
Academy Mishap

I take off my hood as enter the school ground. I take out the schedule as well as the map they delivered to each student so they could navigate the expansive floor grounds. My class appears to be called class E-2. I walk up the winding stairs and arrive on the 4th floor. I roam the halls examining each sign until I bump into someone.

"I'm sorry." I try to push myself up as I get kicked in the gut. I fall back on the ground and writhe in pain.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO MY FATHER!" What did I do to this guys father? Is that why he's violent? Is my breakfast coming up? I couldn't hold the vile concoction as I threw up on the kid's shoe.

"EEEEEWWW. DISGUSTING." I pick myself up and watch as the kid runs off in anger and in puke. Ignoring the bizarre situation that jus happened, I look at the map and change course for the nurses office. Limping and nauseated, I open the door and tell the nurse. I then lay on the bed as my first day in the academy. While I walk home wondering what had happened, I stumble upon a kid who was begging for food. I toss a silver and continue on with my day.

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