
Experiments - Broken Minds ( 1 )

5th of November, 2077. Special Vault - 666.

After Dr. Melinda started Phase #2: Regenerative Capabilities of Experiment #10, she took a day Off to calm down and returned the next day.

Arriving at the laboratory, Dr. Melinda started recording again in her holotape as she started writing something in her terminal.

"Experiment #10, Phase #2: Regenerative Capabilities, Subject 420 Alexander Hardwood." She said seriously and soon continued as she turned around to Alexander only to stop mid-sentence in confusion, "Progress... Huh?..."

After all, something that should be there disappeared, almost as a dream.

"... So I wasn't imagining it previously?..." She said pausing in surprise and confusion as she studied the completely healed chest of Alexander from outside the container.

"Official report, Subject 420 regenerative capabilities entering the inhuman territory." Dr.Melinda said as a sharp glint appeared in her eyes.

Although she could feel that the already too dangerous Alexander, according to his files, would become almost unstoppable if he wakes up.

But the danger never stopped scientists; In fact, it made them even more determined.

Slightly smiling like a fox, Dr. Melinda said to the holotape, "Extra tests on Skin and Regeneration deemed unnecessary under the current situation."

Closing the recording, she sighed and wrote in her terminal, "Subject 420, Present Threat: Difficult but manageable."

Glancing at Alexander one last time, Dr. Melinda left the laboratory to find the Vault's administration department's head, Overseer Micheal, her husband.


Oval Overseer's Office, near the Vault's entrance.

Overseer Michael could be seen gritting his teeth in frustration after the Failure again two days prior.

Their 'supplies' were running dry, some dying from the experiments and others just dying from starvation and dehydration.

Since they couldn't feed their supplies or the food and water will disappear like wind, Overseer Michael was not only frustrated but also anxious.

If they couldn't open the Strange Portal or if on the other side there is no water or food, they will need to use the most extreme option.

Looking at the nearby huge safe's door, he sighed as fear flashed in his eyes.

"Overseer, your wife..." A security guard's voice sounded from the small speaker on his desk but before he could finish talking, a woman entered the office. With her beautiful long black hair dancing in the wind, hourglass figure, and gold eyes, Dr. Melinda entered the Office slightly smiling.

Shaking his head at his wife, Overseer Michael said, "I know we're married but you should respect the hierarchy's protocols, Melinda."

"Don't be so boring. You know me, Michael." Dr. Melinda responded smiling like a fox as she put a document on his desk.

"... This is?" He asked curiously glancing at the document.

"Experiment #10 on Subject 420, Alexander Hardwood is finished." She responded seriously to Michael as he took the document and started reading.

"... I see. You came to me because I need to give permission to wake him up, huh." Overseer Michael said pondering.

Although he agrees that they need to test Alexander's current capabilities before they wake him up, he still somewhat agrees with what Dr. Smith said 2 weeks ago, during Experiment #9.

Taking out another file under his desk, he started reading for the tenth time.

The official report, Alexander Hardwood. A veteran of four decades. Master in using firearms. Trained Krav Maga in his youth before Israel was bombed by Extremists. Impossible to take out Project Pimp-Man glasses: Unknown limitations.

Even taking out the unknown dangers of the glasses, Michael could see that if Alexander's wanted to, he could damage permanently the Vault's functions before dying.

"... Unfortunately, I can't wake him up before he is subject to Experiment #12." Overseer Michael said to his wife, Dr. Melinda as she clicked her tongue in annoyance.

Glaring at her, Overseer Michael soon said, "... His potential dangerous threat can't be ignored, Melinda. Initiate Experiment #12 on Alexander."

Glaring at him back, Dr. Melinda said sharply, "You know that the Experiment could mess up his head before he could even attempt to open the door, right?"

"We don't have a choice, Dr. Melinda LeFranc." Overseer Michael said sharply back and continued, "If we don't have him under control, it will be mass suicide."

"Even before the body modifications, he was already a threat to the Vault." He said glancing at Alexander's file and continued, "Now with the collected info, if we can't control him, we need to eliminate him."

"... Fine." Dr. Melinda said sighing as she slowly left the office and said, "The Experiment should be finished around the day after tomorrow."

As her figure slowly disappeared in the corridor, another female voice sounded in the Office.

"... How much time until we do as we planned, Overseer." Dr. Smith said to Overseer Michael smirking at Melinda's distant back.

"We still need her, my love," Michael said as his eyes squinted and a reddish ominous light flashed in his eyes and continued, "When the key is in our hands, her life will be yours."


Returning to the laboratory, Dr. Melinda was slightly frowning as she seated on her desk.

"What is he thinking... If we make him lose his mind already, he might become as useless as the other subjects." She said slightly gritting her teeth in frustration.

But, she can't refuse an Overseer's decision.

Restarting recording on her Holotape, Dr. Melinda started saying, "... By the Orders of Overseer Michael LeFranc, Experiment 10# was temporarily paused and Experiment #11 was ignored to start Experiment #12 on Subject 420, Alexander Hardwood."

"Today is 5th of November, 2077. Experiment #12 will start in 10 minutes." She continued as she started to use her terminal.

"Injecting Subject 420 with Enhanced LSD directly in the cerebrum." She said seriously as she clicked on an option in her terminal.

Suddenly, two syringes attached to two different robotic arms slowly descended to Alexander's location.

As the two arrived near him, Dr. Melinda continued, "The first dose of Enhanced LSD will go to the Front Lobe ( Higher Mental Functions: Concentration, Judgement, Planning, Etc... )."

Clicking another option, one of the two syringes slowly started to penetrate Alexander's frontal head.

Of course, since his skin was so durable, it was as if the syringe was trying to penetrate steel.

"... Perform perforation action." Dr. Melinda clicked on another option on her terminal as the syringe started to drill into Alexander's skull.

Soon, he started to frown as the syringe penetrated his frontal lobe.

Seeing the first dose in his head, Dr. Melinda continued, "The second and last dose of Enhanced LSD will go to the Temporal Lobe ( Association Area: Short-Term memories, Emotions, etc... )"

Sighing, all that Dr. Melinda could do now was wait.

Will he be sane when he wakes up?

Leaving that question in the laboratory, she left the room.


Personel Compartment, Vault - 666.

Overseer Michael and Dr. Melinda's bedroom.

As the door opened, Dr. Melinda just wanted to go to sleep.

After all, the Vault situation is going from bad to worse.

But, first, she decided to take a bath.

Entering the bathroom, she took a deep breath and washed her face with cold water.

"... Huh?..." She said slightly confused and surprised as she saw herself in the mirror.

After all, it was her but not her in the reflection.

In the place of her gold eyes, she could see pure red eyes.

In the place of her normal skin, she could see mechanical parts, as if she was a robot.

It stood there, watching her as she watched it.

Blinking her eyes, her normal reflection returned.

"Am I losing my mind now too?... I really need some sleep." Dr. Melinda murmured to herself in confusion.


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Thank you for reading.

TheCat_Ate_TheRatcreators' thoughts
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