
Not Everything is as It Seems

What if someone told you, that everything you knew about your life was a lie? Your mother, your father, and even yourself? Just like that, the life of Kimberly was changed. A sudden friend requests, send her world into chaos. Lies unravelled and a new world revealed. Her 18th birthday was nearing and something was brewing up. What secrets will she find in the chaos and what does the guy with hunting amber eyes want? Would she be able to stay away, or will curiosity get the best of her? Follow the story of Kimberly as her world changes while she explores what she is capable of.

sabaa_bader · Fantasia
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6 Chs

Chapter ONE

Hey! Leave me alone, I screamed and looked at my father with anger. I knew that screaming taunted him, but I was so frustrated with him and his behaviour.

A bottle had shattered in the corner of the room. Another of his 'life is so bad, feel bad for me' episodes.

He had made it a habit to get drunk, and today was no exception. After mum died 4 years ago, he turned into an alcoholic. I could not recognize him anymore, it seemed like something had died with mum. He no longer smiled at me nor looked at me.

He refused to socialize, or even get out of the house. Not only that, but he lost his job last year. We promised that I would take care of the house and make him food. Any interaction beyond that was out of the question. I wanted nothing to do with him. He was being immature; as he didn't realize, that his actions pushed me away and hurt more than anything. However, lately, he had been fussing about the littlest of things. It felt like he had been keeping an eye on me. I couldn't quite explain it. I was turning 18 in a week, and maybe that bothered him?

I just wanted to get away from him and the constant remembrance of what I didn't want a home to feel like. The death of mum had affected me too, why could he not see that? It was not an excuse to leave me to deal with things alone. I dug my hands in my pockets, as I walked away from our house. I never really gave it a thought, but our house was quite secluded from the rest of the world. At the edge of the city, surrounded by forest. I guess it didn't bother me since I spend most of my time there; as it brought me comfort. I walked with heavy steps through the forest, my body feeling tense from the fight with my father. "Mum, how I wish you were still alive."

Out of nowhere, just like last time, something was pulling me to the same spot; I had been the other day. I had found a tooth, to me, it had looked like a wolf's tooth. It had been kind of bizarre to me, as there were no wolves in these parts. I was too tired to comprehend the feeling, so I shrugged it off. I walked further up to the path that led out of the forest and into the city. I normally loved to explore the forest, as I felt welcome here. That is, especially when it became winter. But at this moment, I just wanted to get out of there. I came to the end of the path, into a passage to the city.

While I was walking, I watched everything pass me by. Is this how I'm going to live my life? Teardrops rolled slowly down my cheeks. I looked up, raindrops started falling, getting mixed with my tears. It's getting colder and darker; it's sad how the weather is always like this here. However, it was ironic that 'sad, gloomy and cold' was indeed the mood I was in currently. Fortunately, it was not cold enough to snow. I was not wearing warm enough clothes for that. I looked at the cars that were passing by, and people on their way home. I looked at my hands, clenching them in a fist. How it must be nice to come home to something more than a drunken father. I zoned out on the people walking by, passing me, walking... walking in their thoughts with plans for their future and how they wanted to make use of their life. Their figures had become a blur. I felt jealous, how can they just find a way, a reason to live their life so freely; without the worries, no fear, so carefree? I sighed to myself. I didn't like to pity myself, and I could not assume, what others were going through. I tried to unfist my hand, but it had become cold and numb, and so had my body. I finally got up from my pity party.

Without realizing it, I had reached home. My clothes were soaked, and I felt my body prick all over as heat hit my skin. I took a quick shower, changing into something comfortable. I walked up to my room, without bothering to eat anything. I didn't have the appetite. I was about to sit down on my bed, when my laptop caught my eye. I had been cramped in my own thoughts, not been bothered enough with checking it. I took my laptop from my table and lay on the ground, opening it.

I logged in and scrolled through my news feed. Searching and searching for something to get me off this miserable mood. And then out of nowhere *pop*a friend request. I clicked on it and my mouth dropped open; I tried to slap myself out of the dream, or was it a dream? I looked at this picture of a guy, he had dark almost black hair with amber eyes. His skin was olive coloured and had a strong jaw. I was in disbelief. Unsure if I should accept the friend request. My mouse lingered on the button, I finally clicked on accept. It slowly faded into you've just become friends with Rowan Sawyer.

I keep looking at the screen, stunned, what had I just done...? Then without realizing it, a sound in the background rings and a message pop up. It was him! Oh my god, what do I do??? I thought to myself as I hesitated. I opened the message with half closed eyes and looked slightly away. It opened and he had written:

Rowan: Hey ;)

I tried to get myself together so that I could respond.

Me: Hey

Rowan: What's up?

Me: Not much, just got home, you?

Rowan: together with some friends, inviting people to a party. So, want to come?

Me: I don't know you; you don't know me.

Rowan: Hey, it's okay. It's just a party, we're having some fun all together. Plus, you know someone here.

Me: Oh, really who?

Rowan: Someone named Stacy

Oh! God no Stacy, you did not

Me: one sec

Rowan: sure

I ring Stacy up and she doesn't pick it up. That girl is in big trouble, why does she always do this to me. She's so dead!

Me: Okay, I'll be there, where is it?

Rowan: Addle Street, 101

Me: Okay, I'll be there

Rowan: Great

I was sitting on the bus on my way to that "so-called party". Oh, if I find Stacy, I'll surely kill her. So, the bus stop was two blocks away from the party and I had to walk the rest of the way. I was wearing black jeans, an oversized hoodie, my black boots and a beanie. I looked up and there it was, 101.

I shrugged and rang the bell. The door opened wide and a guy who looked pretty much wasted was, the one who opened it. He smiles and pulls me in. It was crowded inside, and most people were far too wasted. I looked for Stacy, but she was nowhere to be found. The house was so big it was a struggle to find the kitchen, I found it last. I took an unopened water bottle and walked around. My father had me dislike alcohol so much that I didn't dare go near it. My eyes became wide, there he was, the guy! He had also spotted me and started walking over to me. There was Stacy, idiot incarnate. Stacy walked beside him. I stared at her with lightning eyes, anger raised in me, she always did this to me.