
Nirvana Continent

"I will be always by your side. Whenever you will look back you will see me waiting for you, supporting you. " "My relationship with you was because of my motives. The motive is over and so is the relationship. " "We were never destined to be together, please leave. " "As I said, I will be their for you even before, now and will be forever. I will deal with whoever dares to make us apart! ". Ajax-a cursed teenager who can access all five elements and can make oneself immortal is eyed by evil eyes and these evil eyes make sure no one comes in their way to power of elements. Ajax is joined by his friends and his love-Amelia who help him in his journey. Wanna see Ajax's fate? How will he survive by the evil eyes? Can he walk on the path of being immortal successfully or evil will conquer his soul?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 24

Harlow stopped in her tracks and her hand appeared a sharp white ickle which was visible only to her.

"You want to stay here and earn money, right? " Said Xander.

"Ah.... Uhh... Ye-yeah... I-i do need a job!! " Said Harlow but it came out more as a question.

"Don't worry I will help you. Come on tell me what is your inner spiritual power. According to that, I will provide you with a job. " Said Xander while folding his hands on his chest. Ajax's eyes showed excitement while Cole was surprised by the actions of Xander and smiled while Amelia and Ember were eager to see what is Harlow's power.

"Mine?.... It's speed fast like lighting." Said Harlow while making a fist showing a power pose.

"Ohh...Speed! " Said Xander putting stress on the word 'speed' and thinking about something.

"Umm... So what have you thought about my ability? Is any work available? " Asked Harlow while keeping her hands back and giving a cute smile making her dimples appear.

"Yes, there is. I will use your inner to its full ability. And the work is also easy for a person like you. You just need to deliver orders " Said Xander and smiled

"What orders? How to do that? " Asked Harlow.

"It's simple. People often like their food to be delivered to their homes. And that too within less time. So with your speed, it will be a big help to my Fransisco bakery" Said Xander.

Harlow nodded as she understood her task and then agreed to work here.

"Where will I sleep? " Asked Harlow with her eyebrows raised and looking at everyone.

"You can sleep with us. Anyways we booked a room which had three beds. One is spare. Luckily you can use it" Said Amelia.

"Really? But what about rent? Can I give that in installments as currently, I don't have any money" Asked Harlow.

"Sure, you can. Now let's get you to change into some decent clothes" Said Amelia while pulling Harlow's hand and dragging her out of the bakery. Ember sighed and followed both the girls. She was not soo into the idea of staying with Harlow.

"Brother, why all of a sudden the idea of keeping her at work? You like to handle your business alone. Why the change of mind? " Asked Ajax.

"As the saying goes ' Keep friends close and enemy closer'. That is the reason I kept her. " Said Xander. Ajax kept thinking about what it meant while Cole smiled hearing it.

"You haven't changed a bit in all these years. " Said Cole with a smile full of admiration for the other. Xander scoffed and ignored him then went inside the kitchen to work. Ajax also followed behind Xander inside.

"Brother, did you find anything suspicious about Harlow? " Asked Ajax.

"No, just she suddenly entered our bakery followed by other people. Now why only our bakery, there are many shops and restaurants open. So why only ours? " Asked Xander.

"Oh, come on brother. The coincidence word exists. Also when one is being followed it only looks for help not where he/she is entering. You are being overly cautious for no reason. " Said Ajax.

Xander did not reply and just nodded his head with a slight smile on his face. Ajax was confused at the reaction but brushed it off and got back to his work. The rest of the time both boys were busy making cakes and other food items while serving the customers coming. Cole helped Ajax in serving the customers as many people came. Harlow along with Amelia and Ember came in the afternoon. Harlow was nicely dressed up in a wrap-style dress of green color with her hair nicely washed and combed.

"Great timing Harlow help us by taking orders from the group over there. But before here wear this and go" Said Xander while handing an apron with Fransisco bakery written on it and a mask to cover her face. Harlow nodded and wore the apron and mask and quickly got busy with work.

After two hours of hard work Ajax, Xander, and Harlow sat at the table as the bakery was empty. Others also tried to help but Xander refused politely the girls and gave them a glare to Cole to stop him. So the others were passing their time by getting to know each other.

"All work done? " Asked Amelia when she saw Xander and Ajax coming. Xander nodded with a smile while Ajax sighed and ruffled his own hair.

"Well, we can help you clean the bakery, that won't be a problem for you, Xander, right? " Asked Ember. Xander thought for a while and then said "Okay". Cole also got up from the chair but was stopped by Xander who just put a hand on his shoulder and said " Mr. Smith I have other work for you ". Cole was so confused and he sat down frowning.

Xander assigned the tasks to the others while he took Cole to the backyard. A weird smell was present in the air but Cole was more curious about the work he was to be given. There he saw Eddie and Zane were laying close to each other playing with each other. Cole was confused as to what he had to do. Xander gave a dustpan set and said to him by looking at the ground

"Clean " And went back to the bakery. Cole was at first confused but then he saw the whole yard covered in dry leaves due to the winter season and a lot of dust from the road. And Xander exactly knew that Cole can do any type of cleaning except in a place where there is lots of dust because he does not want himself to get dirty all over.

"YAHH!!! YOU KNOW I HATE THIS WORK. IT'S COLD WEATHER AND YOU ARE MAKING ME BATHE TWICE. YOU DID IT ALL ON PURPOSE!! " Yelled Cole but when he looked back Xander was already gone inside. He was bewildered and dejectedly started cleaning while trying to cover his hair and face while pulling the jacket up to his head. Eddie and Zane looked at the weird behavior and then looked at each other and then shook their heads while again getting busy chewing the soft toys.

Amelia and Ajax took the task of washing dishes while Ember and Xander took the task of cleaning tables and Harlow took care of the trash.

"Umm.... Can.. Can we talkaboutthekiss? " Said Ajax very rapidly.

"Uhh? What did you say... I did not understand a word. " Said Amelia with a frown.

"Umm.. I was talking about 'That thing'" Said Ajax.

Amelia quickly understood that Ajax was asking about the accidental kiss.

It has been two days but still so sweet of this boy that he wants to talk about it. I wanna play more with him. He is blushing so much. "Said Amelia to herself.

What 'that thing'? " Asked Amelia while trying hard to suppress her smile.

"That thing.. That accidental kiss" Said Ajax saying the kiss word very slowly and quickly while looking at the utensils like they were the first thing he is seeing.

Amelia laughed a bit seeing the cute behavior of the big. She only saw his anger and fighting skills, it was best to see the cute side and she likes it.

"Don't worry, as you are saying it was accidental. So I don't mind. So... Friends? " Asked Amelia while looking at Ajax and moving closer to him.

Ajax breathed in the air that he was holding unknowingly. As soon as he heard the word Friend, he looked at Amelia with a big smile and nodded aggressively like a puppy.

They both shook hands and then continued their work.

Xander was cleaning tables and chairs while Ember was taking care of leftovers putting them in trash bags for Harlow to throw at the common junkyard of the city and handing the plates to the cleaning team.

"Thank you, for taking care of me. Sorry, I was not able to thank you before. " Said Xander while directly looking at Ember making her flustered by his gaze that was deep.

Harlow had already gone out to throw the trash so Xander and Ember were alone and that chance was not left by Xander.

"It.. was.. no-nothing, it was due to us that you were in that state in the first place. " Said Ember and her white face got red a little and her temperature increased.

"It was an accident not intentional, don't blame yourself or Amelia. " Said Xander.

Ember nodded and smiled at him and then they were back to the work.

Cole was cleaning the backyard but his fair skin was covered with dust which he himself was putting on while trying to clean his face with his dirty hands. Eddie and Zane saw him cleaning the yard while throwing fists of anger at Xander. When he cleaned the yard it really looked clean. Cole then went upstairs to take a bath. No one saw him going into the room of Xander and Ajax as all were busy with their work.

Cole entered the room and saw the clean bed, with everything in its place. Cole then smirked while thinking of doing something for the payback of cleaning the yard. He first went to shower emptying most of the shampoo bottle content on his hair and then using Xander's towel as he knew that Xander liked the black color and that must be his. The other was a red color and must be of Ajax. And his instinct was right. He choose Xander's towel and wrapped it around his torso. Then he began to choose what to wear from the common wardrobe.

"How easy he is to read! Even his things are easily identified by me" Chuckled Cole and said to himself while thinking about what to wear. He then picked up a black round T-shirt with a long white coat. He then dried his hair and combed then and put them in a ponytail making him look s*xy. Then he went down and saw that the others were gathered at the table drinking hot coffee except for Harlow. No one knows where she went?

Xander and the others saw Cole coming downstairs. Amelia had her eyes fixed on him and Ajax saw that and he did not like that but he did not understand why he was feeling... What... A bit jealous?

"Yahh!! You...you wore my shirt and coat!! " Yelled Xander while banging his fists on the table.

Cole knew that Xander did not like to share clothes but still he used them knowingly.

"So?.... The clothes I wore got dirty I can't wear them again after bathing, can I? " Asked Cole while going to make coffee for himself.

"YOU TOOK A BATH?? YOU... YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE!! " Roared Xander while getting up and walking towards Cole.

"Then did you not do the same thing by making me clean the yard? " Asked Cole calmly while making his coffee.

Xander wanted to say something but huffed and went back to his seat.

Ajax saw this and his instincts told him that something happened with these two that made their relationship bitter. Ajax had a lot in mind. The battle competition will start a few months later plus he had no progress in his search for the people in the cloak who killed his village and parents. Also, he still had to find his spirit animal and his brother he needs to find two more - a weapon and a spirit animal. Ajax does not need a weapon as his inner power of fire helps him to make out weapons out of thin air so he just needs to master them. He was only able to make a few weapons - a whip, a gun, and a sword. He will get more weapons as he increases his powers.

Amelia saw Ajax in deep thought and was making his coffee cold. Amelia nudged his shoulder slightly.

"You are making your coffee cold drink it" Said Amelia.

"Uhh?.. Ahh.. I was just thinking about something" Said Ajax while taking up his coffee and drinking it.

"Wanna tell me about it? " Asked Amelia.

"Me and Xander are going to participate in the upcoming competition in Gaelic palace and I still need to level up one more and need to catch a spirit partner. And Xander needs a weapon and spiritual partner. But my brother is waiting for me and I feel like I am delaying and holding him back. "Said Ajax while looking down.

" I can help your brother with the weapons. But don't you also need one. "Said Amelia.

" No, because my own power can create one. Remember while fighting the red lionfish -the IGNISER. But how can you help? "Said Ajax.

" Wow, it's so amazing. Great for you. And yes I have many weapons at my place, your brother can freely choose" Said Amelia.

"Really? It will be a great help. Thank you" Said Ajax while giving his bunny smile.

Amelia nodded and then they got to engage in other talks. Ember was quietly reading something in the corner next to Amelia and Ajax while Xander and Cole were arguing just by looking at each other.

Whereas Harlow went to meet a person in secret.......