an over due assignment she'll be here soon." She muttered her usual lively self now dull.

"You okay V?" Benji asked looking her over.

"Yeah. You seem dull?" I added. She glared at me and sighed.

"Way to make a girl feel special Ash." She muttered back. I sighed a bit and looked away as Benjamin scooted over to her. The pair had gotten closer since the party and it seemed to not bother me at all as long as Venna focused her murderous intent on him I was appeased.

"You staying for the game Ash" Benjamin asked turning to look at me as Venna did too.

"Not sure. Was hoping to get a good days sleep before tomorrow this evening"I replied. I actually wanted to have my little run for Begherius before it got late then I could sleep.

"Aurora's staying for the game and the after school party if we win" Venna added still looking at me. I blinked looking at them both as the stared at me as if waiting for me to say something.

"So?". I asked unsure of their looks.

"Man. This is where you agree to stay back and watch the game with Aurora so she likes you more". Benjamin stated looking at me like I was stupid.

"I don't recall mentioning that I was taking Aurora out" I argued.

"So you have no interest in my friend?. No romantic feelings. " Venna asked.

"We're really good friends now Venna." I stressed.

"So if I said there's a likelihood she was getting back with George it wouldn't faze you?" She asked narrowing her eyes at me.

"I'd say that's a poor attempt at getting me jealous.

*Still didn't answer the question." She prodded.

"Well no. It wouldn't faze me" I felt the lie pop out without hesitation.

"You heard it, not my words." Venna commented looking back to the field. I felt a presence behind me as Benji stared for a while then back at me mouthing.

"Big idiot man" I creased my forehead looking behind me at the redhead that stood there looking at me. We stood like that for quite a while as she watched me. My mind racked itself over for what to say as we kept staring as I was totally confused and unsure.

"I'm staying for the game. " She suddenly blurted out and smiled walking over and seating down at the next bench to my left. "Are you?" She asked setting her bag down.

"Uhm. Not sure . Need to do something I promised someone"I answered. She just nodded and looked forward while I stared at her for the longest moment my brain screaming at me.

"Aurora I uhmm..."

"It's fine Asher. We'll just see tomorrow. " She rushed out then pulled out earphones from her bag as her eye twinkled her palms fighting to out the buds into her ears. I sat back no more perplexed more of guilty and cold within. My eyes moved back to Venna who looked at Aurora for a while and back to me a death sentence in her gaze.

I stood up and left quickly slinging my bag over my shoulders as I left them behind heading for the library. I sat there for hours staring down at the same page in the book my mind  pondering what I had said wrong.

A library staff alerted me to the late time as she shooed me out and I left heading for the school doors.

My bike was always where I left them so I subconsciously walked to them ready to go sleep. Only there was something off about it. Scanning it over I found the problem and sighed my temper spiking rapidly.

I looked back to the school ground watching lots of people mill around as the waited for the evening to descend and the game to start. My eyes went  back to the slashed tire my hands clenching and unclenching.

"Venna!". I muttered. Kicking the tire I turned and walked off to the woods opposite the school.

"Guess we getting that run earlier Begherius" I spoke out glad he could still hear when he replied a subtle nod in my head.

"You do understand my answer there right?" I asked him. He was silent for a minute as he racked through memories we now both shared. After a while he found the one I wanted him to see and then nodded.

"But they won't. Though your right I sense that Venna girl is too protective to realize even her hand in it." He mused.

"Yep. She is." I replied as I entered the forest and set my bag to the floor. Stripping and folding the clothes into the bag I stepped back and shut my eyes. Fur grew out as did claws and fang, them I was on all fours as I stood there looking around. Picking the bag in my jaws I turned and ran.

Begherius was one powerful wolf as I receded for him to run. He pushed us through the woods like it was child's play. He bounded over rocks , leaped over logs and raced like a bullet through the trees.

We passed the tree where we slowed taking a look at it for a good moment then shaking our wolf head took off again my heart felt heavy within and I thought of talking to her to clarify my words but thought better of it.

Maybe it was better this way, this social stuff was never cut out for me anyway. Venna would just have my head if I hurt her more intentionally or not. But for some reason I felt weird. I couldn't even place the emotion. All I knew was it felt aggravating.