

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 68

The woman and the man reached for the clothing on me still holding my hands up high as they pulled what little clothing, I had on away in different directions exposing me. The strength of the two people holding my hands astounded me as their strength was as if I were a paper man figure. I could do nothing but be exhibited around for the audience to view.

Being spun around, I could see another person being presented to the far right of the arena. Only seeing quick glimpses of what looked to be a woman. Her blond hair was flying in the air as they spun her around like me. The flashing lights stopped; spotlights covered me as a prisoner at the fence trying to escape. The contacts had no effect, for all I could see was bright white and yellow light blinding me. Feeling two more sets of hands grab my ankles and thighs lift me up into the air spreading me like a starfish twirling around once again.

n of the spin stopped. Placed on a table with my legs close together and my hands strapped about a foot from my body. The bright white and yellow lights slowly disappeared to a soft orange glow. My vision finally returned to me as the strap placed to my forehead then tightened. I noticed that the vision of all the electronics that are involved in the contacts was shut off. No names floated over the people's heads and no eye correction from the light.

The place was silent as a murmur appeared in the air; the crowds seemed to have disappeared as the darkness seemed to devour the crowd. Only the steps of feet approach me towards the bottom half of my body. I started to flex as the nerves of my body wanted out of the straps immediately. My wrist tied down held tight to the flat board I was now laying with my ankle straps tightened. Feeling my whole body starts to tense up with my mind going into overload. "What am I doing, What the fuck is going to happen, and a million other ideas ran through my head.

"This day we bring in new family members to the Blood Family, into our homes, our lives and our hearts. These who have been chosen are of a few who have agreed to not only join the family of Blood but into our Family way of being. For I, Queen Nancy of the MC guild one of three Elders to the Vampirism families, I have been given the honor tonight to bring a new son into the family of MC. Her voice being profound made my body relax a little. Still not knowing what was about to happen I could hear kindness in her voice.

Queen Nancy let the loosely fitted gown of black silk material with the red edging fall to the floor as her hands went up. The applause erupted as the stage shook from the vibration of the sound. She soaked in the sounds of her family, closing her eyes loving that all eyes are on her. Knowing she is going to provide a story for decades to come.

Walking gingerly up four steps taking two more over the body under her she stopped at the hips of my out stretching body, soft glow showing her body as she glanced down to look at me.