
Not at Liberty

Marva Dale is the pen name for author Debra McReynolds. Retired from the public relations field, Debra now spends her free time indulging in her passion for writing. "I used to fill my school notebooks with stories," Debra relates, "and then add artwork to go along with them. My second grade teacher, Mrs. Daley, predicted that I would be a writer one day." A fan of the mystery genre, she enjoys crafting tales with a twist of suspense, a touch of romance, and a bit of humor. Debra and her husband, Dale, make their home in El Paso, Texas, with their dog, cats and rabbits. Sexy, black lawyer, Liberty Sloane is asked to defend a deaf public relations executive accused of killing a well-known physician. Dr. Daniel Baumgard, known for his philanthropy, just opened a new shelter for abused women, although he also ran a women’s healthcare clinic that offers abortions. Madeline Kime promoted the doctor’s endeavors through her PR agency while harboring deep secrets concerning the Baumgard family, including the doctor’s son, Rhett, a congressman, and his socialite wife, Savannah. So who hated the doctor enough to stab him in the foyer of his own home? Liberty has a number of suspects on her list, including a pro-life group, not to mention the additional crimes of stolen clinic files and a blackmail scheme. To complicate matters, she has to fend off the advances of one-time boyfriend Preston Durrell, a private detective, while entertaining a new romance with the officer on the case, Sergeant Byron Keats. Worse, Liberty planned a Caribbean vacation with her BFFs, but has to postpone it in order to defend her client for murder one.

Marva Dale · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Chapter 20

It took only a moment for her to react, determination and growing arousal becoming a volatile mix.As it fueled her, it started a flash fire that quickly fanned throughout her body.

"Not so fast, buster!" she declared, her breath jagged and quick, her nostrils flared."You need to finish what you started."Jumping on him, Liberty wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her fingers into his shoulders.

He covered his surprise with a sexy laugh."In the interest of self-preservation, I guess I'll have to do just that."He whirled them around for a moment, and then peeled her off and set her down on the counter again so he could quickly shed his clothes.Liberty felt giddy, giddy and dizzy.

Totally undressed now, Preston stood before her like a fine, ebony god, his muscles corded and gleaming.She quickly refocused and reached to pull him to her, lips, breasts, thighsher whole bodyaching for his touch.When he produced a condom package, she greedily ripped it open.With deft fingers, she slid the latex over the head of his penis and then down his hard, long shaft.He shivered as she worked.

Then she straddled him again while he slipped his fingers between her legs and explored her, finding her wet and ready.As he eased into her, she quivered with excitement.The feel of him inside of her never failed to ignite all of her senses and produce a hot wave of excitement.

She opened wide, and allowed him to fill her entirely so she could clamp around him.As his kisses covered her face and neck, he used languid yet intense strokes to torture them both, to build arousal to the extreme and then pull back to leave them both hungry for more.She ran her fingers through his thick glossy hair, grasping at strands every time he hit sensitive areas with his fingers, penis and mouth.

He cupped her full breasts and then caressed the undercarriage of each, ending with a rasp of his thumbs over her erect nipples.She moaned against his velvet-smooth lips, his mouth tasting of sweet berries from a recent tic-tac.When he pulled her away from the counter, she held on with her legs clamped around his waist, her arms circled tightly around his neck, and her mouth glued to his in a desperate kiss.

She never wanted to let go, even as he danced them to her bedroom where he laid her down along the purple satin bedspread.She made sure they remained coupled together with Preston on top now, a dominant and forceful weight.As his mouth roamed her neck to tease her sensitive flesh, she went all but cross-eyed with pleasure.Still, it wouldn't do to have him win her over so easily.

She let her body go limp and moaned so he would relax against her, so trusting and vulnerable.She had him now.Recalling what she learned in a self-defense class, Liberty arched, shoved him aside and rolled over so she could pin him to the bed.Her knee came perilously close to ramming his crotch, her elbow crooked at his throat.

"A neat trick," Preston laughed after recovering from the shock.He knew he could dislodge her elbow but the knee was something else entirely, something a man didn't mess with if he didn't want a jab of excruciating pain.His kept his gaze fixed on her face, flushed with hot desire now, her eyes like molten chocolate with a touch of gold glint.

Slowly and carefully he skimmed his fingertips up her bare torso and then circled her breasts."I admire a gutsy woman.And you got guts, babe."

She grinned."All in a night's work.I can't let you have all the fun."Retracting her elbow she grabbed his hands and pinned them to the bed on either side of his head.

His laugh came easily but also with a hitch of apprehension. "Let me go and I'll give you all the pleasure your heart desires and then some."

"I don't think so."Dipping her head, she caught his mouth with hers.She heard his breath catch as he fought to dislodge her hold on his hands.When he managed to wiggle out her grasp, he brought his arms around her and caressed the small of her back, making her shiver.Yet, he made no move to topple her and claim victory.

"Your knee" he managed to groan when she came up for air.

"Hum?"Lust came full blown and raged inside of her now.She shifted her mouth to nip and suck at his throat while her knee remained parked between his legs and perilously close to his scrotum.

"Your knee, baby," he reminded her."I don't want to sing soprano any time soon.Can you take it away and assume a different position out of pity for a poor defenseless guy?"

Lifting her head, she laughed with haughty enthusiasm."Oh, I suppose so.But you have to say the magic words first."

He frantically searched his mind, hoping to come up with what she wanted him to say, or at least to hear, something heartfelt and dripping with saccharin honesty, or anything close to it."Hum, okay, I adore you, Liberty Deneigh Sloane, I'm crazy about you, and I will be faithful to you for all time."

She smiled."Well, that's a bit more than I expected or find necessary."

"But you can hold me to it, my darling."

"Let's try something a bit simpler.I'll accept your statement that you'll stop being a jerk from now on."

"Okay, I won't be a jerk from now on.I promise."He made the Boy Scout sign, three fingers together and the thumb over the palm to touch the little finger, a steadfast avowal and proof that he meant every word.Although, Liberty wondered if Preston had ever been a Boy Scout.He seemed to be born with his artful crafts of seduction and evasion of the truth already intact.

Satisfied for the moment, she lowered her knee, and then the rest of her body, allowing him to roll her over and gain the top position again.She moved to attack his ear with little nips.

"Ouch!" Preston declared as his fingers dug into her shoulders."You fight and fuck rough."

"Are you complaining?"She looked up at him with a wicked grin.

"Hell, no!"


"Now then, where did we leave off?"

"Right here."She shifted her lips to his throat while her hand slithered between his legs to stroke his balls.She felt his erection strain against the latex, and when he sucked in his breath, he produced a sharp whistle between his teeth as a flood of sensations washed over him.

Then his mouth came down hot and heavy on hers, twined with dangerously high emotions and his own heady lust.As his hands roamed over her body she quaked with joy.Liberty hadn't been touched by a man for a long time, not like this as his fingers caressed her very soul.He soothed her as well, soothed her into arousal, all warm, glowing and liquid.

She guided him, eager and desperate to mate.He eased into her, filled and fueled her completely.As he began a slow, undulating rhythm, he watched as her first orgasm rolled over her, felt her body clench, shudder and then go pliant.With a little sigh of satisfaction, she kept watch on his face, fascinated by the intensity of his gaze, as dark and glossy as obsidian.Ripples of renewed desire pumped through her, growing in strength as he increased their stride.

She matched his pace, silky and smooth, even as her breath caught and her pulse beat crazily.She felt his heart slam against her chest as he began to pound inside of her, faster and faster.And when she saw those proud, crafty eyes mist over as he reached the edge, she framed his face with splayed hands and pulled his mouth to hers in order to savor his long, low groan of release.Then she arched to join him, pressed and revved to the peak once more.As she went over a second time, he felt her violent contractions consume and swallow him, a glorious, fast and furious wave that ended in a sigh of bliss for both of them

When his body fell weightily on hers and his face buried in her hair, she wrapped her arms around him and lazily stroked his broad, smooth back."Ohm," she murmured, "That was nice."

"Ooh, baby, that was too, too nice."Preston rubbed his cheek against hers.Perspiration dewed his brow and neck."And now I'm thirsty."He lifted his head and glanced down at her with a gaze to match his glowing, satisfied smile."What do you say to some champagne?"

"I say hello champagne, bring it on," she purred happily.