
Happy Birthday Nikki-Senpai!

Yuji stood in front of the little house. Glancing between his cellphone's screen and the sign, he determined that there was no mistake. That this was the correct address. He didn't know what he exactly expected. There was warm light spilling from the windows, a faint sound of music could be heard deep inside. He could even smell cookies and what could potentially be cinnamon buns.

This did not look like a demon rehabilitation center or a demon support center. Instead, it reminded Yuji of the youth centers that he spent a lot of his younger days in while his grandfather was working. Heck, if he concentrated he could almost hear his grandfather calling for him at the end of the day. And yet, there was something about it that cause the hair on the back of his neck to stand straight up and a chill to run down his spine. There was something eerie about this place. The roadside light flickered slightly but, other than that, the road and area was silent. Yuji couldn't even hear a raccoon or a mouse. He took a deep breath. He couldn't just stand out here forever staring at the building.

A single eye opened and a mouth formed on his cheek. Sukuna. "Brat, you've been standing out here so long that I am beginning to catch a chill." Sukuna snapped at his vessel. His eye settled on the building. "This is the place that you spent all this time looking for? How fragile. Looks more like a daycare than anything. Those walls wouldn't contain the power of my cursed blasts. I could easily shatter it…"

"No. No shattering. No breaking. No explosions. We promised Gumi we would check it out." Yuji told him firmly, mentally checking his control of his body. Good. He was running this ship now. "This is where Megumi told me to come. I've even cross referenced the address. But it doesn't look very demon-like."

He would never admit that Sukuna had a point. If this was supposed to be a conjugation of demons, he would expect more safety measures or at least security around the building. Something to help prevent something like Sukuna from ransacking the place.

Sukuna closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment on the house. "I can sense the old presence of many demons. Megumi was right about the address. Not so much cursed energy like what you usually work with, but more raw power than those pathetic curses could ever aspire for. Be on your guard. I do not feel like saving us today from anything." He said in his signature snarl. The teenager could feel Sukuna's eye glancing around.

Yuji sighed as he began to walk up the steps. The wood beneath him gave a little creak but it did not break. Nor did it erupt into some sort of trap that he had first envisioned when he saw the place. So many movies using unsuspecting houses as a way to trap their would-be victims. "Come on Sukuna. Just.. approach it with an open mind. Megumi must have wanted us to come to this place for a reason." He said, trying to convince himself as well as the curse.

"I only allow us to enter this dump because I am curious of what the shaman meant by this… group. In all my time, even before your disgusting maw devoured my finger, I have never heard of a 'Demon Support Group'. In my time, demons and curses were meant to be feared not supported." Sukuna's mouth and eye withdrew but he continued to talk to Yuji inside of his mind.

The pink haired man sighed as he approached the door, tuning out Sukuna as he mulled over the next hurdle. Should he knock? Open and walk in like a normal store? Ring the doorbell? He hesitated a moment before he started to reach out. There was a slight creak as the door opened and someone quickly stepped out in front of him.

A small, red haired woman stood there with a toothy grin. She barely came up to his chin but yet there was something about her that made the hairs on the back of Yuji's neck prickle. No doubt that she was the one that he could sense when he approached. "I thought I could sense someone outside. Come in, come in out of the cold. I think our weather report said more thunderstorms… come in! We have coffee, hot chocolate, fruit punch and tea. I'm told that most demon protagonists prefer tea or water but what do you prefer?" She asked him.

Yuji gaped at the woman, trying to wrap his brain around the situation. She was so, dare he even think it, normal looking. And yet he shivered. It reminded Yuji of when he first went up against a curse. And that sheer overwhelming stench of evil…

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