
Next Generation

chapter 1



waking up to a buzzing sound from my alarm clock ringing 6;00am, neffie its your big day rise and shine, raising my head with a paper stuck to my face with my spit all over and a pencil rolling down my work table as I leaned backwards with a pounding head ache; "it was my First day working at the biggest company of my dreams, thinking with my hands strolling through my hair and my eyes shouting dozing in again, what my first day would be like working at the stem core mobile gadgets? Yeah The big SMG the one and only mobile tech company in NEWYORK CITY, as I slowly stood up walking lazily to the bathroom. Oh neffie what a mess you are as my eyes caught a glimpse on my self-standing almost naked in front of the mirror, I really need to work on myself I barely slept the night beating myself up in my thoughts I felt sober, then Turing to the shower I warmly washed off my make-up, taking a bath was easy getting dressed was the next big step, looking at the time it was passed 7;00 ,oh great, I can't be late on my first job my life's already a mess and I need this job as I rushed into the closet to grab a pair of cloths whatever suites, getting dressed with my hands across the dresser grabbing a towel to wipe my dripping hair I rushed out of my room running down the stairs after a reluctant splashing of water from the shower my head still pounding as I got attracted to the reports speech on the Tv; Daniel hills a New York reporter transfer from Albany to the small city of buffalo, what a weird looking guy I always though still he was good at his job , staring at the large screen with so much attraction to what I was hearing and who I was seeing, mimicking his tone and posing Daniels gestures "Sam decries at it again with the latest texting platform an amazing social media creation, promising an upgrade to the web deigns and features of the devices created for the apps smooth race, watch out people Daniel hills on the New York news.

What can I say my life seemed all perfect from a distance, I was a young girl who had a wild imagination ,I always thought my electronics techs and gadget could change the world,huh,but really it didn't make a difference I had to work the spot till I made a spotlight for myself lonely and isolated in my creation space, now finally, Sam Decries SMG'S best tech producer and also Dam decries heir, was going to be my boss I thought for a moment while staring at his image displayed on the news as I got distracted but an irritating sound coming from behind me ,I was my sister Nelda, she never liked the tech world or fancied love money or my huge crush on Sam she loved her own stuff she loved the suiting sound of music , really charming aint ( looking quite irritated at my view) he neffie aren't you supposed to be somewhere, mums waiting for you at the back walking away from her sight as my mum yelled morning neffie, morning mum I said as I kissed my mum on the cheek with her hands soaked in a dough .life's been tough since my dad died mum had to fend for us each day working at the our café I loved her so much she always cared we would get into fights about my ignorance of life and my lack of sociality, but still we always settled it over a cup of hot coco and homemade brownies ,working at stem core was a big opportunity for me to prove to everyone who looked at me as a psycho that I'm not crazy at all. As I Walked towards the table taking a bite out of a sandwich mouth full gulping down some water simultaneously.

jezzz I'm goanna be late….......got to run bye mum, running by the walk way my ears got distracted by a voice, goooooooood morning neffie it was natty the shop owner she always let me help out at the shop I made a couple buck from her, morning Natty how are you darling, have a great day darling and you too natty running by in a heist I could barely hear her loud voice almost fading from a distance

it was 8:30 already I couldn't stop running I kept on thinking in my head how getting to work late was going to look like

ouch; as I bumped into something hard regaining consciousness from a far thought I noticed an image in my presence , A guy wearing a hoody I couldn't really picture what he looked like at first with my face low almost into my bending knees he pulled down his mask and yelled loudly watch where you're going lady!!! , breathing heavily with hands stretched waving in apology as my mind read with my face down: Gosh who knew running with heels could hurt so badly Looking up slowly wanting to apologize my words seized at the sight of his presence I couldn't finish up a word I said but froze with sorrrrrii my tongue froze in shock all I could do was run ,that was a close one I thought with my face still in shock as I slammed my face into my palm in shame , god that was terrifying, I'm so stupid why did I run away like that, recollecting the images in my head I finally met my dream guy and I fucked it up by running away…. almost in tears what is wrong with me I couldn't help but beat myself up emotionally I yelled in the bus. Gruuuuuuuuuh not caring about the people in the bus as their eyes met with mine and then a guy opposite the window yelling back whattttttt! And another, dumb kid. Horrible kid suck it bitch ignoring the words form strangers on the bus as I was lost by the view outside looking through the bus window I could see the big city, after a while on waiting the bus finally stops and the Bus door opens after a while everyone alights as I walked down the bus slowly standing on the other side on a walk way at least I made it on time as bus drives pass showing a huge skyscraper written above SMG. Breathing down as I walked across the road to the building opposite my stop, faking a smile I walked into the building Standing at the front desk, morning I said cheerfully to the old lady over the desk. an old lady who looks quite in her 50ties blowing a bubble with a loud popping sound distracts my thoughts with her question, what can I do for you kid?

I rush inly opened my purse bringing out my acceptance letter and an id card, finally I spoke, hi I'm neffie Bakers and I got a job here as a mobile developer and a web technician. After a line the old lady being apathetic kept typing as I spoke through the silence hi I'm still here looking quite mad but trying hard to keep up the fake smile, taking off her glasses she spoke awkwardly fast, take a left turn to the elevator floor 14 then a right turn walk pass section 1 and stop at the last office there you'll find a bunch of keys on a hook with your name on it, open the door and whiz you found your office then get to work kid. Looking quite surprised as I walked away with a thank you, saying to myself what a weird old lady, entering the elevator with some weird looking co-workers. Floor 14 please ,telling the guy close to the button, I spoke in the silence hi guys I'm neffie bakers I'm new here ,every one looking awkwardly apathetic as i muted uncomfortable owwwkay with the elevator music playing a cling sound the door opens and everyone rushes out section 1 section1 section 1 I continually said as I was turning right found it now I just have to find the last one ,surprised at the assiduous rowdiness of workers talking and walking I fluttered words, woooow this place looks like a market of minions as I looked excited walking down ,attracted to an office with glass fencing I stopped sticking my face on the glass staring at the image on the walk, this must be his office I said to my self ahhha! So cool I yelled in amazement , feeling a presence behind me turning to see ,she spoke saying you really shouldn't be doing that looking obviously strict, Turing towards her I felt embarrassed at the state I was in then I responded saying I'm so sorry, hi I'm neffie bakers as I shyly looked down which uttered her to laugh , his so cute right, I know how you feel girl I'm stellin I'm his office assistant with her hand stretched out for a friendly hand shake smiling back I said it's so nice to meet you, must feel so great working side by side with a masterpiece looking all dreamy. I see your new here, I like you already as she puts on a smile, I spoke saying yes, I am, actually my first day at work, and I'm so excited, hope you don't mind me I got attracted to the image on the walk, see I have this huge crush on Sam it's amazing how I'm motivated by his tech production its brilliant. Its fine, it will be our little secret (smiles), hope you don't mind my office is said to be the last (giggling) common I'll walk you there, chatting as we both walked away ,who knew I could make a friend on my first day at work she really got me and I looked forward to my new stay and my new company, Pausing at door labeled section 21, she reaches out and grabs a bunch of keys with a tag neffie well guess we found your office opening the door, here you go want to check inside? yeah I do, she smiles and says , your one crazy case, you know that right as we both walked in laughing.

Stellin: (looking at the offices interiors) not bad for a tech worker, call me if you need anything babe, by the way can I call you Neff for short. Since we working together ill like to keep the relationship tight.

Neffie: Neff sounds great. (With a cheerful smile), this place looks awesome feels like I moved into a man hut (sounding silly).

Stellin: okay Neff see you at lunch time I'll come pick you up, my office numbers 421 call if you need company, (clicking her tongue).

See ya later girl (as she closes the door behind her).

Neffie: (seating on a chair) gosh this sofa's so cozy feels like I'm in heaven. Wonder what sams office chair feels like (looking naughty)

O well got to get to work, wow! Didn't see that, that's a lot of paper work on the table, time to get creative. Wonder what happened to the tech producer at section 21, hmmm glad he left anyways (smirking).

Neffie: what's this (looking at the graphic designs of an app amongst the paper work, now this needs some working on, reading through the writing on the app structure murmuring numbers) 093d45s67.... (a knock on the door distracts her) please hold (she rushes over to her chair fixing up her hair then she says clearing her throat holding a pen and some paper work looking down on them) come in. (door opens slowly, a guy wearing a hood and a nose mask walks in).

Sam decries: (walking over to the couch, then having a sit, taking down his mask and pulling down the hood unveiling his long hair with a few mins pause finally he feels comfortable then he says) so I've heard we got a new member in the tech clan, you must be neffie bakers, (looking curious at the lady seating behind the desk looking down) (looking straight at her, with her hair covering almost all her face making it hard to see through).

Neffie:(hearing the voice freezes with thoughts flowing uncontrollably from her mind to her head, she looks up) correct, I am neffie bakers the new mobile and tech developer... (trying as hard as possible to be composed, but the incident at the bus station kept playing in her head and her face starts to turn red with uncomfortable word loss as her eyes met his)

Sam; wait I know you, you're the lady I got hit by at the bus station (he speaks with a strong emotion)

Neffie: your mistaken I don't remember hitting anyone (she says rolling her chair backwards facing the window).

Sam:(getting off the couch walking straight to her rolling her chair over to the side with his hand holding her face up as their eyes meet one another with some mins of silence, then she spoke out of the awkward silence) I knew I hit you but it was only an accident i never meant to I'm so sorry seeing you made me freeze up and I ran away I'm sorry.

Sam:(leaving her face with a discomforting look, heading for the door, then pauses and says) get back to work. (then closing the door behind him, he pauses behind her closed doors and stares at his hands, then he walks away till his steps fade into the blend of numerous workers working around).