

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 45

"I have to tell you Tagem that you have to be the first person to ask that question. I have only done the Ceremony twice, and the usual question is where do I sign up? But no, not you. You ask a logical question but by your complexion you a worried or nerves. It takes courage to speak when most would just sit there and say nothing as they think of the worst.

You intrigue me Tagem, and that is not easy. I know why Vixon has invited you now. I see a leader with a heart, and that is not common especially someone so young.

So young I thought to myself, she could not be more than five years younger than me.

Nancy stood up took a few steps to me placed her hand under my chin. You will know soon enough child. For tomorrow I will see you again to explain more. I must run now but do remember this Tagem of NewBlood.

"If you say yes your life will never be the same!" she adjusted her dress lowering the dress turned with her hair waving back and forth as she moved out of the room into the hallway. I could only sit there and think of what just happened. Realizing that I have some people to ask the questions to, I stood and exited the room, none of the three were present in the hallway. I checked some rooms that were nearby, but no one was there. I yelled out names but no answer. I decided I will go back to my room. I walked the hallway back to the elevator hoping maybe find the three waiting for me but no. Even when I looked on my new vision I still could not find them, I proceeded to go back to my room. Finding it with easy some what shocked me as I was in my own little world even after I walked threw the door into my room.

Startled as I just looked up at a pair of feet happened to be in front of as I walked in. She looked at me in surprise. She lowered her head "Excuse me Master Tagem for I didn't know you were going to return."

She had been in my room plenty of times but this time I asked "why are you here Valier"?

With the new vision from the contacts, the names are always shown above someone's head for after a while it becomes second nature. It just flows out without thinking that this is the norm for everyone knows your name just like in the game.

"I was told to gather your belongings Master Tagem". She was little nerves.

Since I was a surprise for her, she was doing her job to collect my belongings as the next surprise was of me when I walked up to her stopped only a few inches from her and asked "

Who told you to do this Valier"?

I placed my hand on the lower part of her back. Her whole body stiffened as I slowly walked around her putting my other hand on her hip. Knowing that she was Submissive, I took full advantage of it.