

In a world of enraged energy and enraged individuals, a newly risen Special Class joins the elite superhero group of Resplendent-7 as they explore different territories in hopes of fixing the problems in the world in their own ways, as they go up against a secret organization that wants to stop them.

Ntropy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 12

"Selective vortex!", in an instant, the bracelet turned into a vortex, and all the marked monsters were being sucked inside it.

"Good job number 2" A soldier reacted.

"This is only temporary, we still need number 1" She insisted. Meanwhile, the field reporter and her staff made their way away from the chaos. They observed the monsters as the ghouls were resisting and struggling to escape the vortex.

"Use your camera.", Carina directed her colleague while maintaining eye contact with the monsters. The cameraman nodded and activated his camera technique.

"We're on.", he said.

"After the surprise attack earlier, right now we are in a lull. As you can see all the monsters are immobilized due to the vortex, but after the recent circumstances there is no assurance that there would be no tricks left for the enemy.", she reported.

"The only thing we can do is wait and hope for the best.", she added. The camera zoomed in on the monsters. While the defenders were waiting for the arrival of their strongest, the monsters were already planning something.

"What is happening, look!", the cameraman instructed. Carina looked closely at the behavior of the monsters in the vortex. She peered through them and noticed that they were slowly disappearing and turning into a giant ghoul.

"It's returning to its original form, but why?", she wondered.

"I think I know why.", he uttered. The unusual behavior of the monsters caught the attention of the people around them.

"What is it doing?", a soldier questioned.

"It is trying to remove my mark by becoming a giant again.", Relentless-2 explained. She quickly canceled her ability and returned the bracelet back to her.

"Get ready for the titan to return.", a soldier declared.

"Any news on Number 1?", she looked at everyone around her.

"He said he will be here in a minute.", a soldier replied.

"He also said that a minute ago.", she responded. The ghouls fused together to become one singular giant ghoul again. Relentless-2 threw her bracelet to commence an attack on the monster. As the bracelet was in midair, the monster shot it with an eye projectile. The bracelet fell as the attack was canceled.

"No! My weapon was down, let's back away and continue firing!", she ordered. They all took multiple leaps using enraged energy to get a safe distance between themselves and the enemy. The titan opened its mouth and gulped the natural energy around the surrounding areas. The reporter and the cameraman stared at it from afar as they slowly noticed the natural energy around them started dying.

"It is going to absorb the electricity around us as well, we can't do anything anymore.", the cameraman noticed.

"Due to unfortunate circumstances, this might be the last footage we could show you before-", the electricity was cut before Carina could finish her final goodbye to the viewers. The two decided to stay and continue observing as the soldiers were fighting the monster they were facing. The police officers watching were outraged by the cut.

"What?! Do they not have any backup in case of things like this happening?", a police officer complained.

"It's not like they are expecting a natural energy-sucking monster to just appear out of nowhere.", a police officer argued.

"Calm down, we will get updates eventually.", August said. Meanwhile, on the battlefield snow started falling from the sky. The soldiers and the monster shifted their attention to admire the different shapes and figures made up of snow drifting and falling from above. The soldiers smiled as they knew that it was a sign of a good omen.

"He's here.", a soldier smiled.

"Well, finally.", Relentless-2 felt relieved. After a parade of snow figures and shapes, a silhouette of a person jumped from a floating pile of snow in the sky, it was Relentless-1. The long-awaited agent finally made his entrance and landed directly on the titan's head.

"Miss me?", despite the distance, everyone knew he said that with a smirk loaded with pride.

"Is this the one? Damn, it looks ugly as hell.", he studied the creature as he was standing on its head.

"Well, you sure do have a lot in common.", Relentless-2 teased him.

"Quiet, you already lost.", he teased her back.

"Whatever just get it away from here.", she commanded.

"Of course.", Relentless-1 raised his hand. Enraged energy moved like a fire within his body as it extended above his hand to form a giant sphere of calm and stationary blue aura. The blue aura slowly materialized into a giant snow globe.

"Snow globe, seal all of this monster and lock it in an eternal winter!", he hurled the snow globe at the monsters. The monster roared and was completely helpless as it tried to resist the absorption.

"He always makes it look so easy.", Relentless-2 watched at a distance. The monster was fully engulfed by the snow globe and it started shrinking until it reached its normal size. Relentless-1 made his way to the ground by riding a snow cloud.

"That is how you do it.", he bragged. He reached out for the snow globe and it flew directly on his hand.

"Finally, the fight is over.", a soldier sat down due to exhaustion.

"You're right, finally the fight is over!", he yelled and the others cheered with him.

"Now what do we do with that thing? Do we just store it somewhere?", Relentless-2 asked.

"Well, yeah just like all the other high-profile criminals we got.", he played around with the snow globe.

"This monster does look cute as a decoration.", he stared.

"You just called it ugly as hell earlier.", she said.

"Yes, it was ugly as hell earlier, but my snow globes can make anyone and anything adorable.", he tapped on the snow globe.

"Fine.", she uttered.

"Now, let's go to the Party City to celebrate!", he cheered. The Relentless 5 agents fled to the scene using the fighter jets while the other military members shortly left as well. Electricity eventually returned and Carina was back on air. 

"We are currently trying our best to receive any updates from Carina but for now we are going to talk about the newest dance challenge that went viral online, it is called-", the news anchor was cut off due to Carina popping off the feed.

"Hello everyone we are back and I'm glad to announce that this evening ended with a victory from our agents! The enemy has been defeated!", she smiled and celebrated on the camera.