
The Tender Trap

When Sofia woke up she looked around confused for a minute until it set in that she really wouldn't be waking up in her own home anymore. So much was packed up into one day yesterday that it really did feel like a dream. From finding out suddenly she would be a part of an an arranged marriage she'd only heard about in cliche books, to finding out it was to the most handsome man she'd ever laid eyes to, to getting a full vamp up to her look, to doing many sensual things she'd never done before. She blushed remembering how she acted that night. Why did she have all these clingy feelings towards someone she had just spent time with for the first time. Would it be completely insane to catch feelings for someone that fast. She'd spent her whole life being completely indifferent to anyone who tried to charm her, so why was it so hard for her to be cold now?

She resolved to stop with this foolishness immediately and go back to being the Sofia she'd always been before meeting the tall man with the striking eyes. At the same time she needed to be as sweet as possible so that he wouldn't change his mind before the wedding and her family could get the help they needed. She just needed to find a balance. She also couldn't let this interfere with her drive to work hard for her pack, especially if she was going to have her rank changed by marrying Angelo. It was a responsibility she didn't take lightly.

She couldn't help but be extremely nervous for the meeting.

By now everyone would know about her sudden engagement. There were multiple people who were hoping to reach the position of alpha one day and so knew there would be a lot of unhappy people in the room today. One of these people would definitely be Niccolo. He was a top choice for becoming alpha and Sofia couldn't imagine what he must have felt when he found out about Angelo's sudden return. Niccolo was actually the closest she'd ever gotten to having a crush growing up. He almost never talked to her or noticed her, but he always had such a pretty face she'd get super flustered and blush during their brief encounters. Luckily he never paid enough attention to realize how him saying two words to her affected her.

She was honestly glad though because she never wanted the distraction of a relationship while finishing school and focusing on the pack. He really was the only guy who could have distracted her, so it was good he didn't give her the time of day. She also knew a pretty face was not worth catching feelings especially when she would be forced to mate with the first person she fell for. She wondered if Angelo would keep proving to her he was more than a pretty face. He was already starting to make her believe guys could be so much more than she'd given them credit for.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Her heart leaped thinking it would be alex and she quickly put a robe on and fixed her hair before answering. To her surprise it was a very pretty woman and man smiling a little to big at her. Both had glittery make up on and expensive looking outfits on.

Realizing she was confused the man spoke up, "Oh they must not have told her, hi love, we're here to do your hair and make up for the meeting!"

Sofia then realized they were both bringing in boxed cases that must have had make up and hair styling materials in them. The guy walked past her and hung up a clothing bag on a hanger.

"Um, sorry I'm a bit confused I know the higher up members of the pack tend to dress more formal, but does it really call for all this?", Sofia asked hoping she didn't sound rude.

"So it's actually customary that you have a stylist since you'll be representing Angelo and the pack. It's usually more so for when you represent everyone for global plans, but you're basically expected to look the part from now on... I'm Sasha by the way", the woman tall elegant looking woman finished stretching out her hand for Sofia to shake.

"And I'm brad!", the guy said before stepping back and just staring at her. "Ugh you're going to be so easy to work with, this will be fun", he threw up his hands before already starting to set up his things in the spacious bathroom that connected to her bedroom.

The girl started unpacking too while talking to her. "So I'm thinking for this look we do a mix of like making you look like you're THAT baddie, but also like a classy WOMAN. Think like Kardashian meets First Lady, yeah?", she said emphasizing certain words with big eyes.

The two stylists sat Sofia down in a chair and about an hour and a lot of products later they were finished with their work.

"Here, sweetie, go out your outfit on and then we do a whole cute reveal", Sasha handing her the clothing bag and a pair of heels.

When Sofia came out, Brad was holding a beautiful long coat that seemed to match around the length of her dress. Sofia was a little hesitant about having someone else choose what she'd wear, but she could definitely see how these people could do this for a living. She never knew she could look like this. She examined her self in the mirror moving closer to get a better look. Her make up was flawless and she never knew her eyelashes could look this long. Sasha made her look way more chiseled then she'd ever look by using contour and doing a cut crease for her eyeshadow, but used natural tones. It really was an elegant, but simple look. She appreciated that they were able to step up her look without doing anything too crazy that would make her feel uncomfortable.

"Okay final touch!", Brad said handing her some small, but very pretty earrings and purse that went with her outfit. He managed to make her crazy morning hair turn into beautiful full waves.

After saying her goodbyes, them insisting on her refusing her tip money because Angelo had it covered and profusely thanking them, Sofia got a ride to the meeting from the driver who originally dropped her off. She knew that Angelo would have gotten there early as he probably had a lot to prep.

Sofia arrived in front of the pack house and suddenly felt a lot more nervous. She liked the look because she honestly felt more mature than she ever had, but she never had switched up her style ever and was self conscious of her pack noticing. Regardless, she rolled her shoulders back, took a deep breath and walked in.

Everyone was in different parts of the house just chatting because the meeting hadn't started. She said a few small hellos to her fellow pack members who complimented her new look and congratulated her. It seemed people were surprised, but happy for her and must have known why she made the choice, or lack there of.

Sofia decided to wander off to the pack library. She knew there was a special book up there where past leaders gave their advice. If it was still up there that probably meant Angelo was one of those guys who thought they didn't need advice, but Sofia knew there was power in accepting wisdom and admitting you don't know everything. People rarely came up to this room, but to her surprise someone was already up there.

"Oh, sorry, I thought no one would be in here", Sofia said quickly about to scurry out, before being interrupted.

"No, don't worry about it, I was just about to leave", the guy who she realized was Niccolo as soon as he looked up. He stared for a bit and smiled which caught her off because he had never looked at her like this before.

"What brings you in here?", he said closing a book, which Sofia realized is the book she was looking for.

"That book actually", she said pointing to the book in his hands shyly.

"This book...you wanna read this book?", he said furrowing his eyebrows and staring at her again.

"I mean I'm allowed right?", she said as a matter a fact.

"Of course!", he said looking confused, but handing her the book nevertheless. As she grabbed the book from him their hands grazed one another's and he immediately looked down, seeing a giant sparkling ring on her left finger.

"Well would you get a look at that. So you're the one Angelo gets to have along with the title I was working for since he left", he said letting out a small laugh.

"Yeah, I'm sorry to hear about that", she said in response, not knowing what else to say.

"Why should you be? Be happy, they must have chose you for good reason. Besides, I know when to move on and not hold on to stuff. All I can do now is try to be the best beta I can be", he said glancing at her hand again.

"May I?", he said asking permission to grab her hand and get a closer look. The ring an alpha gave to his wife was passed down from generations, but it was always a secret what ancestors ring would be used and no one was allowed to see it until the time came.

He held her hand close to his face and she could feel his warm breath on her hand. She felt frozen in place as he examined the jewel. He suddenly flipped her hand and said out loud, "tesoro mio", which she knew translated from Italian to English into "my treasure".

She blushed not because he said it, but because she knew he was reading an inscription and that Angelo would have been the one to have chosen one of his ancestors rings. She realized that even though she was having Niccolo hold her hand she didn't even care like she would have before. 'Odd', she thought.

Just then the door opened and Angelo came in immediately seeing Niccolo holding her hand still.

His brows immediately knotted together and his jaw visibly clenched along with his fist.

"He wanted to see the ring", Sofia said sheepishly snatching her hand away.

"Right..." he started, still looking visibly displeased, "for future reference discussion of heirlooms should stay between leaders of the pack", he finished glaring at Niccolo.

"In case you didn't hear, I was given the new beta position so I am a leader in the pack", Niccolo retorted matching his annoyed expression.

"And in case you forgot, you still are still my subordinate", he said stepping closer to him.

Before the situation could intensify, Sofia stepped in front of him and placed her hand on his chest.

With a frustrated sigh he looked down at her.

"I didn't realize it was engraved, I love what you chose", she said with her big eyes looking at him so tenderly it caused his eyes to soften. He just realized how lovely she looked. He couldn't tell fully what was different, but felt tempted to stroke her rosy cheeks and run his hands through her soft looking hair.

Quickly, however, they hardened again before he spoke, "we'll talk about this later". He took her hand and they briskly made their way to the room the meeting would be held.

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