

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 47

After being dressed by Valier, Asking her if she new where I was to be placed . She had no idea except that she was to dold to packmmy belonging and place thm by th dorr for tht I was to be transferred to a differen room. Taking the information as it was and not having a say in that matter, I thanked her as she seemed to blush from the kiss I gave her on the cheek. I walked back down to where the others were so that I could get maybe get some answers. I could not find any of the people who I knew. All I could find where the guest that mingled around from other famliy names and others whom were new like me enjoyed the strippers on various stages around the room with food and drink in hand.

I place a PM to Vixon asking if we could meet but no reply.Placed one to Daria, Wattie, and a few others but again no reply from the PM'S I sent out. I started to wonder more of what Nancy said and did this mean the end of this week is here, and those who do not proceed explained or not explained and given some story and exit them out. I walked to the bar ordered a beer wondering how it was going to end. Feeling a little depressed even though beautiful naked women dancing and talking all around me as others did the same. I could see a blinking in my eye from a response from Vixon. By my thought alone I tapped on her name, "We would like to have you join us in our room if you don't mind." was all that was asked of me by Vixon.

I replied "I would love to."

Being given the room name, I ask the people at the front desk who were busy with pads or what not asking the first person i could get a hold of. The young man handsome face smiled "May i help you Master Tagem?" Even though I had no interest in men, his physique was astonishing. Ripped in places that i did not even know you could even have muscles. The outfit matched the women except the men did not wear a top and depending on the arousal of the male parts on the body were absolutely noticeable I asked JT Adams with the name hovering over is head where this room may be and how to get there. Shown how to access my contacts to locate the particular room I thanked the man at the desk and proceeded to the section and the elevator I needed to take to reach the floor. It was in a part of the building I did not know as the elevator opened, I stepped in pressed the left arrow as was told to do by the directions I was received as the doors closed. Instead of going up or down it went left catching me off guard, the elevator seemed to glide through the shaft, with no bumps as if the building itself was moving not me. Doors opened I stepped out looking around at the history that was upon me.

I was in a different part of the hotel indeed. I never thought a corridor could be so glamorous in a historical sense. I never thought volcanoes could bring out beauty but wow was it amazing to see. Parts of the hall way showed tunnels that were sealed off by think glass that were made by lava . Since not being a volcano expert I know there are different names for above ground and underground but what ever. While other widows had thin line of what looked to be water running against the glass making as if the walls moved. I turned left as was told and kept my eye out for another elevator that would be next to a large painting of a woman. Not paying attention while waiting for the elevator doors to open I glanced at the painting noticing it looked a lot like Nancy, the Elder of the NC. Doors opened, but I seemed to not be able to take my eyes from the painting until I heard a voice call out" Master Tagem do you wish to continue"?