

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Chapter 114

Tagem: lol! Back to both of them.

His attention never glanced in Samantha direction I noticed. Since she was Demon royalty and female. any thoughts could end up to a death sentence, I guess would deter any thoughts for any sexual act.

I did not tell anyone what I heard, for I thought it might come in handy at some time down the road if I keep that little secret to myself. Two women walked in laying out clothes. "You will wear these for the gathering," the one on the left said placing the materials on the table. One of the women passed the information to Catherine. The girls opened the boxes one by one showing off this white toga dress that looked like a regular dress in lesser light but see threw when a bright little applied on it at closer inspection.

I opened my box with the same type of material except being black in color and only covered the waist area. Looking like a man of the jungle type of outfit from the 1950's. My ladies showed me their costumes as they walked around the room. As I watched each of them admire each other in their outfits, noticing how lovely the three looked. The fabric was loose but flattering to their individual body types. Enhancing their assets. I changed myself into my shorts, I guess what you could call it but once on they were not a loose fitting as the ladies' attire. Mine hugged tightly showing my ass and my male parts prominently being very snug. Looked at Samantha "really?" She moved closer to me, placing her hand on my chest lowering it downwards until her hand was grasping my member. "Sorry Master but all males are to wear these cloths. They show any arousal of the men to allow the females to notice and deal with." As her hand slightly moved up and down causing me to harden to her touch. Feeling the growth rise she stopped as her face started to redden as a knock came from the entrance door.

Escorted to the room of the feast by the two who guarded the outside our door, one in front and one in the rear. Doors opened by the one guard in front as she bowed her head to the ladies in the group then stiffened for what looked to be a snarl on her lips as I passed.

Watching the expression of the demon guard, I could only shake my head as I entered the room. It was magnificent, the room lit up by touches, giving off the effect of a medieval period but with class. The lights gave a glow of warmth that filled the room making it feel warm and appealing. I took in the surroundings noticed that I was the only male to be present in costume.

All three girls sat at the location pointed out to them to sit as I, walk to the end of the table sat my ass down. The women in the room went stone cold as if all turned into statues then the High Priestess walked in a few seconds later through a door that was no door. From what I could tell it was a hologram of some sort, making a fake wall.

She approached the table since it was the only table in the room. Her white dress clanged to her from the waist up show off her impressive form with the bottom that swayed just about mid-thigh the way the outfits did with my girls.