

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 41

2 "Is all the arrangement set for the Ceremony?" Nancy asked as she was looking at the uniforms for the upcoming days. One of the men spoke from behind one of the tables with papers all over the desk. We are just setting up the placements of where the guest and families will be placed after the event My Lady. Nancy walked around the room looking at the pictures of flower arrangements that matched the colors of the decorations that will be hanging in the halls and the viewing rooms.

"How has the one been doing with his test?" Nancy asked to a room full of people rushing back and forth from one table to another.

He seems to be the top 3 of all the test that have initiated as of right now. Said by a short man with a flashy green suit with white hair in a ponytail that appeared to be in disarray from the rapid pace he seemed to move from table to another.

"Isn't that a first for the tests?" Someone else spoke up.

"I think so, but I would have to check to see." said the short man in the flashy green suit.

Nancy stopped, looked at the flashy green suit man for a minute. The short man must have felt the eyes upon him turned around looked at Nancy and suggested that he will go check. Bowed then left the room.

Nancy contacted Vixen by the PM ( a private message that with the contacts that connect to your DNA help provide a communication device between two or more people) "Can you talk?" Vixen replied "I do have some time, wait I will have Wattie take Tagem."

After a few minutes had passed, Vixen replied to Nancy, "What would you like Mother?"

"Vixen, is he set to go to the next step?" Nancy wanted to know.

" I would have to say 55 / 45 on that. I can't seem to get a read on what his answer might be though." Looking over at Tagem as he laughed with Wattie and Daria during a conversation they were having.

We are having other test abilities being performed. I do not think he would like the information of being an underling for the family. I can tell his strength and stamina has improved even since he has been given the blood. I cannot say on the Ceremony though.

Vixen looked around at the family event seeing Tagem and Wattie drinking and laughing. Wondering how nice it would be if he did say yes and Wattie her Lover could have a faithful brethren in the family.

"Vixen, I will meet with Tagem and will explain it to him. I have decided that we should meet beforehand. All the arrangements are set for the Ceremony. I will meet with you and your sister later. "Nancy spelled out over the PM.