

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 81

I just closed my eyes to let the ones doing the preparation do their thing. I started to think of what I needed to do with my new family. How I rule this family of mine and what will come out of this. I decided to let it be as it is for now with a lot of help from Catherine and Daria since it would be smart to follow their lead obviously since they have been in the Vampire society for a long time. I will have to deal with whatever comes up as it comes along.

When all that was involved with the preparation finally finished with the prep-work, I walked to the spot in the room that happened to be in the middle of the room. My new family lined up beside me Daria to my left and Catherine to my right both took a step back leaving two steps between us. Dressed in black and light green edging in our see threw garbs. An emerald, green dragon stitched into it, compared to being just straight black and red as the outfits that others were wearing.

I had no idea of what to expect and did not give a shit either anymore. The doors opened as the non-blood family members lined up in front of the door. I no longer was going to wait for the queue to do as told anymore. I walked at a slow pace out through the door back into the Arena admiring all who had stayed behind to watch us become a new family.

I could feel the displeasure of my two ladies who were frightened for this was not the norm, they didn't know if this was a ceremony or a death sentence. Neither did I but for some reason, I could care less. My transformation seemed to be complete, my fears of things I could not control were no longer a burden to me. Proudly I walked through the path of people that made a parade type of feel with the people on either side of us with a clear path that will decide my fate. Reaching the stage, Queen Nancy of the NC Family stood in her black and red robe exposing her like the robes we wore covered just as much.

One big-ass chair stood in the middle of this stage. Black with red veins running all along it looking as if it was alive as the red veins disappeared then reappears. There she sat on her thrown legs crossed with only a crown, a stave black dark wood with red veins running to the top with a tint of gold on the top surrounded by some red jewels.

The people for whom we walked between on both sides when we had walked from the door of the room, we just left to the stage now stood behind us waiting. The ones up above watched with silence waiting to hear what was to be said.

A man of graying hair-toned body looking as if a Viking had just stepped in from the past. Brown beard hanging down to his chest started to speak with a robust voice.

"We are here to bring forth a new era; Our families have existed for over 5oo years for this we give homage to those who have fallen in battle or have passed in peace. The High Elders decided to combine all families into a colony so that we may all live better lives to prosper. On this day, we are not only to bring in a new family member into the two families but to bring in a new Family. "