
Alma Elma

[Alma Elma's side]

Alma Elma: …

Standing across Alma Elma was Hainuwele, a strange-looking harpy. Her face wrinkled in disgust as the artificial bird monster continued to laugh in a grating way.

Hainuwele: Ahahaha… Didn't you realize it in the battle at the Monster Lord's Castle? Hahaha… You can't beat me!

Alma Elma: Oh, I apologize… I was sleepy before, you see.

Hainuwele: Hahaha… You can't use that excuse! You couldn't even lay a finger on me, I beat you senseless! A complete loss, Alma Elma! You're helpless against my speed! Hahaha!

Alma Elma: Sorry, but I don't enjoy fighting without a large audience. I'll finish this quickly… How about this?

She lightly jumped forward, her knee aiming for Hainuwele's face, but the latter easily dodged it.

Hainuwele: Ahaha… Did you think that would hit me!? It's like you're in slow motion! Ahaha, too slow!

Then she glided at an incredible speed, and slashed at Alma Elma as she flied by, leaving a cut on her shoulder and let blood come out.

Alma Elma ignored the small injury and flew to the monster.

Alma Elma: Take this!

Alma Elma spinned, and let out a powerful roundhouse kick flying towards Hainuwele's body, but the result didn't change and she dodged it.

Hainuwele: You can't match my speed!

She glided down again, and put another cut on Alma Elma's thigh. The latter smirked and flew once again at Hainuwele.

Alma Elma: Then how about a taste of pleasure?

She was able to reach Hainuwele and seductively caressed her body, but it didn't have any effect on her.

Hainuwele: Aha… Pleasure attacks don't work on me at all. I've been created with defenses against every type of Succubus pleasure attack. With my brain and nerves rewired, this body is immune to pleasure. Isn't it amazing? Hahaha!

Alma Elma was shocked, not for how she was built, but for her absence of sensations.

Alma Elma: What… That's horrible… How can you stand living in that body?

Hainuwele: You seem to be at a loss against my lack of sensations. Thanks to you, I'm missing all sorts of important feelings and emotions… I receive no joy from sexual pleasure, or from food. I have no sense of satisfaction, or sense of accomplishment. But I was made that way, because of you.

One of the few times I can have fun is when ripping off other creatures' arms and legs, though… So that's how I'll have fun with you, Alma Elma!

Alma Elma: So your body knows no joy… That's messed up. I really do need to destroy you, don't I?

Hainuwele: My nails are sharp!

She pushed Alma Elma away and used her sharp claws to scratch her body.

Alma Elma: Then… Wind, rage as you please!

She summoned a squall of wind blades, but Hainuwele dodged them all.

Hainuwele: Ahaha, a soft breeze. Didn't you hear me? Your skills won't work at all on me!

Alma Elma: So they completely studied every inch of me, didn't they? Naughty…

Hainuwele: You see now, don't you? Your skills are nothing to me. You can't lay a single finger on me. Hahaha… You're helpless!

Alma Elma: You're right… It has been a shutout until now. To think a Queen Succubus' skills wouldn't work…

She sighed and mumbled to herself, then she stepped back, as if she lost her fighting spirit…

Hainuwele: It looks like you've given up. Now then, I suppose I'll give up on tearing you limb from limb for now. Instead, I'll cut off your head!

Hainuwele approached Alma Elma, her claws aiming at her neck…

Alma Elma: Sheesh… I'm glad there isn't an audience now… 'Diamond Plated Fist!'

Her fist slammed into Hainuwele's stomach, causing a great deal of damage with the momentum given from the monster itself, causing her to stumble back.

Hainuwele: Eh…?

Her eyes widened in surprise.

Hainuwele: Impossible… You… Hit me?

Alma Elma's single punch fractured Hainuwele's armor.

Hainuwele: My speed is completely above yours… And… What's with this power? You're hiding your power, Queen Succubus?!

Alma Elma: This isn't the power of a Queen Succubus… It's just… Mere violence.

She put her left leg slightly forward, bending her right leg behind her as she puts more weight on it. Holding both arms up in front of her, palms out, she changes her stance.

Hainuwele: Martial Arts!? You displayed them a bit in the fight against the Sinner, but not at this level!

Alma Elma: I didn't really want to do this… But it's your fault. You're making me use violence.

Hainuwele: Quit screwing around. Don't pretend like you can turn this around just from-

She raised her wings as she charged at Alma Elma, but the latter grabbed one of Hainuwele's wings and used her own momentum to throw her to the ground.

Hainuwele: Ahhh! My wing!!!

Alma Elma: Now your right wing's bones have been smashed… Did you know? Harpy type monsters have 40% of their muscles in their chest… 'Dragon knee!'

She jumped forward, slamming her knee into a paralyzed Hainuwele's chest.

Hainuwele: Ahhg! Ghhhggg!

Alma Elma: Oh, are you having trouble breathing now? Now you can't use most of the muscles in your upper body, either.

Hainuwele: T...This can't…

She raised her left wing, and tried to bring it down on Alma Elma, who caught her left wing and jammed her palm into her elbow.

Hainuwele: Gaaaaahhhh!

Her left elbow has been smashed, and her left arm is twisted in the wrong direction.

Hainuwele: T...This is absurd! Why did you hide this fighting ability!?

Alma Elma: Why, I'd be disqualified as Queen Succubus. What would people think if they thought I preferred violence over pleasure skills?

She jumped forward and stomped on Hainuwele's left knee, shattering her bones.

Hainuwele: Gyaaaa!

Alma Elma stood in front of Hainuwele as she rolled in agony on the ground. Seeing the state her own body is in, she shivered in fear.

Alma Elma: Even if your speed is unmatched, your movements are all linear. I can use your own momentum against you with my martial arts techniques. Now to mention how fragile your body structure is, to give you that speed.

It seems as though your creators sacrificed your defence and your intelligence just to make you faster. You're a poor opponent for me…

Then she stomped on Hainuwele's right foot shattering it.

Hainuwele: Hyaaaa!

Alma Elma: Unlike you, I don't like torturing my opponents with pain. Sorry, I'll break you quickly.

Hainuwele: N...No… This… I am the next generation of monster!

She struggled to stand with her broken limbs… But Alma Elma slammed her fist into Hainuwele's stomach with every ounce of strength she had.

Hainuwele: Ahg… Gggg…

Countless cracks spreaded across Hainuwele's body as her wings pointlessly spasmed on the ground.

Alma Elma: Your spine has been broken, so you can't feel anything below your waist anymore, can you? I won't let you suffer any longer. I'll finish you off with this next blow.

Hainuwele: T...Too strong… S...So you held back in your fight against the Sinner?

Alma Elma: No, I fought seriously. Marco is just the type of opponent that you can't defeat, using Martial Arts would be useless if I would be unable to even get near him…

Hainuwele: You did well, hiding this power…

Alma Elma: ...Even I'm able to see what's going on sometimes. If I tried to use Martial Arts on him, I would have been reduced on a worse state, maybe I would be the one with broken bones… Besides… I have no desire to crush him with violence… Unlike you.

She raised her foot about Hainuwele's head… And stomped as hard as she could with her right foot, crushing her head.

Alma Elma: …

Disqualified as a Succubus… Why did her mother's words flashed across her mind just then? Despite being a Succubus, she excelled instead at physical destruction. A failure as a proud succubus.

Hating her own true nature, she distanced herself from violence as much as possible. After hiding herself for so long, she became unable to truly face anyone seriously.

Alma Elma: ...These enemies seem more formidable than we expected. I wonder if Granberry's alright?

She had no idea about the power that Tamamo has hidden from everyone all this time, so she's unsure how she will fare.

And the seemingly invincible Erubetie might unravel if her unique slime ability is nullified.

As for Granberia… Her sword skills are equal to Alma Elma's martial arts skills. But unlike Hainuwele, her opponent will have been created solely for that type of fight.

Alma Elma: Well… She'll manage somehow. Probably.


1st. Kill Illias

2nd. Return to Lucifina's grave

3rd. Make Alice happy


1st. Kill Illias

2nd. Save as many people as possible: [27832/???]

3rd. Defeat or Kill Promestein

4th. Defeat or Kill Black Alice

5th. [Optional] Kill as many angels as possible: [110/???]

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