

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Waking Up

We ate breakfast when it arrived. It tasted great and seemed to bring back the energy that was drained from the night before. Stacks got out of bed and walked over to the door that had robes on it. I asked her to do not move. Turn slowly for me!

She did as ask, Valier who brought in the food walked in to gather the plates asking her to stop by putting up my hand. Turn around for me, please? Looking at me seeing me naked in bed then to Stacks who was naked next to a door she did as ask. I told her to stop once her back was to me. Please pull up the back of you dress for me? I asked as Stacks watched the two of us. I thanked Stacks I mean Catherine for the view of inspiration "please move in front of the young lady."

My attention fell back on the girl whose back was to me with her hands still holding her skirt above her waist exposing a white ass with tan lines that barely showed.

"Ah, I see she like the thong bikini."

I moved out of bed as Stacks stood in front of her. I walked up to both of them pressed my body against Valier pushing her against Stacks. I Reached around Valier to place one hand on Stacks left hip and my right hand on the breast on the young one who seemed to heat up to my touch. Finding the nipples of Valier, I started to squeeze her nipple as it hardened to my touch.

"Don't you think Mistresses Catherine has a wonderful body young one?"

"Yes, Master Tagem."

"Ah thank you, Master Tagem." Stacks commented.

"Please enjoy her yourself I need to be elsewhere" Stacks turned, I grabbed her arm brought her to me from around the young one. Pressed my lips against hers, feeling her passion running through her.

"You don't have to go, do you?"

Catherine closed her eyes, "I have to go Master Tagem duty calls but will see you later tonight."

This time she moved into me kissing lustfully with our tongues intertwining.

Stacks placed the robe from the door on leaving the front open exposing one of her breast, her firm belly, and the clean-shaven body glistening in the light. She gave her goodbye and walked out the door. I walked up to the young lady asked if I may touch her. She nodded yes, as the palm of my hand rested on her behind. The warmth of her ass the softness as I tightened my grip, she tightened her cheek that my hand was on feeling the firm ass under my touch.

I released the grip as I caressed her cheek then displaced my hand from Valier. Please continue with what you were doing and please forgive me for I could not stop myself. I had to know how that ass of yours felt. For that body of yours is like a gift from the heavens above.