
Not Human 1

A night in the woods, a morning of questions. Asher McKnight's life is changed after he wakes up to the most painful experience in his life. The stories always said a bite did it, but it's different now. The tables are turning and the bodies are piling. Teenagers and townsfolk going missing and Rider's Crest has more creatures than it should boast suddenly showing up everywhere. What's worst, someone is turning people into supernaturals but not the regular way. Asher's new world is catching up to him fast,and he seems to keep hearing that lone wolves never make it to winter. Yet with a stubborn alpha hell-bent on pulling him into the pack, a vampire that won't leave his side and Helsings in the mix. Asher can't believe he'd actually grown up in such a dangerous place. Maybe, just maybe he'd get to see winter.

SaimtNoctis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Meeting Begherius


Breathe. Just breathe. You can do this man, let's just take it nice and slow. I searched for it my thoughts pulling at it to surface. But it simply retracted from my prying mental fingers.

Really. I thought, you see a wolf and suddenly feel like staying in again.  I thought to myself hoping this other me could hear. A feeling of smugness and nonchalance washed over me.

I was screwed. I pulled at the part I could for now flashing my teeth at the huge wolf that was as tall as me and even longer than me. My claws stretched as my vision burned gold.

"You ain't pissed that she bled me?" I yelled out getting very mad. "No. But you pissed cause I got one on her. That's not so nice" I snarled out crouching anger washing over me imbuing a confidence unlike no other.

The wolf howled out a death call it's eyes blazing a cold fury as it pounced. I was way outta my league at this point fighting a full wolf in human form.

It bit and clawed at my shoulder as it pressed it's weight on me and into the floor strongly. It's jaws held tight to my shoulder as it growled savagely trying to crunch my bones.

I opened my arms and brought them back with the edges slamming into his ribs hard a crack sounding out as he whined releasing my shoulder enough for me to grab his fur and fling him off me.

My cloth was in shreds and I was caked in blood. I stumbled a bit as I winced at the pain in my left shoulder. I narrowed my eyes at him as he darted back at me. Moving I flung myself down to the ground rolling beneath his pouncing body. I kicked up watching him fly back and into Dwayne Johnson mini. My eyes fixed on Kiara with worry that reduced to relief as I watched her eyeing me in annoyance her neck still sliced well but no more bleeding. It was one thing to best her, but killing a human well werewolf wasn't something I was ready for yet.

Slowly she stood while Goldilocks prowled up from behind her his eyes locked on mine. Then I noticed Dwayne Johnson mini pulling off his shirt and tugging down his jeans and offing his boots. Alarm bells went off in my head ringing fiercely. Kiara followed her top going over her head and her pants coming down while Goldilocks walked in front of her his head pointed my direction while his body blocked her off as she stripped like she hadn't already flashed it all in the cave before.

'You gotta be kidding me' I mentally cursed at my badluck.

My eyes drifted to the other wolf who stood from the floor he'd been crouched at watching, his nose now snapped in place as he too stripped down.

"I guess this is where I run?" I asked hopefully no way I could take on four big ass wolves singlehandedly. Maybe if Aurora helped I had atleast 40% more of staying alive. My mind was in a bit of turmoil at what to do at this stage. I was so freaking screwed if they all went big ass wolf. Goldilocks seemed to lick his lips at this. Dwayne Johnson mini just snarled while Kiara muttered.

"If you can run. Then run " her head disappeared as she squatted before leaping. Her form soared through before bursting apart and replaced by a dark brown wolf. Where Dwayne Johnson mini was stood a black wolf and finally the last dude same dark brown as Kiara's wolf.

Four wolves to one wolf in human form. I took a step back pondering how exactly I was gonna be alive in the next five minutes.  I said shit earlier.

Well, f**k shit.

My eyes met Tiana's her face having a bit of  worry on it before she looked down to the ground. I guessed this was only a bother as she knew me if not there would be five and not four wolves to deal with.

Speaking of four wolves, they had encircled me as I stood watching obviously disinterested in me running. Now they wanted blood and I sure as hell had spent a lot. My eyes burned and I left one thoughtful message to my other me in my head.

Time to shine or die . Eitherway, it's together. I felt like Aurora had ingrained that word into me thoroughly. A feeling of agreement echoed from within me and I sighed in relief. I was now accepting this as my wolf's way of communicating by expressing his emotions and feelings on the matter to me.

"I already said I'm not leaving town, it's my town" I spoke up. The dark brown wolf that was Kiara I deduced since she was the smallest of them all widened her lip giving me a full peek of her teeth. Message sent. Received. I got the message. Loud and clear. The didn't want me to go anywhere anymore. They wanted me to well 'die'.

"I guess the pack offer is off the table then" I muttered to myself as Kiara lunged  her look alike following.

Her whines irked me once she hit the floor my fist raised.  Whines that turned to growls as I grabbed the second wolf by the hackles and flung it her way.

Goldilocks slammed into me hard tackling me down before he rolled to his feet as Dwayne Johnson mini dashed in furiously his jaws closing around my leg. He halted mid pounce though and was whipped back through the air.

Aurora appeared beside me shadows dissipating as she smiled down at me.

"Sorry I'm late. Well not technically" she muttered smiling at me quickly. I quirked an eyebrow at the last statement but shrugged it off while she looked me over.

"The hurt you bad." She mumbled her eyes landing on healing shoulder.

"Still alive though" I said.

"Still. Only me gets to do that" she replied a hint of anger in her eyes.

"Getting a bit possessive ain't you?" I joked. She shrugged.

"I called dibs on hurting you when you refused to shift. " She smirked as if she would be enjoying herself. Behind her Goldilocks lunged and slowly I felt it.

Like fire burning, like a spark of electric, it moved through me making me shiver and quake. I felt it coil around my mind and calm me. Felt him curious as he waded out to meet me. I looked to him prying to find him until I found it my reality fading away like breaking glass and revealing a huge expanse of blackness with nothing above or below . Just a void of black where I stood in alone as naked as the day my mother ejected me into the world. I heard him first and then saw him.

He was like a sculpture that was made for museums, his midnight black fur rippling with muscles that made me gulp the gold in his eyes the gold we shared burned like a bulb that shone across the night. Legs that stood strong and claws that I thanked the heavens were his and not another wolf's. His fangs glinted as he licked his snout and he gazed at me walking forward till he was almost before me the inexistent floor seemed to react to his movements as a darker haze much darker than the black void around us escaped wherever he stepped. I wondered how I could see him within all the darkness but I decided it wasn't time to question it.

I noticed it then, a thin shield transparent but strong seperated us.

"What is this.?" I asked looking it over.

"Your will, your fear". A voice boomed into me. I looked at him as he regarded me.

"Is that. Is that you?." I asked .He nodded then looked to the shield.

"It is your will and your fear, your resistance to me. It could be thicker and I could break it but in doing so I would force my will on you. Such would make us a crazy beast the kind that hunts all and is hunted." His voice was loud and clear and very powerful in my head. "Something wolves would call rogues".

"So you held back and waited for me to accept. But how come I only see you now." I asked .

"Because you shut yourself from me. The pain was much for you and I blame you not it was my fault. But had to quicken the transformation no matter the pain. Any more longer and you would have died." He stated a look of sadness.

"But what are you. Who are you?." I asked. He remained silent for a while.

"You are not normal. We actually are not normal. And for now that is all you need know or atleast all I know for now. The time outside is shifting and you need to place those wolves down. But I heed you take their advice."

"Join the pack. But my Friend." I argued.

"Is a vampire. There are covens. But true, what i feel coming needs you both side by side. Find a way but join the pack it'll offer the protection you need or not. I assure you it is necessary". His words boomed.

"Now. Let's continue the fight but first ask me my name." He looked at me straight in the eye.

"Uhmm what's your name?"  A bit of curiosity, confusion at the question and relaxation shot through me.

"The need to know opens a window" He said fading away into darkness while I watched. The sound of shattering glass filled the empty expanse as the shield broke.

I snapped my gaze open as the burned with a new heat, my senses heightened intensely more than I thought possible the world blurring and then stretching before tightening around me like a fabric. It was wonderous and exhilarating. My sights were even more detailed and smell was more astounding the colors that were displayed almost took my breath away. All these I noted within a second at the same my gaze locked on the approaching form of Goldilocks mid pounce with Aurora in-between . An arm darted out grabbing around her waist and tugging her to my side.

In the same second I moved away and felt it happen again my body expanding, bone creaking and rearranging. Just as it all ended the shift complete it came to me. Something I had asked but hadn't received. I braced myself just as I smashed into Goldilocks my jaws clamped down on his back as I bit down hard till I felt his spine then shaking him thoroughly I flung him aside.

'Begherius' I uttered the name. The name of the huge beast that had laid within me a beast whose body I wielded now as tool of war.

I turned to Aurora with a smile that I guess was more wolfish than human but she just flung herself at me hugging my neck as she laughed. Freezing up for only second I mentally shook away the unneeded thoughts or hesitance in me. Putting my head in the situation.

"Finally. Took you long enough. "she complained and I made to reply but it only came out as a bark. She laughed as she rubbed my fur and looked into my eyes that were burning gold.

"Begherius!. Are you here ?". I asked in my head.

"I am you as you are me. " He replied. I just rolled my eyes at how sagelike he sounded.

"So how does this work?. Who's in control?" I asked while I watched the wolves gather back together to encircle us again.

"Think of us like drivers in a car. One can drive while the other watches the surroundings." Begherius said

"Like an instinct." I muttered to him.

"Yes. Indeed. Now you understand. End this quickly without hurting them anymore." He said.

"You sound over confident much" I mused as I looked to Aurora who watched me worriedly. I instinctively licked her face making her squeal as she laughed.

"You look much bigger and I don't know. Different than them" She pointed out a look of curiosity on her face.

"I told you, we are not normal." Begherius deadpanned like she could hear him.

"You look good"She complimented.

"I like her, let's keep her" he added with a whine. My eyes rolled st his blatant rollover from getting complimented.

"Together?" She asked looking to the wolves that eyed us skeptically like they were finally getting the hang that something was off. 'That word again. It was almost becoming a mantra or something'.Shrugging I looked forward, atleast it gave us motivation.

I nodded to her and turned to the wolves snarling lowly. This time we attacked first. Aurora grabbed  Goldilocks in a headlock squeezing his neck while holding onto him from the back. I kicked back at an attacking Kiara, her look alike jumping over her now flying body to surprise me but met my full body slam sending him to the ground.

Dwayne Johnson mini came in next but Aurora made me smile as she got off a now almost gasping Goldilocks and tossed him at the black huge sized wolf. Once Dwayne Johnson mini bounded over the thrown wolf she was already there waiting with a kick that knocked him out.

My jaws found Kiara again flinging her closing over her throat as we soun on the floor both biting and ripping at the other. While my muscles and fur helped combat her attack, she was having much advantage. Whenever hee look alike tried joining the fray an instinctual kick sent him flying back.

Finally she fell heaving heavily as blood soaked her fur and dying the ground red. Her size reduced till she was in human shape again though she looked badly beaten. a growl from behind me reminded me of the other one.

"Okay time out. I'm tired of watching. " Tiana stepped in waving everyone down. Kiara look alike snarled at her but she simply ignored him.

"We need to talk" she muttered stopping directly in front of me. Her palm went up attempting to pat my fur. A sharp hiss froze her hand midway and we both turned to look at 'Aurora'.

"Don't touch" she simply said. Tiana looked at me with a raised brow.

"Girlfriend?" She asked then looked back at Aurora. Who eyed her strangely.

"Sometimes I wonder myself". I thought. Begherius just laughed making me nearly jump out my skin from the inner voice.

"Definitely keeping her" he chuckled out. I was really gonna have to get used to this.

Tiana began walking and I followed with Aurora walking beside me. I stopped when she leaped up and landed on my back like i was a horse. I sent a low warning growl up to her but she just waved it away a smile adorning her face like an eight year old.

"Get used to it Ash" she murmured laying on my back and snuggling into the fur with a content sigh. I grumbled as I sighed following after Tiana who's gaze drifted to us once or twice. Her eyes brimming with questions.